global warming may be real but it is not our fault. its a natural occurrence that has happened many times you not remember el nino? and its already turning around to go back to normal. the only people that are making a big deal of this are the stupid politicians! quit believing it, it is not real!
2007-11-21 05:08:33
answer #1
answered by Baylee M 2
Only America? So China, which now emits more carbon dioxide than America and is increasing its emissions every day, can go on as usual? And all the other countries in the world can go on as usual too? And America only needs to cut back a little bit? You mean when the IPCC says the WHOLE WORLD must cut back 90% on all use of coal and oil they are exegarating? Because cutting 90% would take FAR FAR more than the little bit you are talking about. It would take things like 90% of the people going from California to New York would have to walk all the way instead of flying or driving. And similar cuts in every other use of energy would be needed. If you think you can stop the warming just by walking to the local market instead of driving, or changing to energy efficient lights, while still driving 500 miles to visit grandma, then you are dreaming. The 90% cuts that the IPCC is advocating would be the end of modern civilization. Even if everybody walked to the market, the food at the market gets there from farms 10 or 100 or 500 miles away by truck. 90% of those truck trips would have to stop. So you would have to walk to the nearest farm (10 or 100 or 500 miles away) to get food to eat. Either that or the farmer would have to walk to your market, carrying thousands of pounds of food while he walked. And if you get sick or hurt you have to walk to the hospital. OK, if you get hurt 10 times you only have to walk 9 times. The 10th time you can ride the ambulance. And so much more that we do would have to make the 90% cuts that the IPCC says we need.
2007-11-21 07:02:57
answer #2
answered by campbelp2002 7
You can move back into a cave and get rid of all your cars and electrical appliances (including your computer) but it won't stop global warming.
It's a natural process. Somehow politicians have convinced the very ignorant that they are causing global warming. I really didn't know people could fall for such a hoax, but there are still a few who are convinced, believe it or not.
And tell me this. When we get back into a cooling period, will you be happy? You should read some magazine articles that came out during the 70's. The front page of Time said we were all going to die by the 90's. Everyone was convinced we were going into an ice age. It's just the same hysteria being recycled from a different angle. This hysteria comes up when politicians feel they need more control over people's activities. You won't see any of them reduce their energy output. They are the elite. You peons should walk to work while Gore and his ilk fly private jets. Figure it out. Falling for this myth will hurt you eventually, while the planet will continue on as it has for millions of years.
2007-11-21 05:19:57
answer #3
answered by Anonymous 7
It is harmful to the truth to "believe" in something. It would be nice if people would educate themselves more but that is pipe dream. Too often the politically and scientifically ignorant are too eager to follow the bandwagon and latest craze that they check their skepticism at the door. Noone believes we can stop GW. Even the most ardent GW alarmists suggests that the best we can do is slow it down. In my opinion, the best we could do is focus our valuable resources on more important problems. Global warming is more a power grab by the political left than it is about science.
2007-11-21 08:01:09
answer #4
answered by JimZ 7
No, we can't. Past global maximums have all been on the order of 3 degrees Celsius than current temperatures, and there is no reason to believe that the maximum to be reached by the current warming trend will be any lower than this. Any man made effect would be additive to this, so no mater what we do, it is going to get hotter. Better get ready for it.
2007-11-21 11:06:49
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You can't stop something that is a natural occurrence. The Earth goes through cyclical climate changes and nothing you can do will alter that.
YOU could be better informed so as not to sound like such a twit.
Christians (of ALL churches!) don't need to worry about global warming, because they realize that such things are in God's hands and not man's.
We CAN stop global WHINING!!!
2007-11-21 07:01:30
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It'll take a lot more than taking a walk now and then, but I learned something , Christians are the cause of Global warming? I remember reading about someone like that in 1939. Obviously ,like it or not , right or wrong, Cristians do believe in something.
2007-11-21 05:21:46
answer #7
answered by Pat W 1
You're talking about pollution, not global warming.
Get off the blame kick - this is a global, cross cultural problem. Unless you're living in mud hut surviving off of the land, everyone is contributing to the excessive POLLUTION which is making our WORLD less livable.
2007-11-21 06:18:38
answer #8
answered by J F 6
I want to buy some carbon offsets like Al Gore, so I don't have to change the way I live, but feel better about my contribution to Global Warming.
2007-11-21 05:14:25
answer #9
answered by Mars Hill 5
Christains??? lol, don't think that has a bearing
We cannot stop global warming. it is a natural phenomea that we have made much, much worse.
Christians have a powerful base of feeling the need to protect what was given us to use, not abuse and the definition of Christian is "believing in ...(can u finish this sentence?)
2007-11-21 05:14:15
answer #10
answered by paigespirate 4
You should realize that stopping global warming is just as dangerous as the situation we are in now. You don't want to stop it because it's a natural cycle of the planet. You just want to slow it down because anthropogenic (human) activities have made it speed up. The speed of warming is the dangerous part.
2007-11-21 05:08:06
answer #11
answered by Master C 6