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How do one and What can one do to help others get into the attitude of praryer and worship?

2007-11-17 17:27:28 · 21 answers · asked by Roseangelic 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

With regard to an attitude on worship, I did a search for worship school last spring and found this:
"The Adventure of Worship, by Gerrit Gustafson, will help you understand the incredible significance of the worship experience! This is a great book for developing an attitude of worship." I found this to be true for me.

With regard to an attitude of prayer, the main thing, based on the verse "be still and know that I am the Lord" is to remove all the noise and distractions of modern life.

Don't worry about helping others until you yourself have learned to obey all things that Jesus has commanded. Jesus pointed out the need to take the log out of our own eye first before helping to take the speck out of someone else's eye.

2007-11-17 18:04:20 · answer #1 · answered by HaoShe 2 · 0 0

I must be in the mood to pray and worship; usually remembering what I've gone through in my lifetime will do it, but concern for others can put me there as well.
Unintentionally, telling people who were not around the area when I was 12 - 13 y/o puts them in the mood for prayer and worship. While crossing a street, a drunk driver thought he was pressing on the brakes when he pressed on the gas peddle; I was struck, flew up into the air then landed on the windshield, rolled off the car front end, flew 63 ft landed on the asphalt, and another car's driver front tire stopped me from rolling. I've always recalled sitting on GOD's lap, the bright light, the beautiful stairway, the angels and saints. The hospital never had me marked DOA; the family I was with that day brought me to the hospital, they didn't wait for an ambulance to be called out. Although the doctors, at a much bigger hospital told my Dad I wouldn't live for 30 days (no way possible!) -- that was nearly 28 y/ ago. AMEN!!!... (that's my story and I'm sticking to it!)

2007-11-17 17:58:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Spiritual music! Music that speaks the truth about God, in it's plain and simple truths, like Amazing Grace. The Statler Brother's music definitely get me into that mode. Terry McCalmo, anything Hillsong or Darlene Czcek (sp?). Any hymns. Some contemporary Christian music, but not most. The reason church is usually started with music is to transition people from everyday life into the attitude of prayer and worship - to distinguish that very special time of learning from other stuff. Christian music is so great for that!

2007-11-17 17:40:24 · answer #3 · answered by Angie 4 · 0 1

this question lacks intensity as each and all of the above serves a distinctive purpose. you have stated a veritable device field of things that each and each in that is own works maximum suitable. to communicate with the Lord prayer would be maximum suitable. To create concentration an information meditation and mantras are eseentially the two sensible, worship is the main suitable for turning out to be a feeling of a community amassed to popularity in a writer/savior and that i'd upload faith because of the fact the device to construct a private courting with that savior/writer

2016-09-30 23:33:05 · answer #4 · answered by sue 4 · 0 0

Get others into the attitude of prayer and worship by having them watch religious movies and documentaries on the faith that they like. In order for me to say the Holy Rosary, I just watch "The Miracle of Fatima" to have myself in the mood for prayer and worship.

2007-11-17 17:33:14 · answer #5 · answered by thaddeuswallstreet 2 · 1 1

you can never force yourself to be a prayerful person, but the best suggestion i have for you to be always praying is that make praying as a part of your life. you don't have to go to church whatsoever to be a prayerful person. i am not a reverend either to tell you this but i just believe that the most faithful people are the ones who always talk to god whenever whenever. if the person always goes to mass just to say the person did but never prays with the heart means nothing. so find god in yourself and let it be a part of your life, it will really do help your spirit. hope this helped. good luck

2007-11-17 17:42:08 · answer #6 · answered by mandylicious15 2 · 0 1

What seems to work is to set time aside (either first thing in the morning or late at night) to be in the Word, do your journalling or go through a workbook, and be meditative. Our church also supports getting involved in small groups based on common issues (I'm trying to organize one around people who have had serious medical issues). That's where the real work gets done! There are lots of journals and other materials out there--check a Logos bookstore or similar in your area.

To all the nasty, insincere posters--you should be ashamed of yourselves. This is a serious question and deserves a serious answer. You are in effect proselytizing, which is what you claim to hate in Christians.

2007-11-17 17:31:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anna P 7 · 0 2

At a church that I went to we tried to make it a personal experience between the individual and God. We would turn down the lights so that the focus was not on the other person but on God. We would play music that was design to glorify and lift up the name of the Lord. It doesn't work in all setting but I have found that it works in most.

2007-11-17 17:31:27 · answer #8 · answered by ChaRiaLer 4 · 2 2

there is nothing to be said...

if you talk to god everyday, and praise him, you will experience the fruits of the spirit.

people will sense this and want that peace too, or hate you.

...pretending isnt actually a bad answer either, sometimes we can fake it to make it in this life, because what we think will always end up what we are...

JW's, LDS', and other evangelicals fail because they dont make friends they make spiritual quotas

2007-11-17 17:43:49 · answer #9 · answered by 2009 time to shine 4 · 0 1

Humble yourself before the Lord. That is done by humility. I would have you look those words up.

1. not proud or arrogant; modest: to be humble although successful.
2. having a feeling of insignificance, inferiority, subservience, etc.: In the presence of so many world-famous writers I felt very humble.
3. low in rank, importance, status, quality, etc.; lowly: of humble origin; a humble home.
4. courteously respectful: In my humble opinion you are wrong.
5. low in height, level, etc.; small in size: a humble member of the galaxy.
–verb (used with object)
6. to lower in condition, importance, or dignity; abase.
7. to destroy the independence, power, or will of.
8. to make meek: to humble one's heart.

the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc.

2007-11-17 17:34:31 · answer #10 · answered by Christian Sinner 7 · 1 1

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