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that they will get their heads cut off for thinking out loud?
Facts: Muhammed married a six year old and had sex with her at nine years old.
He made his stepson divorce his wife so he could marry her.
The Koran is not in harmony with the Bible and was written 600 years later obviously made up by the man himself.
All early manuscripts of the sayings of Muhammad and the Koran were destroyed in order to stop investigation into accuracy.
The killing of people who leave the faith is encouraged obviously this is evil.
Why don't Muslims see it is a false man made religion?
I would like to know from Muslims?

2007-11-17 19:55:08 · 15 answers · asked by ? 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

It isn't just Islam...

2007-11-17 19:59:51 · answer #1 · answered by heidavey 5 · 3 3

It is very ignorant to say the Quran was written after the bible.. the Quran was revealed after the Torah and Gospels... The bible took over 400 years to compose and has more then 40 authors...
If you look back historically marriage for girls happened at a very early age.. Still this happens in some parts of the world where girls as young as 8 are married..
The manuscripts which you said were destroyed where incomplete Qurans or parts of the Quran, they were from people who tried to put the Quran in other languages or dialects from Arabic and this did happen during the rule of Uthman..
If this was a false religion do you think that the Quran would have remained unchanged for more then 1400 years?
The bible even tells about Prophet Mohammed(PBUH).
I live in a Islamic country and I am a Woman and no one will get their head cut off for thinking out loud or expressing their opinions in a appropriate manor.

2007-11-18 05:14:34 · answer #2 · answered by je 6 · 2 0

Why don't you wait a few minutes and see for yourself? If you believe in life after death and that second life is eternal than our earthly life is infinitly short (if you can do the math). What I want to say is: You have to do better than picking on Mohamed. All you have to do is pray God (a lot) to show you the true path than you do your investigation without preconcieved ideas or prejudice (you ow it to yourself). I'm a Muslim but I'm not attached to my religion like a Nicks' fan (I'll cheer the Nicks no matter out). For me religion is the catalogue that God sent me should He wish to change it I'll change my religion in a blink of an eye (don't be a fan of your religion and use God to guide you and He will, providing that your intensions are good). There are plenty of verses in the Koran that ultimatley prooves that it is not man-made (look it up) (do your own homework I won't do it for you) , you chose what's negative (in your opinion) and you want to argue about it (you need to be more objective for your own good), at the end of the day no one really cares what other people believe (you can be a budist for all I care).
If I find somoeone worshiping a cow or even eating sh*t in the street, I'll pitty him and if I'm kind enough I'll tell him "don't do it" and leave without remorse (right?). But if you find in your chest a grain of hatred towards Islam it is simply caused by invy, as you saw that Islam made more sense to you yet you refused to admit it to yourself blinded by emotions and fanatism. Objectivity is the key. How can you know the truth if you already made up your mind, and if you know the truth why are you arguing? I'll tell you: You have lots of question marks in your religion so you wish that everybody is Christian and protect yourself when the Pay Day comes behind numbers. Let me break the news to you: if all people are wrong they will all go to HELL. In Islam, one of God's name is the Truth and HE will live by and stick to it beyond your imagination. I hope I didn't ofend you in anyway, and if I did I'm sorry it's not intended. Best of luck.

2007-11-18 05:07:49 · answer #3 · answered by zukielzuki 2 · 1 0

Muslims are the most professional in justifying what cannot be justified.
Fida,says the Quran was in confirmity with the old bible not with existing one??you see how marvellous is the justification,they are good in slandering all other faiths that contradict islam.I don't want to ejaborate but the Quran forbids muslims from asking questions :
لا تسألوا عن اشياء ان تبدا لكم تسيئكم
meaning don't ask about things that if revealed may harm you.
Being good at Rant & fanfare doesn't make a muslim or islam convincing,Muslims cannot understand this simple Rule.

2007-11-18 05:38:51 · answer #4 · answered by jammal 6 · 0 1

***Well, since you want to go there...
According to the Oxford Dictionary of the Bible Mary was pregnant at the age of 12 and married of to Joseph between the ages of 7 and 9. Your Christian Byzantine emperors and nobilities also had bride as young as 8 years old.

Aisha was a woman. Islam makes puberty (physical capacity) and mental capacity the distinguishing factor between a responsible adult and a child.

***The Prophet Muhammad never made his STEP SON divorce his wife so he could mary her.

***As killing people, try this:
“But of the cities of these peoples which the LORD your God gives you [as] an inheritance, YOU SHALL LET NOTHING THAT BREATHES REMAIN ALIVE, (deu 20:16)

“But the women, the little ones, the livestock, and all that is in the city, all its spoil, you shall PLUNDER for yourself; and you shall eat the enemies' plunder which the LORD your God gives you. (deu 20:14)

According to the biblical Jesus: “These enemies of mine who didn't want me to be their king--bring them in and KILL THEM right here in my presence.' (luk 19:27)

And this is the meek and gentle Jesus?! What ever happened to freedom of choice????

