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We are well educated - everything we learn are fact's tested and proven with solid evidences. - hence only then we except it but how come when it come to religion things are not so - after all everyone knows tat just like everything else religion is man made ( GOD is there and he is always GOD - I meant religion ).

Example : communicating with god is very personal !! but why humans are killing each other over the style or which popular method one uses to coomunicate ( protestant Vs Catholics , Chia muslim Vs Sunni Muslim ) after all they are all praying ( communicating with god )

There so many civilization in this world - christian civilization , muslim civilization , hindu , judaism , buddism and other civilizations - all has thier own historical legacy , culture, tradition , language , writting systems , community , social structures and GOD - but why someone from one civilization must say that his GOD or values are true / powerfull then other - how does he/she knows

2007-11-17 15:14:58 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

So simple - common sence you say - people are in war sloughtering each other for thousands of years because of differences in common sense ?

2007-11-17 15:20:02 · update #1

"mynameis" - FAITH you say , well I say why do we need FAITH at the first place if it is TRUE

2007-11-17 15:21:30 · update #2

"YahooAnswer" - It's logic to conclude tat - Religion existed or created to act as a GLUE medium to bond together all the attributes , values and qualities of a civilization etched strongly together - untouchable by time, modernization or other civilization or invaders - & they top it with the icon and banner of GOD - strongest credential

2007-11-17 15:38:32 · update #3

23 answers

nice question girl .....& always double check your spelling before posting.

Hmmm....how true , did you know that non of the prophets in Islam or Christians were literate ( they all cant read or write ) , of course MOSES was the only prophet who had the ability to read or write hence he wrote the sacred TORAH.

My point is - if they all were illiterate and left no written documentation hence where did the Quran and Bible came from.

From the very beginning of the Christian movement, followers of Jesus tried to make sense of the impact of Jesus of Nazareth, and began arguing about differing ways of making sense. There has never been an uncontested, unrationalized Christian faith.

Hmmm, so much to say ... anyway did you know that In 1943 pope Pius XII's encyclical Divino Afflante Spiritu gave the Vatican's imprimatur to textual criticism.

GOD is great - JESUS , ALLAH , the holy spirit - any god - it exsist and its true and its correct. BUT NOT THE RELIGION - ANY RELIGION.

Did you kpw that there never was anywhere in either BIBLE or QURAN - anything was mentioned about Dinosaurs or even the 160 million years of JURASSIC era and everything or anything that lived at that time before anything that is living today started to evolve. Bible said GOD created the earth in six days and straight in to living creatures that we have in our age.

Did you know how many sin the christians commited in the name of heresy to maintain peoples faith on the BIBLE -

example : GALILIEO was sentenced to life in prison due to heresy because he invented the telescope and said that it is the earth that goes around the sun and not as how the bible said then that the sun rotates around the earth.

Again - I am not against the GOD or JESUS or the holy spirit or so I never doubted them - I belive them but not the religion which carries it and talks on behalf of thier god.

ALWAYS remember RELIGION is created by man - GOD is the truth , you communicate with GOD not nessesarily through 100 % submission to your religion.

2007-11-18 02:07:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2016-05-06 05:37:03 · answer #2 · answered by Candice 3 · 0 0

This is not a contest but the Bible is the word of God.. get this. No man can accurately foretell the future in detail. That is beyond human ability. However, the Creator of the universe possesses all the necessary facts and can even control events. Thus he can be spoken of as the One who is “telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done.”—Isaiah 46:10; 41:22, 23. That statement does not appear in the Quran. The Bible contains hundreds of prophecies. Have they been accurately fulfilled until now? If so, it would be a telling indication of the Bible’s being “inspired of God.” (2 Timothy 3:16, 17) And it would create confidence in further prophecies regarding events yet to come. Hence, it will be useful to review some prophecies already fulfilled. That is not written in the Quran, and one is not surprised. Tyre was a prominent seaport of Phoenicia that had dealt treacherously with ancient Israel, her southern neighbor that worshiped the True God. Through a prophet named Ezekiel, God foretold its complete destruction over 250 years before it happened. The God of the bible declared: “I will bring up against you many nations . . . And they will certainly bring the walls of Tyre to ruin and tear down her towers, and I will scrape her dust away from her and make her a shining, bare surface of a crag. A drying yard for dragnets is what she will become in the midst of the sea.” Ezekiel also named in advance the first nation and its leader to besiege Tyre: “Here I am bringing against Tyre Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon.”—Ezekiel 26:3-5, 7. As foretold, Nebuchadrezzar [Nebuchadnezzar] did later overthrow mainland Tyre, The Encyclopædia Britannica reporting “a 13-year siege . . . by Nebuchadrezzar.”1 After the siege it was reported that he took no spoils: “As for wages, there proved to be none for him.” (Ezekiel 29:18) Why not? Because part of Tyre was on an island across a narrow channel.2 Most of Tyre’s treasures had been transferred from the mainland to that island part of the city, which was not destroyed. But Nebuchadrezzar’s conquest did not “scrape [Tyre’s] dust away from her and make her a shining, bare surface” as Ezekiel had foretold. Nor was Zechariah’s prophecy fulfilled, which said that Tyre would be pitched “into the sea.” (Zechariah 9:4) Were these prophecies inaccurate? Not at all. Over 250 years after Ezekiel’s prophecy and nearly 200 years after Zechariah’s, Tyre was totally destroyed by Greek armies under Alexander the Great, in 332 B.C.E. “With the debris of the mainland portion of the city,” explains the Encyclopedia Americana, “he built a huge [causeway] in 332 to join the island to the mainland. After a seven months’ siege . . . he captured and destroyed Tyre.” Thus, as predicted by Ezekiel and Zechariah, Tyre’s dust and debris did end up in the midst of the water. She was left a bare crag, “a place to spread nets upon,” as a visitor to the site observed.4 So, prophecies spoken hundreds of years earlier were fulfilled in exact detail! Its Clear which book is the Truth.

