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A fair look at the evidence shows that humans are optimized for eating exclusively plant foods, and not meat.

Human anatomy: We're most similar to other herbivores, and drastically different from carnivores.

Longevity & health: The more meat we eat, the sicker we get. Meat is poison to us. It's the primary reason we get heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and every other major degenerative disease. If eating meat were natural, it wouldn't destroy our health.

Physical performance: People have much better endurance when they don't eat meat -- whether they're professional athletes or not.

There are three types of animals

Meat Eaters
Plant Eaters
Fruit Eaters

Meat eaters have sharp teeth (Canine teeth) to pierce tough hide and to spear and tear flesh
Plant and Fruit Eaters have Molars (flat, back teeth) for grinding their food.

Humans have more Molar teeth however also have 4 sharp teeth’s.

2007-11-17 21:25:27 · 18 answers · asked by ? 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Hence god has given us the flexibility to have non vegetarian, however our body is designed to eat plants and fruits only.

Human characteristics are in every way like the fruit eaters, very similar to the grass- eater, and very unlike the meat eaters.

The human digestive system, tooth and jaw structure, and bodily functions are completely different from carnivorous animals.

As in the case of the anthropoid ape, the human digestive system is twelve times the length of the body; our skin has millions of tiny pores to evaporate water and cool the body by sweating; we drink water by suction like all other vegetarian animals; our tooth and jaw structure is vegetarian; and our saliva is alkaline and contains ptyalin for predigestion of grains. Human beings clearly are not carnivores by physiology -- our anatomy and digestive system show that we must have evolved for millions of years living on fruits, nuts, grains, and vegetables.

2007-11-17 21:27:00 · update #1

Furthermore, it is obvious that our natural instincts are non-carnivorous. Most people have other people kill their meat for them and would be sickened if they had to do the killing themselves. Instead of eating raw meat as all flesh-eating animals do, humans boil, bake, or fry it and disguise it with all kinds of sauces and spices so that it bears no resemblance to its raw state. One scientist explains it this way: "A cat will salivate with hungry desire at the smell of a piece of raw flesh but not at all at the smell of fruit. If man could delight in pouncing upon a bird, tear its still-living limbs apart with his teeth, and suck the warm blood, one might conclude that nature provided him with meat-eating instinct. On the other hand, a bunch of luscious grapes makes his mouth water, and even in the absence of hunger he will eat fruit because it tastes so good."

2007-11-17 21:28:20 · update #2

Scientists and naturalists, including the great Charles Darwin who gave the theory of evolution, agree that early humans were fruit and vegetable eaters and that throughout history our anatomy has not changed. The great Swedish scientist von Linné states: "Man's structure, external and internal, compared with that of the other animals, shows that fruit and succulent vegetables constitute his natural food."

It is human nature to want to feel that what we're doing is right, proper, and logical. When we're confronted with something that suggests that our current practices are not the best ones, it's uncomfortable. We can either consider that our choices may not have been the best ones, which is extremely disturbing, or we can reject that premise without truly considering it, so that we don't have to feel bad about our actions. That's the more comfortable approach.

2007-11-17 21:29:18 · update #3

And we do this by searching our minds for any arguments we can for why the challenge must be wrong, to justify our current behavior.

I am not saying you should not eat non vegetarian food; however it is recommended to consume less to have better health.

In spirituality, it is recommended to not to have non vegetarian food, as it disturbs your digestive system and in turn spoils your spiritual activities like prayers, meditation etc.

2007-11-17 21:29:43 · update #4

18 answers

Gentleman, you have already stated very clearly that our body suits only veg. foods.

Inspite of this, we see in papers that a man ate mud, tubelight etc.Does that mean that you can eat anything?I'm mentioning this only to say that you can train your body to eat anything you can.So the body will accept non veg food even if the body is structured only for veg food.

In my kriya class, conducted by the Isha foundation they very much give importance to veg food but not cooked food but raw vegetables and fruits.only pulses & grains are cooked & eaten.