One last, the Koran doesnt need to and cant be in harmony with the Bible. The Bible's numerous versions have been changed, revised, edited, re-editied, re-revised so many times noting can keep up with it.

2007-11-18 05:00:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Open your mind, then read my answer:

In late 1800s, marriage age was raised to 12 years in California.
There is no age limit to marriage in Bible. The only condition in the Bible is that both male and female are matured. The prophet and Aisha were both matured, even at young age due to different living conditions.
Sex age in Spain is 13 years old now.
Mohammed/Aisha marriage was so filled with love. Aiysha lived nearly 40 years after Mohammed died, she didn't say one bad thing about the marriage or anything bad about it.
No one said anything bad about the marriage, not Aisha's family, other muslims, pagans, Romans, Persians, and even Jews and Christians didn't say anything bad about it. They all accused the prophet of being crazy/magician/poet but nothing bad about the marriage??
How come you don't see all of the above, and only concentrate on Mohammed/Aisha marriage??

Regarding his stepson. Mohammed had no sons. A boy lived with him and was considered his adopted son. Then, Islam prohibited adoptions because due to adoptions and the fact that people hide this fact from adopted sons, people might get married to their family!!
So, Islam prohibited adoptions and ordered Mohammed to marry the girl his "Adopted" son already divorced to enforce the prohibition of adoption.

Regarding your comment about Koran and how its made up, thats just your opinion. Many people think the very same thing about the Bible.

Can you provide me with dates/locations of the early manuscripts that were burned??

The killing of people leaving faith is not encouraged, and it is not correct. The ruling is this, if someone leaves Islam peacefully, then it is ok. But if someone leaves Islam and rage war against, then he is sentenced to death. Looking at the Bible, there are verses that encourages people to kill anyone who tries to change their faith, how come you don't see this??

I questioned everything about Islam. Everything Islam bashers and haters say about it, I go and research it and ask quesitons. And guess what, I am still alive. No one threatened my life or blamed for asking questions.

Now you know from Muslims :)

2007-11-18 04:43:47 · answer #6 · answered by Ahmed A 4 · 3 1

no 1 : a girl can get married whenever she has reached puberty , and the age differs in each girl. and why dont u ask the same question, when stupid men rape 6 year old girls naybe even smaller
no 2 whatever u said about step son i want u to prove it becasue many ppl mistake the facts and write about it as its facts so please make sure about it then go spreading it.
the Quran is in harmony with the bible and the torah, but not the recent ones, the orignal ones. the news one are not as the were ages ago. they have been changed the biggest proof of this is that there are many versions of the bible. and sometimes the bible contrasts itself.
no 3 the QURAN is from ALLAH not the prophet , the prophet didnt know how to read and write, all he did what reveal what ALLAH told him .and that is a proof of how ALLAH can do miracles.
no4 the killing of people , is everyones favorite argumant but if they had searched it themsleves they would know the truth but ppl like u just spread wrong rumours anyways , in islam its ur duty to defend urselves and other muslism and inocent ppl,
and there is nothing wrong with that, but in islam its a sin to kill inncoent ppl , liek every religon islam tells us to kill they bad evil ppl and defend the good ppl, so what is wrong with that?
n05 we muslism know the truth and dont go making lies aboout other ppl s religon and we know that islam is THE TRUTH and wwe accept it oKAY ?



2007-11-18 04:24:28 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Islam and Christianity, And other faiths all have their extremists.

Though I do not agree with Islam, I do not Agree towards hating Islam.

King Solomon even started studying other faiths, Their are things to know even in other faiths. But the thing about a pointing finger is you'll always see a finger pointing back.

on both sides People can say both have done horrible deeds to each other.

But all a pointing finger will do is start a non ending argument.

the Goal is not agreeing, but tolerance.

God bless.

2007-11-18 04:20:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Islam has a closed mind policy. Questions get you killed especially if asked about the man who started it. You would think that to a normal educated mind red flags would go up. Not so if your life is in danger. This must leave most Muslims neutral and have an I don't care attitude toward religion in general. I am only guessing we need to get Muslims in here on this one.

2007-11-18 04:06:21 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

A few ask some questions over here or in the Ramadan section (check it out), they are always told to read the Qu'uran and pray more and things will become clear. Yeah...lol

2007-11-18 04:48:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

hiii...i'm ex-moslem and live in one of moslem countries. God has opened my eyes and touched my heart to believe in Jesus as Christ and my Lord. What you said is true. i have to keep my new faith in secret because to convert to christianity will cost my life. of course, i am willing to die for my new faith if i get caught. There is no freedom of religion in any moslem countries. Believe not to these guys moslems' comments who refuse to accept the truth. Pray for them that God will opened their eyes and touched theirs heart too because Satan has blinded them. Don't hate them just pray for them. And to those fellows moslem, you can visit www.answering-islam.org if you thirst for the truth.

2007-11-21 01:57:34 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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