2016-05-24 01:13:37 · answer #3 · answered by doris 3 · 0 0

As 'all politics is local' so to a degree is religion. It's man's search for some kind of sense in his existence. As in politics, man's classic search for power has orten divined the directions of the various sects. Charlatans, for the most part, explain the diversions you refer to, not to mention the barbarisms. Hitler's war was a manaical attempt to erase the Jewish faith from the face of the Earth. Faith should be personal and practiced with total tolerance. Millions have died throughout history by man's unwillingness to abide by that single bit of common sense.

2007-11-17 15:37:38 · answer #4 · answered by te144 7 · 0 0

I am learning Wicca, and I got tired of being told that christianity is the only, true and right way to go. I didnt believe it and that is why I left it. I agree with your whole statement about communicating with god. i pray alot, and that is a misconception that many ppl have about paganism/ Wicca, is that we don't pray. Some of us do and some of us do not. it is personal. I speak to my God and Goddess alot, in prayer and in my mind and sometimes aloud. u are a wise person. Stay true and Blessed be!

2007-11-17 15:21:59 · answer #5 · answered by Dragonflygirl 7 · 0 0

Common sense.
If it makes sense,it is true
if it does not,it is not.
For example:
1-Jesus was a man
2-Jesus was son of God(or God)

First statement needs no interpretation.If he was born out of a human being,ate,slept and did what humans do,then he was a MAN.

If you ask a cave man what he would call someone that eats,sleeps and walks,he would tell you a "MAN".

you get the same answer if you ask a chinese,russian or a native.

2-How do you justify the second statement?
Does incarnation,rebirth or any other transcending talk makes sense ?
Bottom line:Use your mind,dont buy it because some holy book says so(coz that book itself was written by men).

P.S.Common sense is one(there are no versions for it)
killing is not common sense.What you refer to in your comment is "justification",or "purpose".or "agenda" or "prophecy".
Common sense is the instinctive perception of what is right and wrong that is common to and shared by all people,detached from religion,politics or personal interests.

2007-11-17 15:16:46 · answer #6 · answered by Chakat 4 · 3 1

We're not. We're all just afraid to be wrong.
I am extremely tolerant. I'm not ready to damn someone for disagreeing when I know that it is equally likely I could be wrong. Hell, we might all be wrong. I don't presume to know any one religion is more true than the others, but I have mine and I like it. I believe that there is a God and He is forgiving enough not to damn someone just because they were wrong and had no way of knowing.

2007-11-17 15:24:38 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The reason religions fight is no fault of God, it is our own human error. Also, humans did not create religion, the diety of that religion did. Humans design specific rules within the religion after their God gives them the building blocks.

No religion is more powerful, nor are their deities more powerful, than another.

Religion is not confirmed by fact because it is not possible to gain fact in religion; that's what it's made out of, faith.

2007-11-17 15:20:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I am Christian and believe in Jesus, but let's forget that for a minute and look at your question.

Assuming all "religions" have a "supreme being", do the teachings from that religion glorify and honor that supreme being? Does the end result make sense and is it useful?

For instance since the world seems so conflicted over muslims and Christians, I'll use them. They both believe in a supreme being "Allah" or "God". Both are creators, both desire obedience. Allah promises if you kill yourself in his name, you get so many virgins etc. God promises everlasting life just for believing in His son Jesus and encourages us to love one another and help one another, not kill people or ourselves. Killing is against God's teachings. Would killing yourself or others honor or glorify anyone or anything? Wouldn't loving and helping others make more sense and glorify God? You decide...

Also, religion isn't what saves you, Jesus is, by grace through faith. Religion can be awful. For example only: "Bob religiously worships satan", "Jim religiously beats his wife" etc. It's faith that counts.

2007-11-17 15:30:30 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

What I have is a relationship with God.

Mankind is killing--and they are NOT communicating with God.
If they did not have their OWN beliefs---and they WERE listening to God--there would BE no killing.

Get your focus on God and let God take care of the fighting.

2007-11-17 15:20:41 · answer #10 · answered by bettyboop 6 · 0 2

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