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what makes you follow it?
what do you like/ dislike about it?
what are some constraints that u have to follow daily?
just interested........!!!

2007-11-17 21:37:48 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

30 answers

Noboby makes me I chose to
I am happy with out being in a narrow minded church
To live.

2007-11-17 21:50:49 · answer #1 · answered by barcode soul (almost suspended) 5 · 2 0

I always thought religion was outdated and for oldies. Till I came to know about Islam.
Ofcourse, I cant believe what I do just because I am told to. I have reverted to Islam and the reasons are many.

Islam is the only religion which has the true concept of God. All other religions worship either human beings or clay statues. These have created god, while in fact, God is our Creator. Great difference.

Islam upholds the dignity of women. The so called "degradation" of women is only a media hype. IF you read the Qu'ran you will understand what I'm saying. Prophet Muhammad said : "The best of you are those who are best to their wives." He also said :"Paradise lies under the feet of the mother."

There are numerous scientific facts mentioned in the Qur'an, for example, the earth is round (not flat), the sun will extinguish after a certain period of time, living things are created from moslty water, there is a barrier between the sea (salty and sweet), big bang theory, and many many more. This was 1400 years ago when there was nothing like science!

The Qur'an says :
If you want to prove this book wrong, find just one contradiction in it.
Till date, no one has been able to find a single contradiction, whereas ALL the other religious scriptures have tons of contradictions! Surely, a book revealed by God cant have a contradiction. This is the falsification test of the Qur'an which science uses today fpr many theories.

We believe in the Day of Judgment, when everyone will be questioned abou their short life on earth.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world despite the great propaganda against it. Dozens of christian and catholic priests and saints enter the religion, but you will hardly find an islamic scholar leaving the religion.

The Qur'an says :
'The religion in the sight of God is Islam."
Thus, if you live in this age and period, the religion to follow is Islam.
There is immense peace, happiness and tranquility in islam.

The best part is that Islam is exactly the opposite of what I thought it was !

2007-11-17 23:23:58 · answer #2 · answered by qs 3 · 0 0

I am a Hindu, because I was born as a hindu.
I like everything in Hinduism, the traditions, the culture, the communities, the practises, the history of it, the no.of gods, and more...
As of now, I dont find anything that I dont like in it.
About the constraints, there are no specific constraints of daily living by the religion. It purely depends on their communities.

The most I like about my religion is its view towards the others "Sarve Janaa Sukhino Bhavantu." (May all live in peace).

2007-11-17 22:02:19 · answer #3 · answered by vinay 3 · 0 0

Oh, this is one of those questions that guarantee a thumbs down. I was raised in a very organised religion where I went to three times each week. I also had a home study as a teen to teach me the proper way to present myself. I stopped going in my late teens. Later, I developed some pretty lame hobbies and I was able to draw on the hope I learned there. I will never speak against any religion. I think everyone should have a chance to view all choices before deciding.

2007-11-17 21:51:51 · answer #4 · answered by daisyjzmum 4 · 1 0

What is ur religion and why?

Human Being coz i am a human being

what makes you follow it?

Love & Happiness

what do you like/ dislike about it?

I like coz it is simple/dislike... not many understand this.

what are some constraints that u have to follow daily?

Help people make understand the concept of life happiness and simple pleasures.

2007-11-17 21:42:03 · answer #5 · answered by boyklitz 3 · 1 2

I believe in the gospel of Good Grammar, and you are a heretic.

Those who slip into the false, loose, ways of "text", abandoning the good rules of our forefathers concerning punctuation and capitals in their iniquity, are deserving of the most terrible punishment.
Which indeed is visited upon them all unknowing.
(Since they know not how they appear to others.)


Well, actually I'm an Ex-Christian atheist,
I read and studied the bible too much to believe it any more.
That really means I have no religion.
I would prefer a simpler view of the world, could I be convinced that any of those offered are actually true.

No constraints, bar social and legal conventions which it's my total personal responsibility to keep or break, and live with the consequences.
(Including deciding whether the first paragraph above was tongue-in cheek and fair, or just a bit cruel.)

2007-11-17 21:55:05 · answer #6 · answered by Pedestal 42 7 · 0 0

First, it was handed to me from my generation . I does'nt show cause to change it because i couldnt find anything wrong with it. Dislike? nothing. Like? Everything. There is no constraints but i see to it that what I do is right and always remember that there is God , the creator of this world and the Allmighty one.

2007-11-17 21:50:56 · answer #7 · answered by mandala_04 2 · 0 0

I am Paganagh (Scots Celtic Recon Pagan)

I follow it because I finally found a name for what I beleived all along. I haven't changed my beleifs.

I like it because it's mine and it doesn't constrain me.

I don't have any daily constraints, I am only to live for the betterment of my community, my family and myself

2007-11-17 21:53:59 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Christian ... I like it because it is the only religion that believes in a living God and his living messanger, his Son Jesus Christ. All other religions are either based on a dead prophet or on mythology.
As for constraints, I do not feel I have none ... I am only constrained by own efforts to grow, and that is something is slowly developed by time and through my experiences with God. I experience full freedom.
I hope this helps.. God bless.

2007-11-17 21:51:31 · answer #9 · answered by copticphoenix 3 · 0 1

Christian... An Seventh-Day Adventist Christian...
I like it because of the health message, following the Bible's health principles especially with what God said what food is good and what is not good for us. Plus I try to do what is good and right... And What Would Jesus Do... Plus the Church has a club, "Pathfinders", where we go on trips, camping, outdoor stuff, survival skills. Similar to Scouts.

2007-11-18 00:27:26 · answer #10 · answered by gg 2 · 0 0

Nothing MAKES me. I was called by the gods and honored that I was
Umm...I don't dislike anything really. I feel completly at home and comfortable with all of the aspects of my faith.
No contraints I don't suppose. I live my life with honor. As long as I do that, everything else falls into place.

2007-11-18 14:27:00 · answer #11 · answered by ~Heathen Princess~ 7 · 0 0

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