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This girl, just out of High School, had her sentence for being with a man not her relative increased to 200 lashes and 6 months in jail after being gang raped by seven men due to media coverage.

She was raped by Muslim men.
She was convicted by a Muslim judge, in a Muslim country according to Muslim law by the guardians of Islam's holiest shrine.

here is the story:

Your views?

2007-11-17 09:30:56 · 74 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

those that say she should have followed the laws of her country should be thankful they don't live in a society with police from the Dept. of Vice and Virtue.
The crime rate was low in Nazi Germany, as well.

Her error in judgment has cost her more than anyone of us can realise.
The justice system of our "ally" Saudia Arabia is not an aberration, but the norm for strict Islam.

The Taliban did the same thing.
Iranian mullahs do the same thing.
Pakistani Fundies do the same thing.

Sharia requires 4 men to give eyewitness testimony of the rape.

I have read the blogs of those that live in the Kingdom of Saud and it is no picnic,
especially for women. The royals live by their own rules.

I would say be thankful we live in a free society, warts and all, and do all we can from preventing Islam to rule.

2007-11-18 10:46:38 · update #1

74 answers

That's disgusting. But, by Islamic law, unless 4 men (or 8 women, for a you need 2 women to testify for every 1 man) have seen the literal act of rape, it is not considered rape. Therefore, women who report instances of rape -- unless there are four male witnesses -- are then accused of fornication. I believe it is Pakistan, where most of the female occupants of prison are rape victims -- since there were not the required number of witnesses, they were sentenced with having committed adultery, and so imprisoned.
And, of course, not only is the system of "justice" totally warped, the punishments handed out are equally absurd...

2007-11-17 09:38:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 3

bismillaah (in the name of Allaah, God Almighty) The judicial cases are one of the most controversial issues that one love discuss and on the same line the most argumentative issues desired by media to manipulate with. In fact, each person kicks the judge out, sits in his place, without learning any thing about law, religion, culture ...etc, brings his own system and recites his judgment without forgetting to sue every one but the victim. I doubt if most of those who commented read the piece of news since the link didn't work (the BBC one does work fine). Some might read about it but, like every one else including me, they are not neutral or it is so difficult to be so. It seems the girl complained about the rape and the judge asked her "What have you been doing there?". She then has to admit that she was in company with those guys. Here in KSA, this is fooling around, it is, not only legally but even culturally, NOT accepted. It was not fair not to punish her since she did an illegal issue. By the way, the other picture that anti-Islamic-law people don't like talking about (here at least) is that the guys' necks are UNDER the sword. She shouldn't have tempted them by being with them, for us here when a girl goes around alone with such guys, usually she is more vulnerable to accept other things. All this is a guessing. However, the judge is there not on Yahoo. Another issue is that some people from over there (USA) tries to describe Hijab as an oppression. Read the statistics down there! They teach Muslim women that she should be ‘liberated’ according to their system and later on they do not want her to be exposed to such dangers. If we take Hijab off, people will think this is USA not KSA. To solve your own problem, apply Islamic laws! ========= Read the full direct news from the last two links!

2016-05-24 00:25:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Are you serious? That has to be one of the most messed up things I have ever heard about!!!

It's bad enough that she was raped, that is like the worst thing that could happen. Then she gets put in jail, and 200 lashes for it. WTF is going on with our world. Can you even imagine what she must be going through?

Well, I'm going to be praying for her, and the world, which has gotten so messed up, tonight.

