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I think it's silly, I mean I know it's a "sin." But hell, many things are and you don't hear or see people getting a slap in the face about it. I think it's okay if you're truly, honestly in love with somone and plan on being with them. Having random, meaningless sex is wrong in my opinion, but I was curious about everyone elses thoughts.

2007-11-17 15:34:57 · 20 answers · asked by Katie 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

But if you were in love with another and let's say you were engaged, and I hope to God you know that your fiance isn't infested with an STD, you'd regret that? or you'd be worried about a disease? Explain, please.

2007-11-17 15:39:39 · update #1

Well Britt Brat, I understand where you're coming from. I would never have random promiscious sex, I've only been with one person, which is my boyfriend of two years, but I can see how some would learn from their friends. Some of my friends are retarted when it comes to guys and sex. It makes me sick sometimes.

2007-11-17 15:41:56 · update #2

I'm pretty sure abstinence means saving sex for marriage. i've never in my life heard of never having sex and that being the term for it. sure you know what you're talking about?

2007-11-17 15:43:59 · update #3

well i think that cathollic **** is crazy. i mean, people actually try to stop teenage boys from masturbating?? HA! impossible. boys are going to mastubate, it's a fact. it's part of growing up. especially for teenage boys.

2007-11-17 16:02:02 · update #4

20 answers

If it works for the person for however long then great for them and I respect that but it's not reasonable to expect it for everybody, we are built for sex, sorry. Now I'm not saying that's an excuse to mindlessly have unsafe sex with strangers etc but sex is natural. Prolonged abstinence doesn't seem like a good or fun idea, I think it would make you mad after a while actually. It does depend on the individual though some people need it more than others. Also I see you are talking about no sex until marriage but I also think that selective absintence is possible e.g. you can abstain with some people for whatever reason, or abstain from one instance if it wouldn't be safe etc.

2007-11-17 15:43:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

abstinence a sin? not as I was taught.

The catholics et. al. think abstinence is a virtue, but would prefer you were in holy orders if you are practicing it. Abstinence outside of marriage is considered almost wrong, but not a sin.

And the catholics now are of mixed mind that abstinence DURING marriage is a sin.

Now the Jews and others believe that not getting married and having sex is a sin.

Having random sex now is dangerous, and probably is wrong.

I currently am quite chaste with other people but get by through masterbation .. which some would think is truly terrible .. and others would say is ok.

Masterbation is also probably wrong, but I think it a lesser evil than some of the alternatives. I have always thought it less wrong than random sex .. but Papa and others would disagree. He would agree that semi random sex is much better in god's eyes. so would my uncle.

I wanted to remain chaste until marrage, but didn't.

I did however have my first sex with someone whom I thought I was going to marry. It was glorious and I think we helped each other. But it was very sad when she dumped me.

At this point I do not know when if ever I will sleep with someone. It has been a long dry spell, and I don't get out much and am not that much to look at. and many of the women my age are not worth giving the time of day. truly. they wonder why they were dumped and they are so ugly of spirit that I cannot stand to be near them.

I love the joke ...
woman .. wanna sleep with me?

guy: no I am a virgin and want to keep my self pure until I meet the woman I love.

woman.. oh that is so noble. any problems with it?

guy: I don't, not really, but my wife has a terrible problem with it.

2007-11-18 00:19:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think highly of it, since I hold Christian beliefs. I am a bit confused by what you mean by saying "many things are [sins] and you don't hear or see people getting a slap in the face about it". I think that you are kinda on the right track with your thoughts, but I would still have to disagree and still say that nothing should be done until marriage. There is no proper commitment until that day arrives. Then again, since most people disregard marriage as something that can be broken and divorced out of, I suppose this way of thinking shouldn't surprise me. People take marriage WAY too cheaply these days. Marry someone, 5-10 years down the road, "I don't love him/her anymore" so get a divorce... yay... that's the way to solve the problems... Sorry, I can get ranty sometimes. Anyways that is what I say/think.

2007-11-18 00:22:50 · answer #3 · answered by Xan 3 · 0 2

i agree. my two best friends have already had sex (at a very young age) one of my friends dated a guy for 2 years and they are in love and she went to planned parent hood to learn about the concinquences that could happen if she had sex. in the end, she decided she was ready and i really respected that. the other friend rushed into things. they have been going out for only a few months and already has done everything. that is soo wrong i think. she really didn't even think about it... but whatever, her life.

2007-11-17 23:43:32 · answer #4 · answered by Fratellis <3 3 · 0 0

I think waiting until marriage is a waste of time. Half of marriages don't work out. Some people don't ever want to marry and some can't.
We are here for a good time, not a long time.

2007-11-18 20:42:40 · answer #5 · answered by Elvendra 4 · 1 0

Abstinence? Are you sure you know what abstinence means? It means never having sex. So your way of thinking is kind of wrong. I think you mean saving your virginity for marriage. Personally, I think it's unrealistic and kinda dumb to be abstinent. To put it in a religious way, God told us to 'multiply', so here we are. I am totally for having a single partner, preferably the person you're MARRIED to, but not 'doing it' is just dumb. Why deprive yourself of the simple wonders of life?

2007-11-17 23:41:23 · answer #6 · answered by lulzmaster 2 · 0 2

As an "old lady", who did her playing around when she was younger, I wish I hadn't. #1 ended up pregnant and had an abortion when I was 18 #2 when I did finally get married, I wish I didn't have other men to compare my husband too and would have liked to have that relationship/feeling with him only, the way God intended #3 now I have to figure out how to answer my daughter when she asks questions like this.

In one word.."WAIT"

2007-11-17 23:41:44 · answer #7 · answered by sajaru316 2 · 2 2

Sex seems in current times too much like just a 'fun pasttime' that as anything else.

I mean honestly, you don't hear very often, "I want to have kids, let's have sex."

It's more, "I'm looking for a way to relieve my urgings, let's have sex."

In my humble opinion, there are better uses for my time than sex.

2007-11-17 23:41:08 · answer #8 · answered by Jeremy A 5 · 1 1

I guess it's okay. But i respect people who don't have sex and save it for their true love. Even if it takes a long time

2007-11-17 23:38:36 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

You should really try, but not make any promises because you never know what may happen. I mean, it really depends on your religion and morals. Meaning less sex is wrong though, but everything has a meaning.

2007-11-17 23:38:49 · answer #10 · answered by Mal777 6 · 0 2

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