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God has foreknowlege but never predestinates anything.
God created Satan (whatever you call him) having foreknowlege of what he would do and become.

God knew Satan would plaque the world and eventually end up burning in hell for eternity for his sins.

Satan did this with his free will no question about that.

However, God had foreknowledge on what Satan would choose to do with his free will.

If so, then why did God not avoid creating Satan?

Would an all loving God create something and watch it turn into a devil and then get tormented in hell forever?

God did not make Satan sin but God knew before creating him that he would, thus he could have avoided it.

Instead God chose to see Satan turn into a devil and then eventually suffer in hell forever.

If God purposely used Satan to teach humans a lesson and use him as a test for us then God is unjust and evil anyway.

What if God chose you to be the sacrificial lamb for everyone else?

2007-11-17 19:38:33 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

An all loving God using one soul to test humans and let that sould suffer for all eternity (Satab) is not worthy of an all loving God.

God is God and he could do anything to make everyone happy.

No reason for Him to choose to torment Satan knowingly.

Again, I know Satan did his sin by himself, but that is not the main idea.

The main idea is why God is so evil not to avoid this creation when He knew His creation would end up suffering in hell for all eternity.

Don't judge my grammar

Don't rant.

I am not angry and I don't need to read the Bible.

You Bible readers tell me what is going on here.

Please answer the question with a direct and clear answer.

Any off topic answer is not welcome.

2007-11-17 19:42:03 · update #1

What the #$%& is wrong with you Christians?

I said I don't need to read the Bible.

If you can't answer my question then admit it and quit your religion morons.

2007-11-17 19:50:51 · update #2

39 answers

God is Love. He is not going to torment Satan in Hell forever. The Biblical thing that will happen is that Satan and Hell and Death will be thrown into the lake of fire and destroyed. Death is the punishment for sin..... not eternal pain and torment. Hell in the Bible refers to the grave. Death is like sleep.

As for why did he create him, knowing that he would stray, I believe that in order for God to be just, He had to allow sin to enter. The angels before were all following God's rules and doing what He said. Satan was allowed to exist to challenge God. He accused God of being unfair and only out to serve his own purpose. ( It is possible God knew this thought was in other angels minds but they dared not speak it) God allowed Satan to break the rules and cause humans to fall so that all beings, The angels and the humans could know why God has rules. It is for our own good.

If everyone followed the rules God has set up, there would be no pain or suffering. Sin is destroying our planet and all the universes are watching it. They are seeing the result of disobeying God. Once this is finished and Satan is destroyed, it says 'sin will not rise up again". All doubt will be removed from the angels minds and also the minds of humans, that God's rules are good and He gives us them to protect us.

EDIT: As far as God choosing him to be the sacrificial lamb, I don't think He did. You said yourself that Satan sinned of his own free will. He will be no worse off than if he had not been created in the first place, He will be destroyed. In the end, he will go back to being nothing.

EDIT 2: After fixing the error of the eternal torment hell thing, I believe this has been solved.

2007-11-17 20:01:06 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You blew credibility of your question and any conclusion right out of the water when you equated any action of God with evil. God is perfect in His righteousness and His judgement is just. Any effort to combine all the conditions you have set in an explanation would be futile, devoid of truth.
It is possible to lead many astray by combining words in a way that deceives. You are intelligent enough to know what a circle looks like. You also have the intelligence to discern the shape of a square. Draw a circle. Draw a square. Now draw a square circle. If you can not do this, then you must not be as intelligent as I thought.
Are you sure God does not predestine any thing? Nothing?
Would refusal to create Satan serve the greater good of man? Are you absolutely sure?
Is God's loss of Satan to his own wickedness a thing that did not grieve God?
Why, oh why, would you or anyone else ever consider Satan to be the sacrificial lamb of God?

garwy appears to have a firm grasp of diametric opposition. i salute you.

2007-11-17 20:08:32 · answer #2 · answered by sympleesymple 5 · 0 0

You have a child you know that child will suffer in life and most likely death one day. Do you suggest that parents do not love their children? At least atheist parents anyway

"Would an all loving God create something and watch it turn into a devil and then get tormented in hell forever?"

Yes because he can not force love
and be all loving. Imagine createling somthing that was forced to love. Could an all loving God do that? Satan made a choice God simply respects that choice.
Your question is "can an all loving God create choice" My answer is that an all loving God has to create choice.
This was not only easy but you should be embarresed in asking it. This question is very old and answered very adaquately.

2007-11-17 19:55:53 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Do men that have six sons knw if any of them will be a bible student, a law officer or a prison inmate?

God created angels for the heavens so long before the world, that they saw the earth in preparation, Jesus is the first being God created in his image, but not Satan 2Cor.4:3,4; but that cherub angels was perfect Eze.28:13-15;
Satan was anointed over Eden and God knew that time when he did, good or bad it stands, just as with king Saul. When Adam sinned, I did not, I am born in sin and like Abraham I do care. For Enoch, Noah, Abraham and Isaac God did not wipe out this mess, but a plan of salvation was made.

2007-11-17 19:50:22 · answer #4 · answered by jeni 7 · 2 0

Now now now. Here we go again with Theodicies. It seems you have read Paradise Lost. Remember that Lucifer was the first and greatest of God's creations. His name means "Bearer of Light." Now when he knew that God proclaimed him above every other creation, he felt somewhat equal to God. Yet he wanted to overcome God and failed, and was sent to Hell.

Now God is Omniscient. That doesn't really say a whole lot other than he knows everything. Yet, when Satan was created, did he know anything? As the second in command, he didn't really seem to understand what it was to be above others. Therefore, God allowed him to experience how it is to be above. Yet, it is by this experience that he used his brilliant mind and deducted reason to attempt to overcome God.

