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What Temperature Transducers are used for:-

•Engine Exhaust Gas Monitoring

•Engine Temperature at/near the Combustion Chamber

•Cabin Temperature

please give me full name.

i am so pissed-off, i can't find this information any where

help me out...Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-11-20 04:21:27 · 1 answers · asked by Abdul-Hasib Matloob 2 in Science & Mathematics Engineering

1 answers

I am not sure of the answers because engineers may use different methods for measuring temperatures depending on exactly what they are looking at. In general, high temperatures in engine exhaust and combustion chambers can be measured using thermocouples, infrared (IR) detectors or optical pyrometers. Lower temperatures (cabin temperature) can be measured using these same methods and by using RTDs (resistance temperature device), thermisttors, or a simple thermometer. There are other temperature measurement methods as well such as using a material which changes it's physical properties as a function of temperature, placing a sample of this material in the environment you wnat to study, run the test, then analyze how much the sample changed.

I hope this is some help.

2007-11-20 04:32:48 · answer #1 · answered by Gary H 7 · 2 0

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