Here's the deal: sugar DOES affect ADHD. Carbohydrates turn into instant sugar, so putting him on a limited carb (not low carb, but limited) diet that includes only carbohydrates high in fiber could be beneficial. Also, eliminate all unnatural sugars--fruits and veggies are fine and use them as a special treat only. One thing that helped my nephew at age 6 was to give him a can of diet mountain dew (regular caffeine) and it calmed him down and helped him to work better--caffeine is a stimulant and with people who truly have ADHD, their brain works in reverse with stimulants. Insead of getting hyper or awake when caffeine is given, it helps them focus. Similarly, Benadryl makes them go off the walls! Another thing we found was that by going organic for as many things as possible, he got much better. The final thing that helped him was eliminating foods with artificial dyes in them. Particularly red and blue. This is why companies are eliminating dyes--a lot of kids are allergic or sensitive to them. I'd get him in to a reading specialist, get him an organizer, and change his diet before getting him "diagnosed" with ADHD.
2007-11-19 07:04:15
answer #1
answered by Sit'nTeach'nNanny 7
So he acted out, got in trouble, that makes him possibly having an illness? They say now that ADHD is more or less a label for slow-developers. And there are alot of kids who struggle with reading and spelling throughout grade-school. I know, I remembered. I was a excellent speller and a quick reader, while some struggle with every other word and take longer to read something. Everyone develops at different rates. Whether your doctor knows anything about ADHD doesn't matter. ADHD is a very vague term. What matters depends how quick is he to diagnose...that's what you should be wary of.
It's not just sugar. Sugar is just one that everyone knows make people hyper. At least for a little but. Gluten and dairy are usually the other suspects, as well as additives in processed food. Or it could be an allergy to something in the diet or environment. Or another underlying health problem.
And surprisingly enough, stimilants can possibly help hyperactivity symptoms. ADHD drugs are usually stimulants, and caffeine is a stimulant...
2007-11-19 15:17:06
answer #2
answered by jm7 5
I know for a fact that to much sugar isn't good. BUT it does not cause the child to be hyper. It could be possible your child is NOT ADHD but dyslexi or something along those lines. ADHD, LD, ADD, AD and all others who are in those categories are not slow children. They just learn different. I can say something on that Simply because I am a LD and Dsylexic student and I have been in honors and regulars classes and have passed with flying colors.
Children with adhd need to be kept busy other wise outcomes like computer classes will accrue. Get him involved with a sport or something of some kind. It will get him focused and all his engery will go towards that. If he likes it use it to your advantage and explain good grades will equal his chances to play.
Mostly at this age children are not reading. They are memorizing. I used to read whole books simply because i would memories what they said but not how to read. My nephew is 6 and isn't reading. The teachers shouldn't be trying to cram it in there heads. It makes the child not want to learn.
The sugar thing is something that is put into his head. Like yawning, Its pycological. If you yawn infront of a baby they don't yawn back. But if you do infront of a adult they do. Simply because we say thats why. Same thing in your sons case. He has been told sugar equals hyper. So he acts up. UNLESS he doesn't get sugar at home then he would be uunsure of whats going on in his body.
It could possibly be that he is bored in class or doesn't learn the way the teacher is teaching There are three ways of learning, Listening, Seeing, and doing. Most teachers only teach by listening and never by the other two. Which causes children to act up. For me to understand i have to have all three. If you son is diagnossed with Adhd get him into the classes. They will help just make sure you make sure this teacher that helps him isn't a joke. Or your son will never learn. And keep him involved with the regulars classes as well other wise he will think there is something really wrong with him and fall into the crowd of children who say "I am sick help me." And thats bad. I have seen it happen.
2007-11-19 13:36:47
answer #3
answered by Piper Ice 2
Actually caffeine IS good for kids with ADHD. It does just the opposite of what it would do to you or I.
I think that honestly food does play a major part in ADD and ADHD.
Try elminating all refined sugars. If you can even try the GFCF diet and see if he doesn't dramatically improve.
Read Children with Starving Brains.
2007-11-20 00:04:27
answer #4
answered by jmlmmlmll 3
Absolutely - and what a bright child to recognize his own trigger. It may have been the sugar, fat or other additive in the foods he ate prior to class. There is a book called "Back to Eden" by Klauss it has a great elimination diet that helps identify food triggers and allergies. Try eliminating processed foods and giving him more whole foods like fresh fruits, veggies and whole grain breads - it can make a huge difference. My oldest had lots of trouble concentrating after lunch and we did as I recommend to you and found she was reacting to milk and white flour when we eliminated the triggers her grades went up and we never needed to hassle with the meds or side effects. Hope you find a solution that works as well. Good Luck!