God tests us so that we may know how it is to be in that particular situation, just like in Job. You cannot have good without evil. It is how we react to the situation which determines our stance on sin or holiness or etc. What good is knowledge without having experience? God sets up the situation while our choices are decided by us. If you were given the opportunity of becoming president, would you turn it down for fear of being overwhelmed with pride and arrogance? Or would you take it anyway and do your best?

Now God is just in all things, he is perfectly Good. Yet he has knowledge of absolute morality, which is both perfect knowledge of Good and Evil. How are we to judge something supreme by something contingent? Who said that we are above God? Another human? Remember that God is not only merciful but Just. Whats the point of having rules if you're not going to enforce them? Does that mean that Charles Manson will go to Heaven because God is all loving and merciful? Or will he suffer the consequences due to God's justice?

About the last part, Christ, the only begotten son of God, died for all of us. He was our sacrificial lamb, who gave up his own life by his free will. So free will exists since Christ himself exercised it.

2007-11-17 20:08:51 · answer #5 · answered by elguapo_marco_2008@sbcglobal.net 3 · 0 0

Okay lets see if I can read this right.

Firstly, for every Good there ultimately has to be a Bad. If there were no bad then it would be impossible for there to be good, thus unraveling existence itself.

With that being said if God did "create" Lucifer then yes he did know that he would eventually turn on him. But he did not create him simply to be a Sacrificial Lamb, as you put it. In the Christian Bible it shows numerous times were Lucifer openly mocks God, and challenges his authority. He does this through the Free Will that God gives beings. The freedom to choose what to do next, themselves. If God avoided making Satan entirely, then, as I stated before, existence would cease to, well, exist. God loves all that he creates but gives free will to all to come to him, through there own actions. If its your free will to do bad and go to hell, it is through you own actions, not that of God. God isn’t pressing little buttons on a keyboard making me write this, I am. Its my choice.

And to answer your last question, I do not believe that Satan was the "sacrificial lamb" that God sent. Jesus was. He was truly sacrificed, through no choice of his own. Satan chose to defile God and rule the underworld. Jesus was killed simply because others didn’t like him, and hated what he stood for. He wanted to have everyone treated fairly and let everyone into Heaven, and others thought they were the only ones who should get in. And thus they killed him to get rid of him.

2007-11-17 19:56:34 · answer #6 · answered by special_ned 2 · 0 0

You ask only one question: What if God chose you to be the sacrificial lamb for everyone else? All before that is conclusory or rhetorical. My answer is that I would be Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah. I would not be what I am, I would be the son of an immortal Father in Heaven and the son of a mortal woman, Mary. I would have power over death (as the immortal son of God) and the ability to die (as the son of the mortal Mary). My purpose in life would be solely to do the will of my Father and by proxy atone for the sins of all mankind. All mankind would be free to choose whether to believe in me and my Father and keep our commandments, or to do as they please and ignore us. The wonder of it all is that I would be the sacrificial lamb and whether you believed in me or not, I would suffer for your meanness, your anger, your callousness and disregard for others and leave it up to you whether you wanted to take advantage of my free gift, or discard it and live far beneath your eternal potential. Evil exists independent of God. Agency allows all, even God, to choose good or evil independently. Consequences cannot be chosen. Accordingly, if there is sin, it must be remitted, if there is filthiness, it must be cleaned, otherwise mercy would rob justice and God would cease to be God.

Your question is excellent. It leads precisely to the purpose for the Messiah--to make atonement by the suffering of One who had done absolutely nothing wrong--and for that sinless One to then rise from the dead, spirit and body reunited, whole, immortal and perfect. Satan had the same opportunity as Christ to choose, and he chose poorly. Any other condition requires God to force humans to choose his will, which makes doing his will not a choice, but a mandate and makes of God a tyrant. God is love, because the choice really is one of whether you love Him or love Satan and those who pretend that doing evil is being free. In fact, doing good and choosing the right--God's will--is true independence, because God would never force you to choose his will. On the other hand, Satan would, if he could, because Satan does not love you.

God is love. His yoke is easy and his burden is light. There is more to be learned in a day from His Spirit than in a lifetime from any other source. Godspeed.

2007-11-17 20:08:25 · answer #7 · answered by Ron D 3 · 0 0

From what I know, (Which is not much)

Lucifer (Satan) was one of God's favorite angels, or just one of the top angels,
However Lucifer wanted more power, didn't agree with God and was jealous ,
so God had no choice but to kick out "Satan' from heaven ,along with other rebel angels (followers) ,

Satan and his followers form what we call Hell and try to claim human souls away from God,

May not be the exact thing , but its something like that...
I know all this and im not even a religious person

(I haven't been to church lately.... for some years)

2007-11-17 20:07:01 · answer #8 · answered by internetghost 4 · 0 0

God made Satan originally as an angel. This was before anything in the world went wrong. It is actually down to Satan, not Adam and Eve. God gives us freewill. It was Satan who chose to become bad. He could come back to God, but he chooses not to

2007-11-17 19:47:31 · answer #9 · answered by Cat 7 · 1 0

God does not choose people to be sacrificial lambs. Everyone has a choice to believe or not believe just like they have a choice of doing whats right verses what is wrong. Satan wasn't always evil he was infact an angel according to what I have read who grew tired of being good so he fell from grace. But everyone has free will, God does not make anyone accept him. You do if you want to or you don't have to. CHOICE!

2007-11-17 19:46:26 · answer #10 · answered by tikababy 6 · 3 0

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