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I'm asking because I'm out of work on leave because I did attempt suicide while I was at work, and I was really drunk, and no one saw it coming, but I've been working there for 6 years so most of those people know me. I'm not too sure how to approach the situation when I return to work because if I were someone else, I would think I was a real asshole because I have a one-year-old and a fiance at home. I don't know what I was thinking, I have been really depressed and drinking really heavily, so I'm concerned about how people are going to act around me and if they will hate me for being selfish. I am about to go into a partial hospitalization program, so I am getting help. I would keep this to myself but from what I understand, everyone already knows, as news travels fast in my job, and there are many people in my dept. But if you knew me, would you still think I was the same person? Please be honest, and thank you for your answers.

2007-11-17 07:45:34 · 27 answers · asked by Veridian 2 in Health Mental Health

27 answers

I would think no less of your or no different either. We all have moments in life we are not proud of. I would only want to help and make sure you were ok and didn't need anything. i would offer going with you to talk to someone. Sometimes when we try things like this we are crying out for help and can't see what we really need for ourselves or see what we need for our bodies and minds. I have been there. I have tried it myself and I thank God today I had a friend who walked beside me and walked with me through it. Without that I can honestly say I wouldn't be here today. If a person hates you for what you did they are a person you need to walk away from. You don't need them in your life. Life is short and why give away prescious time to those who aren't there for you?! If anyone says anything that hurts walk away. You don't need them. You are in the process of healing and need only those who support. Hang in there. It gets easier with help. I am glad you are getting help. I had to as well. You will be amazed at what you learn about yourself. When all is said and done you will be a stronger and better person for having endured through the pain. My prayers are with you as well as my support.

2007-11-17 07:54:50 · answer #1 · answered by Stefbear 5 · 1 0

If one of my colleagues or friends had attempted suicide - i'd be concerned. In your case, i think it'd be a confusing situation especially since you said that no one saw it coming. I wouldn't think you were the same person because if no one saw this coming then I imagine everyone seeing as a normally cheerful person - and your actions say otherwise, that you're withholding worries from other people, that you might not have an outlet for it, etc. I WOULDN'T think you were an asshole. If anything, I would be struggling to figure out a way to approach you and ask if you needed someone to talk to, and if you didn't, i'd try to go into "coworker" mode of general pleasantries to give you your space.

Everyone is different in their reactions - suffering from depression, i've thought about it myself and sympathize but others view it soley as selfish. You will probably get a spectrum of reactions when you go back to work. When my father died and I came back to school, everyone acted like it didn't happen. I hope you get the response you need. Good luck.

2007-11-17 10:24:01 · answer #2 · answered by operation mixtape 2 · 1 0

Well I think how glad I am that you are okay. What I thought about you as a person all depends on the reason you attempted suicide. If it was because you had severe clinical depression I would be very understanding, and be happy you are back and getting the help you need. However if you attempted suicide for any other reason... I am sorry to say that I would think that you are a selfish, coward, who was trying to take the easy way out of their problems. Keep your head up! Remember that what does not kill you makes you stronger! I wish you the best of luck in returning to work!

2007-11-17 08:18:22 · answer #3 · answered by "McRib" NREMT-P 6 · 2 0

I would personally be very sympathetic, but that's because I've been through it all. There are going to be people like me and people that are the opposite, you're just going to have to take the good with the bad. I can promise you, though, that someone will have your back, especially those that have known you for 6 years or so.

I bet you only the people you were closest with with even talk about it with you. Of course, everyone's going to ask if you're okay and check up with you, but I don't think it'll be discussed at work, so you really won't have much explaining to do. Just reassure them that you're okay and getting help and I think you'll gain a lot of the respect back that you may have lost with those that aren't as accepting.

I feel for you, and I hope things get better. It's a tough road you're taking, but going back to work and facing your demons will be better for you than you can imagine. Good luck.