2007-11-19 15:39:37
answer #5
answered by Walking on Sunshine 7
There could be a number of reasons.You'd be best to Google in your question.He could also be Dyslexic.Of course food plays a part.He is only seven for goodness sake.Another reason for keeping him off the sweet stuff would be the tendency towards Diabetes.As I said get professional advice from a doctor and Dietician. Good Luck!
2007-11-19 13:25:27
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Sugar and caffeine can add to the hyperactivity, so I'd avoid those. Other than that, food shouldn't really play a part. No other food can add to not being able to pay attention. But sugar and caffeine will affect your child more than other children.
2007-11-19 13:25:21
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Possible rewards for good behavior:
1. PRAISE—verbal commendation for a job well done; expressed appreciation for good behavior, accompanied with love, hugs, and warmth in facial expressions.
2. CHART SYSTEM—prominently displayed, with attractive stickers or stars to encourage good behavior.
3. LIST OF GOOD THINGS—of acceptable and praiseworthy accomplishment. Each time the child does something well, no matter how small at first, write it down, and read it to a family member.
4. BEHAVIOR BAROMETER—depending on the age of the child, adding beans or jelly beans to a jar when the child does something well (tangible reinforcement). The object is to establish a point system for granting a reward that might include something that the family was going to do anyway, such as going to a movie, skating, or eating at a restaurant. Rather than stressing to the child: “If you don’t behave, we won’t go,” try: “If you do behave, we will go.” The key is to change negative thinking into positive thinking, while allowing a reasonable time for change to take place.
OVER the years several treatments have been proposed for ADHD. Some of these have focused on diet. However, some studies suggest that food additives do not usually cause hyperactivity and that nutritional solutions are often ineffective. Other methods of treating ADHD are medication, behavior modification, and cognitive training.
Medication. Since ADHD apparently involves a brain malfunction, medication for restoring the proper chemical balance has proved helpful to many. However, medication does not take the place of learning. It merely helps the child focus his attention, giving him a foundation upon which to learn new skills.
Many adults with ADHD have likewise been aided by medication. However, caution is in order—with youths and adults—since some stimulant medication used to treat ADHD can be addictive.
Behavior modification. A child’s ADHD does not absolve parents from the obligation to discipline. Though the child may have special needs in this regard, the Bible admonishes parents: “Train up a boy according to the way for him; even when he grows old he will not turn aside from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) In her book Your Hyperactive Child, Barbara Ingersoll notes: “The parent who simply gives up and lets his hyperactive child ‘run wild’ does the child no favor. Just like any other child, the hyperactive child needs consistent discipline coupled with respect for the child as a person. This means clear limits and appropriate rewards and penalties.”
It is therefore important that parents provide solid structure. Furthermore, there should be a strict routine in daily activities. Parents may wish to give the child some latitude in making up this schedule, including a time for homework, study, bath, and so forth. Then be consistent in following through. Make sure that the daily routine is adhered to. Phi Delta Kappan notes: “Physicians, psychologists, school officials, and teachers have an obligation to the child and the child’s parents to explain that the classification of ADD or ADHD is not a license to get away with anything, but rather an explanation that may lead to legitimate help for the child in question.”
Cognitive training. This includes helping the child to change his view of himself and his disorder. “People with attention-deficit disorder feel ‘ugly, stupid, and bad’ even if they are attractive, intelligent, and good-hearted,” observes Dr. Ronald Goldberg. Therefore, the child with ADD or ADHD needs to have a proper view of his worth, and he needs to know that his attention difficulties can be managed. This is especially important during adolescence. By the time a person with ADHD reaches the teenage years, he may have experienced much criticism from peers, teachers, siblings, and perhaps even from parents. He now needs to set realistic goals and to judge himself fairly rather than harshly.
The above approaches to treatment can also be pursued by adults with ADHD. “Modifications are necessary based on age,” writes Dr. Goldberg, “but the underpinnings of treatment—medication where appropriate, behavior modification, and cognitive [training]—remain valid approaches throughout the life cycle.”
Reduction in GLUTEN PRODUCTS and Processed Foods Sugar sometime has been effective.
2007-11-19 13:27:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
HI Hunny, sorry to hear your son may have A.D.H.D......I personally think certain foods do contribute to a child's eldest son couldn't have chocolate it made hI'm unbearably naughty, also both my sons couldn't have Sunny Delight it made them totally hyper.
Just keep trying certain foods Babe n see what the reactions are, im sure you will be able to sort out a great diet for your son to ease the behaviour problems....GOOD LUCK HUNNY XX
2007-11-19 13:26:06
answer #9
answered by LITTLE NUGGET 3
In true ADHD Sugar and Caffine do not increase hyper activity. Caffine often actually decreases it.
2007-11-19 13:24:31
answer #10
answered by jimmattcait 3