Start now. Introduce your child to your beliefs from an early age and then allow them to grow in Christianity as they mature. They may not choose your religion as they age but early introduction will increase their odds of finding God at a young age and avoiding all the pitfalls of questioning Him. ready for the rude answers.
Sandy :O)
2007-11-21 08:36:00
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Some things about Christianity are really good.
85% of the world's wealth is owned by 10% of the world's population and 50% of the world's population own only 1% of the world's wealth. As a result billions are in desperate conditions and suffer endlessly.
Christianity has a strong anti-wealth message: "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go into the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 19:24, Mark 10:235, Luke 18:25
I would explain how the world is sick, because too many people are obsessed with weath, and as a result millions are starving and a lot of children can't go to school, but have to work hard all day. Then I would say how Christianity teaches that being obsessed with wealth is wrong, e.g:
"No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money." Luke 16:13:
If everyone thought like this the world would be a much better place.
2007-11-21 16:38:33
answer #2
answered by spamdumpuk2003 2
I would buy the book "Sleepy Time Rhymes-Lullabies and Prayers for Little Ones" by Helen Haidle. They have the sweetest lullabies and poems and usually a scripture verse to go with each one. You can start reading it to a baby. L. J. Sattgast's Rhyme Bible Storybook for Toddlers is great too.
There are some great dvds including the Veggie Tale series. I would take my child to Sunday school, vacation Bible school and also enroll them when they are 3 in the Awana program which is available through many churches. They wear cute vests and get badges and jewels for memorizing scripture. They do crafts, play games, etc and learn about Jesus.
I would make prayer and scripture reading part of my family life. I would not have television in my home, too much ungodliness.
I would show my child that you are concerned about your spiritual life and talk about God and Jesus during your day. Tell your child he/she really pleased God by sharing, helping, etc.
There are some children's cds that have great songs for children. If you can send your child to a Christian preschool or kindergarten program that would be great also.
God bless you and your child.
2007-11-21 17:25:14
answer #3
answered by jessalynn 3
At the same age you introduce all the other spiritual paths your child will learn about - as they come along, and as it feels right to you. If your child is tuning you out, they're not ready.
Most Christians I know begin introducing their children to their faith almost at birth, by reading 'bibles for children' and other such materials to them, and by taking them to church.
If you are not Christian, and are just concerned with introducing your child to spirituality, and religiious understanding, then you should talk about it when they start asking questions. Let your child guide you on this one. Kind of like the sex talk, or any other conversation that is maturity-sensitive. Kids are ready at different chronological ages.
Blessed Be!
2007-11-21 16:27:45
answer #4
answered by Katie Short, Atheati Princess 6
I am a member of the Church of Christ, (Romans 16:16), and my children were introduced to Christianity from the womb. They heard me singing to them all the time, and heard more sermons while inside me. When my oldest son was 9 years old, he decided to get baptized for the remission of his sins (Acts 2:38, 8:37-38). It was a surprise to me, because he hadn't discussed it with me, so I didn't even know he was interested, but you can best believe I was highly proud of him.
The best technique I can think of is just exposing your child to Bible stories and people who are knowledgeable in the Bible. When your child is old enough, he/she will make his/her mind as to what do to with the rest of his/her life. It wouldn't hurt if you became involved in this process for yourself either, as an example for your child. Children do what they see their parents doing, so set a good example for them to follow.
2007-11-21 16:32:19
answer #5
answered by kellygirlaj 4
From birth. You can't help influencing your child anyway because your example will speak volumes. But it's your job to train your child and teach him/her correct principles.
One thing from my church that helps a lot for families is having something called Family Home Evening. This is one night a week where family members get together, usually having a spiritual lesson, a fun activity, and/or a treat. It helps family members to spend more time together and also the family can learn the gospel together.
Also daily family prayer and daily family scripture study are good.
As I mentioned earlier, your child will learn a lot from your example, so make sure that you're doing the best you can at implementing the teachings of Jesus into your own life.
Best wishes!
2007-11-21 16:29:34
answer #6
answered by drshorty 7
Right when s/he is born. I was Christian born and I'm so thankful, even to this day. Get him/her baptized, attend church every week, and put your child into sunday school classes. I garuntee you that your child will learn everything that s/he needs to know and when questions come across they will surely come to you. That's when you can discuss Christianity or even before that is fine. Just remember to be a good Christian role model as their parent.
Hope I was a help.
2007-11-21 16:37:07
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If you are going to introduce religion to your child early on, I recommend NOT introducing things like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the tooth fairy.
Because when your child gets of age that they realize that these are all make believe things that you were faking for his enjoyment, then he/she will seriously begin to question your religious teachings as possible fiction.
2007-11-21 16:34:20
answer #8
answered by Colleen 2
Hopefully before the public school system starts teaching your child about Charles Darwin.
2007-11-21 16:34:32
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
We started from birth. Singing Jesus loves the little children and other songs. We listen to Christian music. We pray, so they see that. We go to church and they come with us.
As far as presenting the gospel, it sort of depends on the child I think. Our son asked at the age of 2, so we told him and he asked Jesus to be his savior then. I thought it was young, but I didn't want to tell him he couldn't.
There are children's books that explain the gospel. There are "resurrection eggs" that help explain it around easter time also.
2007-11-21 16:30:49
answer #10
answered by MikeM 6