In ancient times the people who are in the spiritual path have categorised the food as the positive energy food, the negative energy food & zero energy food.They don't count for callories or the nutrients in it.

Th positive energy foods are all the raw vegetables & fruits.
The negative energy foods are very few & they are bringals,[aubergines] onions,chillies[pepper is the best] asafoetida,garlic.Now they have included coffee & tea.0 enrgy foods are potatoes, tomatoes,all root vegetables like yam, tapioca etc.

How did they test their food? They tested with the rudraksha mala[chain] which they wear it. It has the power to find it.When you bring the rudraksha to a positive energy food it rotates clockwise, negative food- anticlockwise, 0 energy food -it moves like a pendulam to the left & the right.

So those who are in the spiritual path should take only positive energy food.I have cut down all the negative foods, but when i go for functions , marriages parties i take, but i limit myself with the food.Higher they develop in their spirituality they automatically switch in for veg.foods

2007-11-18 13:50:33 · answer #1 · answered by lalachi 4 · 0 0

A lot is commented upon vegetarian and nonvegetarian people. If you observe, scientific has also concluded the same, the set of teeth found in the mouth of a human being are combination teeth. Herbivorous animals have flat surface teeth which are meant to chew the kind of food they eat. Carnivorous animals, on the other hand , have sharp & pointed teeth which are useful for tearing and biting meat. Human beings have both of these, hence, confirming the fact that GOD has facilitated us to eat both vegetarian as well as non vegetarian food. Spirituality has nothing to with these things. You can never get closer to GOD by leaving things he has gifted.

2007-11-17 23:36:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

To find the answer to this question look to the Bible. God gave people animals to eat from the very beginning. It is a fable to believe that spirituality is dependent upon being a vegetarian. God never said it.

"Physical performance: People have much better endurance when they don't eat meat -- whether they're professional athletes or not. "

Now, that depends on the person whether or not they have more endurance eating only plants. Some people get weak and shaky unless they have meat with their meals. I'm one of those. When I don't eat protein I do not operate at peak performance.

Sounds like you've been watching too many commercials touting colonics :-)

2007-11-17 21:38:56 · answer #3 · answered by Geri42 7 · 0 1

Sorry. I do not agree with you for the following reasons..............

Scientifically both plants and animals are having one basic unit common i.e. cell.

It's contents are remarkably common except few like chlorophyl, centrosome, plastids, vacuoles etc.These cell constitute the whole
body of an animal or a plant.

Now basic difference being it's inability to create sound [ cry ] when broken /eaten /plucked, a plant or vegitable, can not make it
eatable ethically and logically.

People eat vegitables just becoz they dont scream or cry. People drink milk which was actually meant for the calf and not for any other purpose. Where is their ethics ?

The only purpose of production of fruits in the plants is to propagate it's kind and not to feed humen beings.

Then why do we eat fruits ?

There may be a reason that blood of the killed animal makes them to have a guilty feeling, which is red and like ours becoz of
hoemoglobin. But then the blood of plants, incidently not red, is as important as red blood.

We love to kill kockroaches just becoz they dont have red blood.

The canines are the teeth which are not found in Herbivorous animals. The fact that canines are present in humen beings make it clear that humen are Omnivorous as the God meant us to be.

Humen are having long and very peculiar kind of intestine meant for digesting both meat & vegitables. The intestine of herbivorous animals can not digest meat.

You can not feed meat to a sheep and grass to a lion. Can you ?

The vedas also tells us....


Meaning thereby that " To marry a girl in mother's side in the South, To eat meat in the North, Not performing full funeral in the West ARE NOT DOSH [ not wrong ]

A sin is simply religious observation and since God has himself made us omnivorous, it is not at all a sin to eat non-veg like it is not a sin to eat vegitables & fruits.

However for health point of view one should prefer vegitables though there are some protiens which can only be found in meat.

Religion and sprituality in no way obsructs you to eat meat.

