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I am very confused about my religion right now, I used to be a Christian,but that's when I was 0-10 and I went to church with my parents and so on. But now that I'm older I don't go to church and I am questioning my religion -if I even have one. And I was thinking, why would God HATE homosexuals? Who started this? Or does it say it in the bible? I am not homosexual but I am friends with homosexual people.

2007-11-17 15:20:52 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

God only loves the people who trust Him. God makes it possible for people to know Him, but only some. I am a Bisexual person who knows God. It didn't stop me from knowing God through Jesus Christ. It might stop someone from knowing Him, but not me. I can say this because sometimes wandering into sin can lead people astray. It's often referred to as "the Slippery Slope" of sin. It makes you want to do something called a 'besetting sin' more than adjust to the call of God.

Not everyone gets to have the call of God, Romans 9 makes that clear. And Jesus said that many are called, but few are chosen. So God only wants some people, but the fact that some people might be homosexual doesn't mean that God doesn't love them. In fact Jesus said the opposite, He said, " They who are forgiven much, love much." And so I do, and so I do.

2007-11-17 15:30:08 · answer #1 · answered by Christian Sinner 7 · 1 3

There are 7 things God Hates; #1 A Proud Look
#2 A lying Tongue--# 3 Hands that are Quick to shed Innocent Blood: Proverbs ch 6 :16 You can look the others up;
God destroyed Cites for the very thing You have
spoken about; Sodem and Gomorah had several
Sins ;Fulness of Bread---Idle Hands--Violence;
Do not allow a demon to attach Himself to You,That will happen if You insist on Pursuing the Lifestyle that will only bring You Down,Who do You think is putting the thoughts in Your Head to question God,? Do not ride the fence to see what You can do and still have Fellowship wih God;
You said You was a Christian from 0 to 10, You are saying You was Baptised at Birth ,Catholic?
You need to Hear God and Seek after Him, Jesus
paid for Your Pardon, It is up to You to make a Decision that will determine Your Eternity;

2007-11-17 16:41:03 · answer #2 · answered by section hand 6 · 0 1

As stated correctly by some, it is the sin, not the sinner, which God hates in this case. Indeed, Paul says this (the most relevant verse): 1Co 6:9-11, NASB
Read verses 9-11. Clearly, not only homosexuals, but fornicators, drunkards and thieves will also fail to "inherit the kingdom of God" which, if you read more of Paul, is clearly a reference to eternal life. But he finishes with verse 11 - essentially, making it clear that people who have given up these practices are as acceptable as Christians who never practiced them!

Clearly, God only hates homosexuality, not homosexuals.

Jim, http://www.jimpettis.com/wheel/

2007-11-19 07:18:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


I didn't see anywhere in the Holy Bible or the Holy Torah where he all and all out says he hates anything, that is Jesus A.s. or Isa A.s. What your talking about is human error that is created from 325 years of language change and ruler changes. Truly you cannot tell me that you can give me exactly what you did and said yestarday to the perfect tee. So then how could they possibly do such things then? I found some old papers about 50 years old, they couldn't even be touched because they near fell appart in your hands.. so then, 325 years of old paper and ink would not have the same effect?
Homosexuality has been around before those books, because the devil loves to make mankind astray. Hate? Well I don't think he said hate, I think he said it was forbidden so again human misunderstanding and lost guidance.

Do you seriously think they spoke the way we did 2000 years ago, or even 5000 years ago for that matter? That is why Islam had to come in format of Al Quran to show the people what they could not tamper with which they did tamper with in the past.

This is the book where there is no doubt. What part of that didn't anyone get... King Constintine surely pulled the wool over all their eyes with his methods of voting and removal of so much that was to be said.
Whos to say all those papers were not all made up, and whos to say they were not. That again is more proof as to why the Quran had to come.
Homosexuality is like a virus that spreads faster than goodness has a chance to put its pants on.

2007-11-17 15:34:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

If just one single ancestor of yours was a practing homosexual at ANY POINT OF YOUR LINEAGE!! you would not be born. If your grand pa or your grand ma was, then check and count how many lives around you would not exist.

This is a serious issue and a great threat. Your friends who are homosexuals are beneciaries of many generations of genes that they carry, but are stopping them from moving forward. If all men and women become homosexual today, mankind will be gone tomorrow.

When Soddom and Gamorrah became homosexual almost completely the Lord destroyed them, as they would have stopped having children in any case, but would have spread this death cult to others.

I hope this makes sense to you. Use logic. Christianity by the way does not teach logic. So many people do get confused. Do some research on Islam or Judaism. Islam is easier to convert to and is closer to the truth in my view as a Muslim =).

Take care.

2007-11-17 16:26:19 · answer #5 · answered by NQV 4 · 1 1

It's not the person He dislikes it is the action. in the Old Testament He strongly downs it as apretty bad physical thing that two humans can do. He rates it up there with screwing animals. Leviticus 20:10-16

In Romans 1:21-27 He does it again. So, yeah. i am for not doing it. (Not that i had been intrested).

I almost forgot. Again do not think that He "hates" them. Thats like saying He hates everyone, cause everyone has sinned at one time or another and always will. Then theres voluntary sin where you know better and do it anyway. However, we need to remember we have a chooser. We can choose to not do something, too. Whosoever means whosoever. We know that God loves us or else He would not have died for the cause.

God Bless!

2007-11-17 15:55:39 · answer #6 · answered by xgarmstrong 3 · 1 1

To understand what God hates and loves one must understand what makes God God? My view is that God is perfect and as such is self sustaining. From His perfection flows all His characteristics driven by love. His hate then is based on, love on what a person can be but refuses. If you believe that God gave Adam a suitable gift in Eve then that is the best gift we can have. If we refuse or reject it what do you think? Remember things that are perfect will repel the things that are imperfect. Knowing this He gave His Son as our Saviour and Lord so we could be with Him through eternity.

2016-08-10 14:20:08 · answer #7 · answered by ronald 1 · 0 0

In Leviticus 18-22, It says it is an abomination and you shall not do it. God hates the act of homosexuality. So the people who say it is o k are wrong.

2007-11-17 15:35:20 · answer #8 · answered by Scrappy52 6 · 2 0

God does not hate homosexuals..God loves all people...God hates sin...the Bible says that when a man or woman burns in lust for the same sex, it is a sin...Sin seperates us from God and it is not Gods will that we be seperated from Him. That is why Christ died on the cross for all of our sins...God loves homosexual people.

2007-11-17 15:28:53 · answer #9 · answered by loveChrist 6 · 2 0

God loves all people, but God hates sin and the act of homosexuality is an abomination to God, a gross sin.

2007-11-17 15:26:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

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