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I have been asking a couple of questions here in Yahoo about DATING in Colombia and I have been repeatedly called a pervert and was threatened by many people who said they wanted to put me in jail. I never talked about sex in my questions nor I said anything illegal. After this experience it seems to me most Americans either do NOT know how to read or they have a fixation on sex. I just can't understand why Americans have such perverted thoughts and they try to project them onto others like me who never said anything about sex on our questions. It's sad Americans have such an obsession with sex and are so perverted. I'm guessing their perversion in due to the high level of repression in which they live in the US. I wonder why their soldiers rape so many iraqui women and the women soldiers have fun with the prisoners at Abhu Grahib. It's so sad. They have forgotten their Christian values.

2007-11-19 05:09:26 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Latin America Other - Latin America

11 answers

You have to undertand America is a sexually repressed society and sex is seen as dirty and immoral. I know you never mentioned sex in any of your questions but Americans tend to associate dating with sex.

They believe the only reason a man wants to be with a woman is sex. They also believe women want to be with men because of $$$.

Americans can't understand the concept of dating for sentimental reasons only, as most Americans do not think in terms of human values as most Latinos do. In other words, most Americans see dating and marriage as a business in which you exchange money for sex.

That's why when you post a question that is literally innocent, they interpret it in a perverted way. You're right, the perversion is in their brain and not on yours.

Also, since you seem to be Latino, you are definitely aware that people, especially in South America, don't discriminate on the basis of age when choosing a partner. Americans usually discriminate on the basis of age, race and social status so that's why they're being so unfair with you here.

I have never been to Colombia but judging from what happens in other countries around the world, a 26 year old would be considered ideal for a 14 year old if they love each other and have the same emotional age.

Women in Latin countries mature very fast and men do not, for some reason. So, I don't think you're asking anything strange here but you have to understand Americans have a different culture and specially a lot of media paranoia so you better be patient with them.

Some people mentioned attraction to teen girls is against Christian teachings, where did they read that? There is absolutely no place in the Blible where that is mentioned. The Bible actually condones these types of relationships when it talks about adult men marrying very young women without pointing out it's immoral.

Again, please be patient with Americans. While most of the world conceives the world as a place where peace, freedom, tolerance and love must prevail, Americans are still thinking in Napoleonic terms of war, repression, intolerance and hate.

It will take a couple of decades before they can catch up with Latin America in human terms so, again, be patient and may God bless you for your idealism and courage in this world of ignorance and intolerance.

2007-11-19 15:44:22 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 7

I was one of the ones that asked Dwight that VERY question. Here is the letter he sent to me. You decide for yourself.

From: Dwight T

Subject: You don't live in Colombia

Message: I'm sure as hell you don't live in Colombia or you belong to the upper class. It's acceptable and common for a 26 y/o guy to date a 14 y/o man in most of South America. I don't know what your intentions are when you say the opposite. You're probably an americanized type of girl that has been brainwashed by the media and have forgotten that Mary was 14 when she was impregnated by the Holy Spirit, her husband Joseph was 36 years old. Maybe you're not even Christian. We Christians should follow the Lord and if he considers ok relationships with 14 year old girls, then it is ok. Besides, it is normal from naturalist standpoint too. In a relationhip the most important thing is emotional/mental compatibility and a 26 year old and a 14 year old girl might be on the same frequency. You probably are a 40 year old and jealous of these girls because they are more beautiful and more romantic than you. Why do you speak English? I'm sure have lived in the US long enough to be brainwashed by the media and its lies.

2007-11-19 10:23:23 · answer #2 · answered by Abolir Las Farc 6 · 5 0

The thing is that eventought I agree with the problem the soldiers cause to many iraqi women, a normal person won't support that regardless of what they are. They are there to fight not to rape and if they rape, then they lost their respect and name if you ask me.

The reason why someone called you a pervert, is because you are posting questions regarding dating a 14 year old in Colombia. That is called pedophilia as you are an adult.

Oh and I am a LatinAmerican so I know the societies in LatinAmerica and have been here (USA) long enough so I know the society here too. In USA and in Colombia, you are going to be seen as a pervert because you are too old for little 14-year old girls. 14- years olds date 14/15 year old kids.

