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At the risk of causing a further battle between Theists and Atheists I am going to ask this question:

Can you both (mean the Theists and Atheists) give me 10 reason to (for the Theists) believe in God, and (for the Atheists) to not believe in God.

Thank you!

2007-11-17 13:59:02 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

27 answers

Reasons (1) - (10): The god concept is logically impossible.

2007-11-17 14:02:18 · answer #1 · answered by ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT•• 7 · 6 10

This is giving me a headache. I'll just say that I agree with Paul and Kris.

I believe in Santa Claus but not God.
How do you like that?
Santa Claus is a spirit.. one that makes sense to me and I believe in. Look how happy Santa makes the children of the world. Look at the happy memories of Santa most adults have. That is why he spirit lives on, adults enjoyed it and want their children to have it. Santa is a good spirit.

God, on the other hand, is a mean spirit, that is why belief in him is dying off so quickly.

1000 years from now, people will read about how this civilization believed in God and laugh. Teachers will assign homework for students. The question they will have to answer is
"What made people in the 19th century so gullible to believe in a God?"

And by the way, most atheists that I know don't go around preaching their belief. I certainly don't. I only speak up when asked. I couldn't care less if a person believes in God. If it helps them be a better person, so be it. Most people in my own family have no idea that I do not believe in God. My own husband is a believer.

I respect everyone's right to their belief.

2007-11-18 02:40:18 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Reasons to believe in the Goddess:

1) The Universe must be female because only a female body can reproduce parthenogenically.

2) Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny. Evolution is the birth process on a planetary scale.

3) All life is connected within Her.

4) Consciousness is non-local to the brain.

5) I remember past lives and many other cases are documented.

6) I've seen and interacted with ghosts, angels, and other spirits so I know there is more to the world than the physical.

7) Humans lived in peace when the Great Goddess was worshipped.

8) Male gods = war.
No gods = nothing.
Goddess = everything that is, was, will be,
could have been, might be.

9) She can be expressed mathmatically with the number 0, through Fibonacci sequences, Mandlebrot Fractal Geometry and Quantum Mechanics.

10) I've heard Her since I was a baby. She's always there.

2007-11-17 14:19:04 · answer #3 · answered by Morgaine 4 · 0 4

I am agnostic, therefore do not believe either in the existence or nonexistence of a deity; may I answer? I think that there are probably more reasons to doubt the viability of God than there are to believe in God. From the point of view of the three major Middle Eastern religions, God is a concept difficult for me to accept. In my opinion, a deity with the intelligence and ability to imagine and incite a COSMOS would not then be narrow-minded and petty. Conversely, I can imagine an entity possibly who could create the Universe using the methods of the "Big Bang" and evolution. I can not accept the simple mythologies of the bible as being the ultimate word so far as creation is concerned. I see no conflict in the idea of the cosmos having erupted unaided by a deity from a naked singularity. I doubt that we as human beings are capable either of comprehending or even knowing the entirety of the circumstances which effected our origins.

2007-11-17 15:26:17 · answer #4 · answered by Lynci 7 · 1 2

a million. He lacks means. you could no longer deny this. 2. His capture word sucks, and has gotten particularly stressful. 3. His microphone skills are terrible. everyone can scream, and crack jokes with regard to the human anatomy. 4. Cena is forced upon us, on a similar time as different deserving wrestlers do no longer get carry of a push in any respect. 5. His gimmicks are terrible. First a "gangster rapper," then a soldier, and now a vast killer/legend? Lame.. 6. they are attempting to bypass him off as a legend. If i exchange into inducted into the hall of recognition, i could be insulted. Cena hasn't performed something thrilling or thrilling to be even seen into the hall of recognition. 7. the guy needless to say makes use of steroids. 8. maximum of his final followers are toddlers and girls human beings (women people who base each and every thing off of seems. I haven't any concern with the ladies human beings WWE followers ;P) 9. The Marine exchange into terrible. The sequel would be even worse. 10. His fits are merely boring. That tag tournament final Monday exchange into certainly fairly respectable, till Cena exchange into tagged in. He ruined a probably good tournament. there is your ten reasons. ^_^

