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I need to ask your forgiveness. I admit I have sinned by not treating you with love. I was so caught up in proving I was right that I forgot all about being righteous. Please forgive me.

I may occasionaly point out doctrinal differences, but I will endeavor not to be rude or proud. If I get out of line remind me of this commitment which I am making to you- but please be gentle as I am human too.

I am concerned for your souls- which is why I have become overzealous and way too overbearing and downright disrespectful. I sin, like we all do and I too find the need to repent far more often than I would like to admit to.

Again, I humbly seek your forgiveness. I would like to be able to have rational diologue from time to time- if you will trust me.

2007-11-17 15:30:14 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Peter- let's talk abouth salvation another day- ok? I have a feeling we define it differently. I'm tired now. Maybe next week I'll post some verses showing what I believe. ANd you can let me know what you think and how it compares- ok? Dialogue not bashing.

2007-11-17 15:37:48 · update #1

cattie brie- what's with the "cant live" and "cries" on your avatar name? I hope all is well and you are not sad (hence the "cries")

2007-11-17 15:48:20 · update #2

I know we'd all defend our faith to the death- even if our faith is different.

2007-11-17 15:52:14 · update #3

Doc- I rcieved a thumbs down for an answer I posted to a young woman asking about purity, I assume the young woman was LDS. I posted a loving answer about guarding yourself because it is so easy to fall into temptation. I realized I probably got the thumbs down because of all the times I gave arrogant answers in the past.

I realized that I have only let you see the side of me which can be a b**** and you have never seen the side of me that loves people, that grieves when peopleare sad or fall into temptation. You have never seen the part of me would do anything to help someone.

I realized I would rather have you know that side of me than the side I had been showing.

2007-11-19 01:47:11 · update #4

DOc- For any harsh word between you and I or anyone else- it is forgiven.

2007-11-19 01:49:13 · update #5

30 answers

I forgive you imasis. ^_^ All good. i know how it is. I remember you personally bashing me too........... and Drizzt will be glad to hear it as well.... ;)

And I want you to know, you are setting a good, christ like example for everyone. There are even LDS who are just as overzealous as you were, and hurt people on the process. So, just know that God loves you, and we do too. ^_^

Look forward to talking to you in the future.

Thanks for your concern, love. I am indeed going through a rough patch right now. I wasn't looking for attention. It was just I wan't feeling "very princessy".... and I keep listening to "Without You" by Clay Aiken....so yeah. I feel a little better.


2007-11-17 15:35:36 · answer #1 · answered by Princess Ninja 7 · 13 0

(((big hug)))
Forgiven. No problem. I had hoped that maybe you were just going through a tough spell. It's easy to get caught up in things when you feel strongly that you are right and the other person is wrong.
Pointing out doctrinal differences is a great way to get people thinking - if done in a manner that does not condemn or that is disrespectful. There's lots of things I wished I would have handled differently - on here as well as out in the real world.
I look forward to the new imasis2 and having a rational dialogue with you about religion and even the church.
I've learned as I get older that it becomes more and more important for me to engage my own "edit" button and remember the old adage "you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar."

EDIT: I agree with pono7, it does take a very strong person to be able to do what you just did.

2007-11-19 04:56:06 · answer #2 · answered by Tonya in TX - Duck 6 · 6 0

I have a brother who in the past has been kinda... uh, difficult.

He's made choices that have taken him away from our family, ideologically... and he's been pretty darn pushy about it. Remind you of anyone?

We as a family have tried to be patient with him through all his attitude, difficult as it has been. Recently, he called Mom and said something along the lines of, "I can't believe how much of a jerk I've been.".....

As much as I'd love to forgive him, many of the things he's said in the last 10 years have really hurt.

My forgiving him is kind of on a wait and see basis right now. If I see a change in his behavior, then I'm happy to forgive him. We all screw up and act like butts.... But I don't know if I am willing to forgive him if he's just going to go back to being egocentric and pushy.

We (you and I) have our differences. I'm more than willing to "agree to disagree," but when name calling and pushiness become part of the interaction, hard feelings result, and those hard feelings don't always go away immediately.

I don't mean to sound harsh, but I'll wait and see....

2007-11-19 05:59:16 · answer #3 · answered by Yoda's Duck 6 · 4 0

We believe that Jesus taught that we must forgive one another their sins. Forgive, whether or not they ask for forgiveness. I think I had already forgiven you, but it can only be good for you to ask for forgiveness.

Thank you for the reminder that we all have sinned, and all too many of us are too proud and too unloving in our speech. I in turn ask you to forgive me of times I have been too harsh or not caring enough.

I am curious to know what brought about your desire to repent.

I think rational dialog is possible, but may I suggest things we should all keep in mind? I include myself in this:

The way we understand the Bible may be different from the way someone else understands the Bible, but that does not make them evil.

Assume the other person has the best possible motives you can imagine.

Before you begin to criticize another's point of view, try to state his position in the best possible light you can, so that even the other person would agree that you have correctly stated his position.

Avoid judging a person.

Look for common ground, what we both believe to be true.

