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I'm a giving person, I'm known for it, I've always loved to help people. I'm also an Atheist/Agnostic. My father's Buddhist, my mother's Atheist. I love my parents more than anything in this world and they likewise.

Why must I suffer eternal torture roasting on Satan's BBQ?

Why can't decency be the most important thing there is?

Why is it that fundamentalist Christians would feel comfortable watching from Heaven, hearing my roasting skin crackle and sizzle while Satan slathers boiling BBQ sauce on my body.

That's not love, if anything that's selfish meaningless pity. That's a complete disregard for morality.

2007-11-17 12:29:01 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

31 answers

G-d isn't condemning you to hell. You do that yourself, when you reject the truth found in Yeshua (Jesus). If you reject Him and go to hell, you will only have yourself to blame.

2007-11-17 12:34:48 · answer #1 · answered by arikinder 6 · 1 11

Okay, just because I noticed one part of this that I must voice my opinion. I do not believe that those in Heaven will be able to see anything that happens to those who are in torture, I believe that God takes all of that away...all memory of what we've suffered, what others we knew are suffering, etc. But then again, that's just my personal belief. And honestly, I think that would be very hard on any truely saved person to witness, in a place where it is supposed to be perfect peace. How could they truely be at peace when they witness something like that? Therefore, I don't believe Christians will have any connection with such things.

2007-11-18 20:13:58 · answer #2 · answered by ? 2 · 0 1

Imagine the soul of Mother Teresa, which all believers could probably agree on, is in heaven right now. She has/had high spiritual development(which involves faith)on her side, as well as "good acts." We could give that gal a big spiritual A+ and no further tests are required.

Now imagine the soul of Joe Blow. He does good acts on the scale of MT in his lifetime but he lacks faith in anything beyond this world. Is he as good as MT? What do you think "God" would say should It actually exist in *some* form? Joe won't pass the class. But we give him a B for the good he contributed to the world and that continues to inspire future generations.
Now here is Susie Christian. She totally accepts Jesus died for her sins but doesn't really add much to the world. Looks like another B. Why should SHE get an A if Mother Teresa set the scale?
After all, if MT's soul could evolve into what it did, so could Joe and Susie's souls. The potential is there.

Now it is believed by some that a dark being(s) are causing trouble in the physical world, trying to prevent people from walking a pure spiritual path. If it is so, don't you think God would be saying, hey people. Get your "acts together" and follow the example of a Mother Teresa (you can fill in the blank with any person who has gone above and beyond the ordinary and inspired generations to come)

You really think that these 3 souls in my example are going to the very SAME place? In the middle of a spiritual war for souls to pick which side they will finally be on?

If you were a teacher you might pass all the kids out of the kindness of your heart, but you will have the A+ kids and you will have the C kids. And of course you want the C kids to *learn* from the A+ kids because as the teacher, you KNOW they have the potential to do it. You know a pre-schooler can't do algebra now, but they will learn it by the time they graduate college.
Some B and C kids are just too lazy, or lack the skills at this time but extra tutoring will help,or are they are just too defiant to accept the rules until they understand them.

You aren't going to reward them equally if you want the slackers to learn from the shining stars. You might pass them all because you love them. But is it *just* for a Mother Teresa to go to the *same* place a good athiest or lazy Christian would go to when she has worked so much harder?

The Light ONE Mother Teresa releases in this world by their acts AND being models of faith offsets loads of potential damage a legion of darkness has planned, for several generations.

Humanity has the potential to produce more of these, if only we could get out of spiritual kindergarten.

2007-11-17 21:12:09 · answer #3 · answered by An Independent 6 · 0 1

In my beliefs only the wicked deserve torture like that. If you dont believe like they do, then plain and simply dont worry about them. Your compassion and good works will make you a better person than many of those who simply believe a certain way and live a selfish life. Nobody can tell you what to believe or who god should be to you. My advise is to do what is in your heart, because that is where your higher power really lives.

2007-11-17 20:38:34 · answer #4 · answered by runic111 5 · 2 1

You have qualities that God loves for his followers to have.

Why don't you read my following recent post on this forum and think about how it is possible for all the things I mentioned to come into existence without any creator. If you realize that there must be a creator, then believe me that creator is the one and only God.

Once you learn to learn about God and and start learning what God wants you to do in addition to the great work you are already doing, I believe you will be one of the
Heavenly people in next life.


2007-11-17 21:48:31 · answer #5 · answered by majeed3245 7 · 0 1

Nope. We won't be watching you, you in hell will forever be watching those of us in heaven's paradise...but you will never be able to cross over or leave your place of torment. God gives a vivid description of hell in Luke 16:19-31. #1. Those in hell can see those in glory ( verse 23 ). #2.There is personal sensation in hell ( verse 24 ). #3. Even though those in hell can see us in heaven, they will never be able to cross over. Praise God! ( verse 26 ) #4. You will have NO gratification in hell ( verse28 ). Jesus spoke on hell and judgement more than He did on love and heaven. Obviously, He does not want you to go there or anyone else. If you really and truly understand that hell is very real, then you will do what you need to do to make sure you don't wind up there!

2007-11-17 20:52:36 · answer #6 · answered by HeVn Bd 4 · 1 2

if you are that loving and kind the gospel would really call out to you unless your acts are a personal trophy to yourself. Obedience is better than sacrifice and to harken than the fat of the ram. What parent doesn't exspect their child to listen and obey them. In God's family dad has house rules and all his children have to listen. My sheep know my voice and a stranger they will not follow. you only get to burn if you want to, noone's forcing you to the great BBQ.

2007-11-17 20:42:21 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I don't understand how you believe in hell and heaven, but you still remain aethist and deny God. If you believe in heaven and hell, how do you suppose they got there...
And if you are such a good person, then open your mind a little. Research religions, and then see how you feel about it.

2007-11-17 20:40:51 · answer #8 · answered by Dancer101 4 · 2 0

God sent His Son as a free gift for you. Please accept Christ as your Lord and Savior. ("Lord" = Boss of you) (Savior = Paid for your sins) All you must do is acknowledge that you're a sinner (that means that you're not perfect - like ALL people) accept that Christ died for your sins and accept Him as your Lord. The alternative is believing that either there is no heaven and hell or that we can "earn" heaven on our own. Both of these ideas contradict the bible, and deny that God exists and the deity of Christ, and both result in eternal damnation.

You can either believe this or not, and then act upon it or not, but you have been told and offered Christ. I for one will be able to be in heaven, either with or without you, knowing that your destination was placed firmly in your own hands and you chose it. Choose wisely, and hope to see you there.

2007-11-17 20:45:13 · answer #9 · answered by teran_realtor 7 · 1 2

well as long as your a good person it should all work out....Every religion has it's strong point's or version of god. So itr woouldn't make sense that 70% of the world would burn in hell for not being christian. So don't worry justice will be served.

2007-11-17 20:45:11 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Romans 3:23 " For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God ".There must be a payment for sin , pay for your own in eternal hell . Hear the word of God , believe , trust and accept him as your personal savior and Jesus will have paid for your sins .He wants to , won't you let him ? Romans 10:17 " So then faith cometh by hearing, hearing by the word of God ".

2007-11-17 20:40:20 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

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