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Still fuming after this morning walk.

2007-11-20 02:08:12 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

Since some asked, picture this: Narrow residential street, 5 month old *timid* Sheltie walking next to me (attached with a very short lead to my waist) behind a stroller. This is a training exercise for her. Periodically, I stop the stroller and bring her behind the stroller with me, so people can pass.

At one point, two children come from behind pulling those racket making book bags on wheels. (The kind that are banned in some schools.) Behind them is a man I suspect is their father. It's a little too much for my dog, so we stop to let them pass.

The idiot man says something like: "He likes to chase kids." as my dog is cowering between me and the stroller and deliberately ignores my correction: "No, she is afraid of those noisy book bags." Argh!

2007-11-20 02:45:27 · update #1

42 answers

I used to have a big old behemoth of a mixed breed. She hated children. Couldn't stand them and would snap at them. I avoided places like parks and stores where you would normally see kids because of this.

One day while out walking through my neighborhood some little girl, looked to be 5 or 6, ran up and tried to pet my dog. I body blocked her (put myself between the kid and the dog) and told her she couldn't pet the dog because it would bite. The kids mother, who had been sitting in the yard, told me that my dog would not bite and that ALL dogs are friendly to children. It took me 15 minutes to back my dog up the road far enough, keeping myself between her and the brat, to get the idiot parent to stop following me insisting that I let her kid pet my dog.

Edit: Dogcrazy, I would have loved to just because it pissed me off so much. However, I wasn't about to risk my dogs life just to prove a point to an arrogant b**** and her brat.

2007-11-20 02:16:20 · answer #1 · answered by fluffy_aliens 5 · 8 0

Well, "is that a weimerhiney?" comes to mind... I have a fawn doberman who is the same color as a weimaraner. Doesnt matter that she's there with my other two dobermans facing the other direction with her obviously orange butt showing next to my black/rust male with both of their ears standing up.... Also, when people find out she's not a weimerhiney, they jump back like a snake bit them except that they've been petting and loving on her for the last 10 mins. I also get a lot of "dont their brains grow too big for their sculls and they turn on people?" or "your just a girl why do you have dobermans" and my favorite, the other day a lady with a 130lb 25in at the shoulder lab told me my dogs were too skinny and I should be charged with animal cruelty for starving my dogs.... who are all in perfect weight and extremely athletic. Never mind that her dog couldnt walk 10 feet without having to lay down and catch its breath, or that it was only a year old... grrr I think making your dog obese should carry the same punishment as starving your dog. It's called killing with kindness... Anyway, I have a breed that gets a lot of either rude or just plain moronic comments and questions.... I also get a lot of pinch collar or e-collar comments, too bad people dont understand what great tools these can be when used properly. Especially when you have 3 strong willed 70lb year old dogs.....

2007-11-20 11:48:21 · answer #2 · answered by Jordie0587 *Diesel's Momma* 5 · 1 0

What happened on the morning walk? I get several very ignorant things regularly; here are a couple:
1) Arguments to prove my dog is some funky breed or another.
2) "He's just a puppy, there's no need for him to heel"
3) "I'm not scared of him, he can't hurt me too much he's just a puppy" (These are usually replies to me requesting that a person not approach because his aggression.)
4) "You're mean for not letting him run in front of you and pull and act like an idiot"
I could go on forever but I won't.:D

2007-11-20 02:25:00 · answer #3 · answered by Scelestus Unus 5 · 2 0

What happened? My dog is a very handsome man so people usually make comments about the type of collar i have on him when I take him for walks. I use a pinch collar because he weighs 75lbs and if he wanted too, he could drag me down the street. People always think that these collars will break the skin or cause the dog pain but that's not true. People can be so uninformed, it's exasperating.

2007-11-20 02:15:54 · answer #4 · answered by Luca's Mom 4 · 5 0

My youngest lab is slightly afraid of children. We don't have kids and I haven't had him around that many kids - I've since worked very hard at correcting this.

When he sees small children, he hids behind me. He's 85lbs.

An ignorant man and his child came up to him on a walk and said kept trying to pet him. I said, he's afraid of children. Please leave him alone. The man said " let my kid give him a hug, that will fix him." I said, look, I don't think he will hurt your child but my dog is nervous, I highly suggest your child NOT hug my dog.

What an idiot....


No, our house does not stink. We have 5 dogs.

No we are not crazy because we have 5 dogs.

My personal favorite -
We did not start "collecting dogs" because I could not have children. =) Yes - that has been said or asked to me several times - By people AND members of my family. Nice huh?

2007-11-20 02:57:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

You know, I think the most annoying comments I get are at the dog park.