Play fair. Don't put words in someone else's mouth. Don't construct "strawman" arguments that you can easily knock down.

Don't attack the person; discuss the ideas presented.

Since I get on Yahoo!Answers infrequently, I'd appreciate it if you waited a week before you closed a question, allowing time to research and think about an answer and time to respond with a considered opinion. When it appears that someone is rushing to give "Best Answer" to the person who first confirms his initial bias it discourages rational dialog.

Thanks for your time.

2007-11-18 17:43:15 · answer #4 · answered by Doctor 7 · 8 0

I'll have a slice of Humble Pie. I'm actually drinking Black Coffee as we speak, I think I'll have a King Biscuit with my coffee. I've been really digging this one lately: Hallelujah, I Love Her So (off the KB live album of course)

2016-05-24 01:14:43 · answer #5 · answered by doris 3 · 0 0

I accept your apology and ask that you forgive me also if I have offended you. I try to be nice and respectful in my answers, but sometimes it's hard when people are being mean about something you believe in.

We all have our different belief systems, and it's great that we all have the opportunity to learn about each other. That is what makes life interesting. It would be pretty boring if we all believed the same thing, don't you agree?

I do understand your concern for others. It's great that you feel the need to share what you believe in, and feel it is something that could help everyone. I think we all feel that way about our beliefs. I understand that you want us to be happy, and to share in the joy you find in your religion. Just try to remember that we all feel that same joy over our own religions. We all have different things we need to have for our faith to be complete, and for us to feel that we belong. That might be different then what you need. That doesn't make it wrong, just different.

I would be up to a discussion with you. Feel free to email me, and I will try my hardest to be respectful to your beliefs.

Again, I apologize if you have felt that I have been mean with you in any way. I hope you can accept my apology as well.

Have a great day!!! (((((hugs)))))

2007-11-19 08:41:59 · answer #6 · answered by odd duck 6 · 5 0

I have tried to do the same, since I am in theraphy, I don't know if it is working, I try not answer so many questions, I do not ask many questions. I just have such a dysfunctional past, and it was so dsyfunctional, even my patriarticle blessing had to be burn, what a mess that was. I think I am the only mormon, in mormon history that did not get a blessing from a patriarticle blessing.
But I am suppose to be saved and renewed, so I try to act that way, but I don't want to pretend either like I use to pretend when I was a mormon, I try, I don't know how well it works though.
Good Luck on your plans to be nice, I hope the best for you.

2007-11-19 02:56:55 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Dear Imasis,
Although your questions/comments/answers have caught my attention in a less than favorable way recently, I have tried to answer/respond in a thoughtful manner. Sometimes I get overwrought in my dialogue and come across less tactful than I should. I can be blunt sometimes. If I have been overly blunt with you, then I ask your forgiveness as well.
I am always willing to discuss issues/topics in a reasonable manner. If you ask me a serious question, I will give you a serious answer.
I feel that many of the commenters on this forum are basically lacking in understanding of LDS beliefs and are not willing to open their minds to learn about them. If you are willing to do that, then we can have many meaningful discussions.
Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas to you in this Holiday Season.

2007-11-19 05:28:14 · answer #8 · answered by rac 7 · 7 0

Thank you. I'm not sure if you've gone after me, but I'll forgive you all the same. You know, I think that we're concerned about your soul too, but from a different perspective. You're my sister, and even though we've probably never met, I care about you. I won't say that you're going to hell because not only is it not my place to judge, but I honestly don't believe that you're going there. I think we're both trying to get to the same place by almost the same path that's just marked a little differently. We both know that Jesus is the way to get home, but most likely have different views on what following Him entails. That's okay though. If you really will be respectful, I look forward to a rational dialogue with you.

2007-11-18 20:33:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 9 1

wow- that takes a really strong person to be able to do what you just did- we all need a piece of humble pie from time to time, and i although i don't remember any instances with your questions, i will gladly forgive you (and honestly did before you even asked!:) There are doctrinal diffrences- and that's okay- we all are entitled to our beliefs and opinions. It's okay to genuinly want to help someone. I would however like to gently remind you, that the determined belief that you have in your faith, we feel the same about ours. It's okay for you to be concerned for our souls, but i assure you that as long as we ALL are doing our best to live Christ like lives and be witnesses to Him, in whatever denomination it might be, that He will be the one to work it out when we find ourselves before Him. There is no need to taint friendships with who is wrong or right, because for each that answer is different. I have a strong testimony of the gospel of my church- and i went through some very tough and trying times before i found the amazing light and life my testimony of the gospel has given me, so i hold it very dear to me, and cannot deny it under any circumstances, because i actually know with my heart and mind that for me it's true. I'm sure you feel the same with you faith, and that is why it hurts when people do all that they can to scrutinize you and your beliefs. All churches have good in them, and all have good people- it is a commandment to us to love one another. It's nice to see that you are actively trying to follow this commandment. We all need to re-evaluate how we are treating one another from time to time. thank you for reminding us of that.

2007-11-18 17:56:47 · answer #10 · answered by pono7 5 · 8 0

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