U willl have much trouble with her family. You never talked about sex but when you date, it leads to sex, Am I wrong?

2007-11-19 07:50:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 8 0

"Dating" a 14 years old is pervert and you should go to either jail or to see a shrink. Find someone your age, unless there's some sickness in you which doesn't let you do so.
Dont mix the Iraq war with your pervertions. You show NO Christian values whatsoever, dating a teenager is sick and shows sign of sexual repression.
Cant you see from all these answers that everyone says it's wring and yet you cant see its wrong? There's something wrong in YOU, not in us.

2007-11-19 10:19:52 · answer #4 · answered by McKintosh 3 · 6 0

Yes, looking at the comments from Bogota Co, I'll throw my 2 cents in here, as an American of Colombian/German descent who has visited friends and family in Colombia on over 20 trips during the past 30+ years. I am also engaged to a Colombian woman. I am more in touch with Colombian culture and society than you will ever hope to be.

I can assure you wholly and completely that an adult dating a 14 year old is not accepted anywhere in the country. It is not accepted among the upper classes of society, it is not accepted among the middle classes of society, and it is not accepted by the lower classes. It is not accepted by Bogotanos, it is not accepted by campesinos. Its is not accepted by costenos, it is not accepted by paisas. It is not accepted en los Llanos, it is not accepted en la zona Cafetera.

Do not think that you can come to mi tierra in hopes of meeting some pre-pubescent girl. That practice is not only unwelcome, but anyone thinking they can visit Colombia for an encounter such as what perverts travel to Thailand for is sadly mistaken.

2007-11-19 10:39:54 · answer #5 · answered by 2007_Shelby_GT500 7 · 9 0

Hey man, I'm NOT american, I'm colombian and live in Colombia and if you come here looking for underaged girls, to me that is SICK! You are asking for younger girls to "date", yeah man, as if we will buy that. And even if you dont have anything sexual in your mind, the fact that you want to go out with teenagers or girls looking like teenagers tell us THAT YOU'RE SICK AND ARE A PERVERT!!! So dont come and tell us (you or your alter ego Pirate of damascus) that it's all in our dirty minds.... if you cant find what's wrong with you while the rest of the people do find there's something wrong, then YOU NEED HELP.
There's nothing wrong with Americans, there is something wrong with you. Posting this in Brazil, then Colombia, who's next? Bolivia????

And we dont buy this help coming from Pirate of Damascus, it is SO obvious that it's you all over!!!!

2007-11-20 01:51:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 8 0

Because you are a creepy freak that sounds like he wants to go on an underage sex tour of South America. I know you are not asking about sex, just dating. How stupid do you think people are? Do you enjoy the company of 14 year old girls? yes, I read your other questions. Stay in your country, don't come to mine.

2007-11-19 13:22:53 · answer #7 · answered by nicolas d 1 · 5 1

I'm sorry Dwight but don't mix religion with your intentions. Christian values dont dictate older men to date younger women, period. And it's kind of spooky that you keep posting the same question in many countries, first Brazil, now Colombia. I've worked and lived in Argentina, Peru, Chile and Uruguay and I've never seen this, not in lower classes either. It is NOT common. Full stop.

Pirate of Damascus are you Dwight??? Only you could defend yourself! It's so pathetic... get help please.

2007-11-19 07:24:19 · answer #8 · answered by Love thy neighbour 7 · 6 2

I take it you're not American.

If you ask about 'dating' a child, it may have different connotations so you need to be careful.

The problem is, people see so many horrible things happening today that they can't help but think the worst.

Don't take it personal, you may be a very nice guy but people here don't know that. And you certainly sound peculiar to say the least.

Actually, I don't think American people are sexually repressed... Just the opposite..

2007-11-19 05:20:48 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

Looks like there's lots of Americans denying their nationality here.ROFL :) dude, love has no age in south america so don't listen to these folks, they're probably angry at you because they can't have a young girlfriend.

2007-11-20 10:20:10 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 6

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