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Regardless of your spiritual beliefs why are some people for it? i know that not everyone is religious and things such as gay marriage, prostitution and other things can be debated. but abortion? If your killing something with a heart beat isn't that the same thing as murder, regardless of your religion?

2007-11-17 09:23:53 · 68 answers · asked by PTK 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

for people who are talking about animals i see your point but.... there is a difference. There is not a law against killing animals but there is a law against killing humans. I just done know how the unborn are not humans. Once the egg is fertilized doesnt that make it human?

2007-11-17 09:32:02 · update #1

If the child comes out of the opening and you stab it that would be considered a crime but if you do that a few months earlier its not?

2007-11-17 09:32:52 · update #2

Many people are talking about personal choice. Wasnt it Hitlers personal choice to murder people. does that make it right?
Its not a matter of whether its right or not but i dont see how it cant be viewed as murder and murder is illegal. If you think killing people is fine thats your thing. Just as i think killing cows is fine, but there is a law that says you CANT kill humans why isnt that extended to the fetus.

2007-11-17 09:37:08 · update #3

sophacle: i think it would be better if they had a chance. I would rather be born to hated parents then not be born at all

2007-11-17 09:39:03 · update #4

I am on the fence about rape. In that case since you didnt have anything to do with it i can understand (although you can give birth to it and send it to an adoption home)

And if women have the choice of life why dont men have the choice of child support (heard this from a woman)

2007-11-17 09:41:13 · update #5

The collection of cells eventually turn into a human so whats the difference?

And please keep religion out of it. I think this a way both sides can come to a conclusion

2007-11-17 09:45:21 · update #6

Okay i finished reading all the answers and here is what i have to say.

It shouldnt be a christian vs. atheist debate
or a man vs. woman debate.

We are not talking about ethics either. Some people believe killing flies is unethical i dont. Some people believe that abortions are ethical i dont
But there is a law that is against the killing of human and zygotes are going to be humans. What makes abortions so different than regular murder?
If it is rape i guess i can see that as an exception. If the child has a deformity i think it should atleast be given a chance ( I have a nephew with Downs Syndrome who is progressing nicely). There will always be suffering. If I kill someone who is suffering I will still go to jail.

2007-11-17 09:53:50 · update #7

68 answers

I am a Christian - but it is wonderful to see that some who do not believe the way I believe, think abortion is wrong!!

FINALLY someone gets it- thanks for saying religious beliefs should have nothing to do with murder being murder. I have heard people who do not believe in God say, that we don't need Him to tell us what is sin and what isn't. However they will blatantly say, murder is ok if it is in the womb, due to the fact - the baby cannot take care of him/herself. However, the debate I give back to them, is this- if a baby is born can he/she take care of himself- OF COURSE NOT- but if a baby that had been born was murdered by the mother, would she not be charged- of course not. the baby does have a heart beat - 3 weeks after conception. Thanks for making this comment- because it about time I hear someone say it is murder other than Christians.

2007-11-17 09:42:16 · answer #1 · answered by AdoreHim 7 · 2 3

I am against abortion. It is a sin to commit murder.
So, taking an unborn child and killing it is a sin.
Who are those people to play God?
It is not right.

I believe no matter the circumstance, the mother should only have the choice on whether she wants to keep it after GIVING BIRTH. -She should give it up for adoption. Allow other married couples who cannot have children raise that child in their happy home. IT IS BETTER THAN DENYING THAT CHILD'S RIGHT TO LIVE. Babies are a blessing no matter how you look at it.

Further more, I don't understand why people are bringing animals into it. We are not animals, no more than animals are human.
You can't compare the two.

2007-11-17 09:30:33 · answer #2 · answered by †Evonne† 7 · 3 2

I believe so too.

I think people who abort the one they conceived are heartless but then again, we cannot blame them if they are totally confused. We are not aware of what they are going through. There are some who have been raped that's why they want to abort the baby in their womb.

However, there are many (non-gov't orgs) NGOs that promote the elimination of abortion specially among teenage pregnancies. So I guess, in this case, it is the responsibility of the parent(s) to advise the bearer of what to do.

Lastly, the bottomline is the family's foundation. If the bearer came from a family that's united and spiritually stable, it is unlikely that she will abort her child, no matter how she got impregnated.

2007-11-17 09:32:28 · answer #3 · answered by Zar 2 · 2 1

The anti-abortion hysteria is related to the anti-gay hysteria; they are both emotional issues to get the uninformed to do whatever their religious leaders want them to, which is to grab more power and money for themselves.

As for abortion, nearly all of them are done very early in a pregnancy, long before the *potential* baby has the slightest hint of a nervous system - or any other system for that matter. After a fertilized egg has divided 8 times it has a grand total of *256* cells, whereas the brain of a fly has about 100,000! Should we stop swatting flies because they have more of a brain than aborted blastocysts?