2016-11-11 23:19:48 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't know if I could come up with 10 reasons, so I'll just give you a few of my viewpoints.
If someone asked you on which day you would like to die, could you give them an answer? I myself can't imagine wanting to actually pick a day, because I believe it is a part of human nature to WANT to live. So the question arises (for me at least) why ARE we here? To just suffer and live a relatively few years, and then die? If that is the case, then that's a pretty cruel joke on God's part. But because I looked into the matter, and found from the scriptures exactly what IS/WAS God's purpose for us, I feel confident that God DID intend for mankind to fill the earth and to multiply and to be happy and healthy and perfect. Just as God created us with free will, Satan also had that quality or ability to either serve God or reject Him and rebel against Him. Most of mankind's suffering is brought on by themselves, and of course with the help of Satan, who has influenced mankind from the beginning.
Another thing I find interesting is that the Bible is the ONLY book in existence that can satisfy our unique ability to be able to look at the past, the present, and the future. It covers all of them. And can be useful when we have questions about all of these time-frames. Especially in the present, IF we apply them.
This world we live in is so full of chaos and destruction, and I already feel insecure and lost at times from that. I can't imagine having NO hope at all for what God intends to do about these things. I think the same principals that apply to well-intentioned and competent human parents of children (although they are imperfect) can compare to why God wants us to listen to His advice and instruction. It's because we benefit from it.

2007-11-17 14:53:23 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

#1 Everlasting life
#2 Having your dead loved ones back
#3 To be young again
#4 To never be sick again
#5 To live on a paradise earth
#6 All animals and people at peace
#7 Having your own land and home and having no bills
#8 Having satisfying work to do(keeping the earth a paradise)
#9 Growing your own food, plenty to eat satisfying food
#10 Having a close personal relationship with God and his Son
#11 Raising children and living in a world without crime and war
#12 No more wickedness
I can keep going, not necessarily in the right order.
#13 Unending Love
#14 An eternity to study the creative works of God
#15 No more nonbelievers that give thumbs down to the truth.
#16 No more merchants that gouge you for your money.
#17 No more governments.
#18 No more false religions.
#19 No more Satan and his demons.
#20 We will be made perfect.
#21 New scrolls are to be opened.
#22 We will all have the glorious freedom of the children of God.
#23 We will all be brothers and sisters.

2007-11-17 14:16:30 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 5 4

God is a fairytale

Blind faith stifles an open mind and stagnates the brain

Belief in God causes people to have an naive and unrealistic view of reality and humanity.

God is intolerant

People do not take responsibility for their actions, instead they assume the devil has a hand in their "evil" behavior.

A lot of mental and emotional energy is wasted on worship and pray, neither of which do much but give the patron a false sense of satisfaction.

A lot of money is wasted in "spreading the word". Much of it taken from poorer persons.

Many religions cause a lot of intolerance, hate, terror and war.

Each religion thinks they are the one true religion.

Religions try to legislate morality.

2007-11-17 14:14:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

1-his name _God _ is Exist ( yahwa )
so Christ is being with the Father and The Holy Spirit.
Re 1:8
am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,”
says the Lord,
“who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
2- He saved the world.
3- 10 He love the world.

2007-11-17 14:57:16 · answer #9 · answered by Mosa A 7 · 0 2

Want, Need, Fear, Hope, Faith, Belief, Denial, Peace, Comfort, Simplicity.
Simplicity, Denial, Nature, Comfort, Clarity, Prudence, Proof, Knowledge, Self, Acceptance.

2007-11-17 14:17:05 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Exactly NO hard evidence
Occam's Razor
No concise viewpoint (i.e. there as many interpretations of god as there are theists).
No verifiable suspension of the laws of nature (i.e. miracles)
Intellectual honesty

And, frankly, we do not see what we would expect to see if a god or gods existed. A universe with god would be very different than one without.

2007-11-17 14:11:09 · answer #11 · answered by Dashes 6 · 0 2

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