I have a border collie who LOVES to herd. Since we don't have any sheep, the family pitches in to get her to the dog park at least four to five times a week so she can herd her little heart out. Well, owners at the dog park sometimes get very touchy about having their dog herded. I've had people tell me that my dog was "aggressive" and "annoying" and "shouldn't be doing that to other dogs".

Sorry, but that's her breed! Nothing anyone can do about it. The only ones who are tolerant of her behavior are the people's dogs!!!

The other really annoying thing I get is: "Ohmigosh, a border collie? Watch out, they have a lot of energy!"

I'm glad people here are educated about the breed, but really honestly, I KNOW they have a lot of energy. I do live with her.

And lately, though this doesn't pertain to my dog, the most annoying thing I've been dealing with is at the shelter I volunteer with. We get a lot of people coming in and telling us they aren't sure they want to adopt because they don't want to go through what Ellen went through. I do like Ellen and all, and I think she's great and funny and her heart is in the right place, but people can be so STUPID! Unless they are planning on adopting a dog and giving it away (what is the point of adopting in the first place then?) they ARE NOT going to go through what Ellen went through.

And FURTHERMORE, I HATE HATE HATE when people at the dog park are using spray bottles and screaming at their dogs (almost ALWAYS boxers) for playing roughly. IT IS A DOG.

I need to go take a breather.

2007-11-20 02:45:31 · answer #6 · answered by Fur and Fiction 6 · 3 0

My dog was a whippet pitbull cross.

I had her on a leash and she started to bolt towards this creepy looking dude on the trail, and I had to hold her close on her leash. He told me she was a menace to society and dogs like her kill small children.

She tells this to me, about an hour after she was licking the face and cuddling with a 4 year old boy in a wheelchair at the local pet store.


Second best happened to my ex.
He had a 100 lb Rottie who was a sweetheart! She would cuddle and lick you to death! One day someone through meat across the yard with poison in it and he saw her take it in one bite. Nervous, he watched her and within 10 minutes she was comatose and foaming at the mouth. He took the fastest cab he could to the vet who REFUSED TO TREAT HER because the COMATOSE DOG didn't have a muzzle on and might bite. He had to go to a pet store, buy a muzzle and come back, praying his baby girl didn't die. And when I say comatose, I mean the thing was moments from dying, foaming at the mouth and had not an ounce of consiousness.

2007-11-20 02:22:41 · answer #7 · answered by bpbjess 5 · 3 0

My Pit Woodie who sadly had to be put down because of cancer got the most comments that made me want to scream when I would have him in the truck beside me, or walking him.
Is that a Pitbull? My response, No, it's a rabbit, he just wanted to wear his Bully outfit today!
Do you fight him? My response, Do you fight your kids?
Why do you own a Pit? My response, Just so idiots like you can stand around asking me idiotic questions?!
And of course without even so much of me asking the advice,
I would never own a Pitbull! They're vicious! They're for fighting! My response, When you graduate from preschool lady then let me know....only an ignorant person such as yourself gives unwanted and unneeded advice

2007-11-20 03:11:35 · answer #8 · answered by skydancer_2489 3 · 3 0

Not to me, but to a friend of mine. She encountered a self-proclaimed expert in a pet supply once that was insisting that "it wasn't a real Akita if it didn't have a black mask." Um, I guess the pure white b"tch (Mt. Joy's Shades of Wynter Komaru) that was best of opposite at Westminster two years in a row a year or so back wasn't a real akita, then, nor all of the classic Japanese dogs that don't have black masks. I haven't had that happen, but I have had people ask me if mine are Huskies or wolves.

2007-11-20 02:42:06 · answer #9 · answered by drb 5 · 2 0

Most people run away from our dalmatian patch who is set off barking by our toy (non-pedigree) yorkie (Who we rescued from a pet shop in italy when he was around 1-2 weeks old and he had no teeth and we fed him on condensed milk). Everyone is scared of patch because he barks at strangers and jumps around but he is the friendliest dog in the world lol. People call our dogs mongrels because they are both cross-breeds. I HATE it when people do that, they are no different if not better than pedigrees. Crosses live longer, have less breed conditions bred into them and are smarter sometimes E.g shih tzu crossed with jack russel terrier-JRT's arent the smartest dog but some of the smartness can go into the puppies. the end :D

Seeing someones comment about the rottweilers, I had a rottweiler puppy, He barked his head off at this chav in a hood when i walked him to my brothers school.. I miss him so much.. My mum gave him away because he was "too much" >.< He was so friendly, Never any trouble to me.. >.<

2007-11-20 02:22:18 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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