Women also need the right for later abortions in case of medical problems, but you "pro-lifers" would sacrifice a mother's life for a baby who would start out with frequently fatal conditions anyway. And you call yourselves moral!

2007-11-17 09:40:57 · answer #4 · answered by hznfrst 6 · 1 2

I beleive that there is atime and a place for abortion. It should not be used as birth control, and a way to get rid of an OOPS. But if a woman was raped for instance she should have that right to terminate that type of pregnancy, yeah yeah its not hte babies fault I know, but put your self there. I dont think anyone mind and spirit could tollerate it. ANother instance, if a child is severly deformed, and will not have a good quality of life, then it might be better to send him/her back to god. Another thing If a woman is in a life or death situation she should be able to terminate the pregnancy.
I dont agree with it if there is not a lagitamit reason for it but there are some. and about this life starts at conception thing. Why do we pull the plug on our family members that are in the hospital and sick WITH NO BRAIN WAVES. Is that murder? I beleive life doesnt begin until Brain waves and a heat beat is present. THats what makes you alive. I am not saying conception is the not the begining it is, but its not truly ALIVE until the heart and brain are working.

2007-11-17 09:34:09 · answer #5 · answered by Dalmatian 4 · 2 2

I don't see how ANYBODY with any feelings whatsoever can support abortion.
It is the most violent, cruel form of murder that exists. It is committed against the most innocent and defenseless of human beings.

1) pull a child apart in little pieces while it is fighting to get away (a d&c abortion)

2) chemically scald an unborn person to death (a saline abortion)

3) puncture the skull of a full term baby and suck its LIVING brain out (a partial-birth abortion)

For the 'health of the mother' is lame as lame can be. If abortion had been legal in 1956 and 1960 my brother and sister would have been aborted due to the 'health of the mother'. Both were born and my mother didn't die giving birth to either one of them! She died 34 YEARS later!

I would have lived my life without two of the most precious people I know!!!!!

2007-11-17 09:32:47 · answer #6 · answered by Molly 6 · 2 3

No. In some cases keeping an unwanted child can end up killing more than the baby - the baby's mother too. I became pregnant at a very young age to a man with deep psychological problems. Many years later he was institutionalized for killing a woman and her child. If I hadn't aborted my child that would have, without a shadow of a doubt been me. At the time, the guilt of the termination nearly killed me and gave me a breakdown, it was years before I could see it for what it was. I have no religious convictions, although was brought up a Roman Catholic whose religious beliefs find abortion unacceptable.

2007-11-17 09:31:49 · answer #7 · answered by Lord High Executioner 1 · 4 2

A few growing cells are not a human being.
Abortion has always existed, is even worse in countries where women have no rights. Please read about the bike spike, or the poisons, or the blows to the belly. To abort in such conditions means that women were desperate enough to risk their own lif. At least by making it legal saved their lives. And just to make you think, the latest studies show that the more youngsters are taught about things like sex, condoms and pills and have access to the last two the less abortions you have.

2007-11-17 09:32:24 · answer #8 · answered by didi 5 · 2 2

I'm for it, because there are reasons to not have a baby. Yes, it is a living creature, but there are LOTS of humans, and some women just can't support a pregnancy, and putting it up for adoption is not exactly good for it, either. Besides, you can't get an abortion past a certain point, because the baby is too developed. Despite popular belief, a baby does NOT have a heartbeat for quite some time.

2007-11-17 09:30:55 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

This is a question of where you are going to draw the line.. sometimes it is hard to draw a line. sometimes it is not..
This is one of does rare times when it is extraordinary easy to draw the line.. the line is mot commonly referred as birth..
I can admit that in late stages of the pregnancy the child is almost fully formed, but that is not an issue because abortion so late only happens if it is medically necessary.

besides a lump of cells can hardly be called a human. it has the potential to be a human.. but it is not a human, it is a lump in a womans belly.. and she has every right to decide whether or not she likes to have a lump in her belly..

2007-11-19 08:07:17 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

when there is no rape, no brutalisation of women, when there is great reliable birth control that never fails, when there is no poverty, when all congenital abnormalities and illnesses are curable or avoidable, when all pregnancy conditiions are 100 avoidable so no mother need die in pregnancy or childbirth, when there is no poverty, then yes I'll agree with you. If you are going to treat all life as having value. then it must be treated that way from beginnng to end and throughout. Where there is misery degradation and suffering people have to survive however they can.
If killing something with a heartbeat is murder rather than terminating a life and therefore a criminal offence, all meat eaters should be in prison, vets or pet ownrs who have taken their elderly pets to the vets to end their suffering are murderers. anyone who has stood on an insect or swatted a fly or locust is a murderer. Anyone who has sprayed their greenfly are murderers. And why stop t heartneats. Anyone who termnates ny life is a murderer. Theefore we are all murderers because not only do we all kill something to eat (Plants are alive too) but everytine we move we kill microscopic organisms as well

2007-11-17 09:41:06 · answer #11 · answered by bri 7 · 3 2

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