2007-11-17 09:37:42 · answer #3 · answered by Lucky1234 3 · 2 0

i'm a muslim and i'm still disagreeing with it
this is not islamic at all
there is no punishment in islam for being with a non mahram( non relative as you put it) even though it is forbidden
if they really wanted to uphold the islamic shariaa then they should have punished the rapists with execution not just a few years in prison
i think that the judge just had a thing against rebellious girls and wanted to teach her a lesson
you didn't have to turn it into a an anti muslim propaganda
the way you handled it was very poor
it is more political than anything else as is the contradictory law in saudi arabia is practiced in some areas by some judges , the government should control them with more clear laws the way they did with their moral police .
the girl should have known better since she lived in saudi arabia for 19 years, no muslim arab girl goes out with a guy and thinks it's ok or it's legal , some countries have more lenient punishment and sometimes they look the other way.
although what happened was awful and the girl has been a victim but she should have known better . where i live women aren't punished for dating but no reasonable arab muslim woman would date because she knows how society would view her and that's enough of a punishment.
you cannot say she has done nothing, in a conservative community like saudi arabia it is considered a crime and men are not usually blamed for anything it's the brave girl who reports 1 case who may get the rapist or attacker convicted and she will lose her "virtue" in the eyes of all and will probably never get married , be accepted by women or even go to school . that's why the shariaa law is all for execution of rapists and exonerating rape victims which is the opposite of what was practiced in this case .
until real islamic law is upheld and people start hating the rapists not the victims girls should be more careful or else more girls will end up like this one. i hope the media coverage is enough to convince governments to deal with such judges and like the other judge who nullified a marriage because the brothers of the wife didn't want the husband and the children were announced as illegal.
very sad stories which are not about upholding islamic laws but about doing the opposite of what islam preaches.

2007-11-17 09:58:00 · answer #4 · answered by sweet tooth 6 · 1 5

No, it's not fair and neither is it an excuse for implying that "that's how the Muslim world works, folks". Muslim countries have varied justice systems. Human rights leaves a lot to be desired in some of them but in others, a concerted effort is made to not go over the top. There is an abundance of Muslim countries in which such a judgement would not occur so please...make a more informed posting...or change the wording so it doesn't come across in the way that it does.

2007-11-17 09:35:16 · answer #5 · answered by PRH1 3 · 4 3

That's some crazy **** the one who rape her should be the one to get sentence to 600 lashes for rape her plus they should get 39 year's in jail the Muslim judge need to go to jail to form allowing this to hap pending her being rape is not her fault at all and is not fair

2007-11-17 09:41:25 · answer #6 · answered by slimgoodie166 3 · 3 1

Let's be Realistic, unfortunately she went against the laws of her own Muslim Religion and customs, and she was old enough to know better too. I'm not saying that she deserved it....Hell no she didn't!!!!! (Fact: that is the world she was raised in all of her life.)
Saudi Arabia Muslims are the worst of the worst of all chauvinistic Males world wide, and the laws are designed by Men to protect their Men at all costs, so help them ALLAH! The sicko men of that society know if they commit crimes against the females, they will only get a slap on the wrist. However for the victims (females), it is a death sentence.
Just think of all the revenge scenarios the men can plot against their enemies---Let's just get their sister, daughter, mother....."I'll get you my pretty." ETC...ETC....ETC.....Wrong, all wrong in the name of their customs and god.
That's my View.

2007-11-17 12:03:00 · answer #7 · answered by Mama Mia 7 · 2 0

That's religion for you. Ever read Deuteronomy 22:23-24?


By the way, I heard a story about a mentally ill teenager in Iran who was repeated raped by a man in his fifties and SHE was executed! I'm not sure whether it is true (you can't believe everything you read in the newspapers, especially when it's about the Middle-East), but it wouldn't surprise me with the regime they have.

2007-11-17 09:48:45 · answer #8 · answered by Rembrandt Q. Einstein 3 · 3 0

I'm not a scholar or anything, but here's what I "THINK" I remember about this topic...

1. Since she was raped, nothing is done to her, she is to be set free.

2. The men who raped her are to be punished.

3. She shouldn't have been with a non-mahram, but that's not something that she is to be punished for by being wiped.

4. God know's best, but things are kind of going haywire.

May God spread his mercy upon us all.


2007-11-17 09:36:42 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

That's Shariah law. In many Islamic countries, women who are raped are punished because somehow is their fault. They enticed the men to rape them. They make it seem as if Muslim men cannot control their urges. This is a clear violation of humans rights. It speaks even worse of her family to allow this. This shows the real side of Islam.

2007-11-17 09:37:37 · answer #10 · answered by cynical 7 · 5 1

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