2007-11-17 07:52:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

My opinion doesn't really matter. What matters is how you feel on the inside. While this is no ones business at your office, but since they already know, I would just go in and return to work. If someone asks you how you are, tell them you were going through a very rough time, but you're doing much better now. You do not need to go into details. From what it sounds like, your office will start talking about the next thing that happens, so just let it happen on its own and don't start up anymore talk by discussing your personal life. If you want to talk to your supervisor and let him/her know, that would be fine, but make sure they know you are talking to them in a confidential matter and you are not telling anyone else the details of what happen. I do hope you are doing better now. Please stop drinking though as that will only hinder your recovery. And at least you are seeking help. Many other families only wish they were gong through that as their loved ones are no longer around.

2007-11-17 07:52:33 · answer #5 · answered by Michelle 4 · 2 0

First of all, forgive yourself for what you did, that is very important. You made a mistake and now you have a chance to make a good life for yourself.

Second, don't be so concerned about what others think about this. A simple answer that you were having some problems but now you are working them out is enough. It really is no one elses business. In this day and age of people admitting on every talk show they have an addiction, I wouldn't be concerned about them "hating" you at all. There are other jobs too, if you really make yourself miserable with these thoughts about what people think of you. Stop beating yourself up.

Third, get good counseling for the drinking and depression, a counselor can help you to hone tools for coping when life gets too tough. You already know drinking won't make things better, but much worse.

Fourth, you have a child that needs you to provide a stable loving home. If you can't do this for yourself, at least do it for the child.

We all make mistakes in life, it is about learning from them that makes us stronger and wiser. When we don't learn and repeat them, we are blowing it. Be wise in your choices in life, make them carefully and think of the consequences to you and others, especially your child.

Take care, I know you will be just fine, you just need to go easier on yourself and build confidence. Ask God to help you, He is there for you.

2007-11-17 08:01:29 · answer #6 · answered by MadforMAC 7 · 1 0

Honestly I would just think you were going through something and be thankful that ur okay!!! Some people judge because their unhappy with their own lives!!! my mom told me the best quote the other day..."hurting people hurt other people".... you will over come this...the best thing i believe is to make have a lunch when u return thanking everyone for their prayers let them know ur getting help but in time you will be okay!!!! Don't let this overcome ur life...keep going!!! Everything will work out i'm sure!!!

2007-11-17 07:52:58 · answer #7 · answered by Tia22 1 · 1 0

i would feel sad because i would start to think that maybe you are going through a tough time. If i became aware that you are getting help then i would feel proud and even more proud if you stop drinking so heavily. I'll be glad to know you that at least you realize that what you did was wrong and that you are thinking about your one year old and your fiance. If anyone tries to call you selfish let them know that you are getting the help for yourself and the one year old baby.

2007-11-17 07:57:45 · answer #8 · answered by chichi117 3 · 1 0

I attempted suicide by taking a bunch of pills. Obviously it was unsuccessful. My mom found me passed out on the bathroom floor and called 911 then i got admitted to the "psych ward" against my will. Most attempts fail because people are only seeking attention and tell someone what they done or plan to do.

2016-05-24 00:11:57 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

look you're getting help-right? at least your intelligent enough to do something thats positive. you might consider getting your co-workers together and explain how it is. Be honest with them and tell them it is no longer necessary for them to talk behind your back. If you are completely honest with them it leaves them nowhere to go. oh and good for you for seeking
help. That shows responsibilty. People who take responsibility for their actions goes a long long way with me.
Sadly it is true that people will act differently around you but you dont have a contagious disease. You have problems, we all have problems. Its the ones who dont acknowledge their problems that worry me. I wish you the best and if you give it a chance things will look better. I quit drinking 16 years ago and things are definately clearer and better. Sure I have my problems but they are so much easier to deal with sober. I cannot preach to you about quitting because that is your choice and decision. I hope you have someone that supports you. If not then there are groups who can offer support. Good luck.

2007-11-17 07:58:53 · answer #10 · answered by molly 6 · 1 0

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