2007-11-20 01:26:29 · answer #4 · answered by ♪¢αpη' ε∂ïß♪ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 6 · 0 0

You must know that it is the plants and herbs that create the alkaloids for preparig all kinds of medicines .They provide all kids of elements including metllic ones in edible and digetible forms .the flesh does not contain all the trace and vital elements for the needs of a healthy man. Even the flesh yo eat id oif he animals that survived by eating herbs and leaves of plants only.
Meat gives yu only protein only and no t all theelemtns that your body needs .
Man's diestie system was suited for eating flesh only.thea if why yu have two pairs can nine teeth at both ends of the incisors in the upper and lower jaws .It was ecause these two pairs of canine teeth were in th earlier stage of ur sevelopment were protrudig , you see images of the porters of the temple having them in the mouth much like demons.Thisis wanbt man was in his earlier stage and thew People of India have been creatig images of Gods and ther gaurds wit such teeth .Now we call them as demons . .
Once man was able to find out that the herbs and plants have an enourmous amount of nutients that the body needs that started cultivating he plants and crops and gradually started depending on vegetarian diets .Though our digestive system was unsuitable for vegeariuan food , we hav slowly developed ability to digest the vegetatian food also.
Man has found that plants and herbs contai the most useful and vital elements that our body needs , people have taken to vegetarian diet .Our cannine teeth has also shrunk and is now inside our mouths.and not protrudig out in an ugly manner ,
Vegetartian diet is now a preventive and curative medicine besides being a food that is filling .
It is pertinent point out here that even the non-vegetarian food needs lot of herbs and vegetarian stuff to make it edible , tasty and sweet smelling

2007-11-18 01:08:20 · answer #5 · answered by Infinity 7 · 0 1

According to the Bible, Man was originally a vegetarian, eating the meat of seeds and fruit. I am not sure when animal meat came into it.
Regardless, my sister is a vegetarian - no animal meat at all. Her husband was also a vegetarian but he became ill. They tried everything to avoid his eating meat but eventually he had to return to animal meat, which was what the doctor originally ordered.
If we have the ability to chew and digest both, we are made to and so should eat both, with our personal health always being the moderator.

2007-11-17 22:24:50 · answer #6 · answered by mecasa 4 · 0 1

It is a definitely a Non-vegetarian. Any by-product whether be it egg or meat or lard or fat - any form is considered as non-vegetarian. I am a veggie too and do not eat any eggs or meat. I am going to contradict myself by saying this. I do use milk, cheese (rarely) and other milk products. Then why do I call myself a vegan. Bottom line, whether it is a vegetarian or not, it is up to you to decide. If you like it, eat and if not do not even bother. For me I do not like any form of meat, eggs, fish, seafood, and even too oily foods. And that's me and family calls me a picky eater.

2016-03-12 23:02:57 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Eat what is good for your health. Eat what your conscience will allow you to eat without causing too much agitation in your mind. Eat in moderation, drink in moderation.
Do not take it to extremes, the difference between plant and animal gets murky at the some points. Bacteria and virus are animals too, we can not avoid hurting them. In our day to day living we do harm other animal life. Habitat destruction, and pollution kills a lot of animals.
Plants also are living beings. What about Fungi, where do you classify them. What about unfertilized eggs, and milk products. There are some gray areas.
Do the least harm to environment by your action.
Please leave some vegetables for us vegetarians, so let others eat what ever is right for them

2007-11-18 00:36:26 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

humans are genetically designed to be omnivorous hence canines and molars,a healthy balanced diet including a small amount of first class protein in the form of meat,and a large amount of fruits and vegetables,and the other food groups is nutritionally the best for us.vegetarianism is a choice not a must.

2007-11-17 22:13:26 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes you are Right that non vegetarian is Rajas Food(activity food) it is not good food for man because it makes the mind restless. So in spirituality it is necessary that we don't take non veg.

I have read it in a book by Swami Yukteswar Giri, I have known it by Swami Sivananda, Swami Vivekananda, Paramahansa Yogananda.

Man's body is to eat fruits, his digestive system is fit to digest fruits Readily, even teeth. Yes, I have read it!

2007-11-17 23:26:37 · answer #10 · answered by The Ranger 6 · 0 0

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