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Are you a pit owner who sugarcoats pit bulls? Or are you someone who believes everything you see in the media without actual knowledge of the breed?

I own a pit, but I don't try and hide the fact she's a very gamey dog. I don't hide the fact that I would never bring her to the dog park...I don't trust her with small dogs or with dogs that try to dominate her. She does have playdates.

I also don't hide the fact that she is one of the best breeds I have ever owned. Nor the fact that she is great with my 3 year old son.

While everyone is urging for BSL...It's the fear the media has installed into it's audience that has caused such hysteria. But it's irresponsible pit owners that have caused all the problems. Who's gonna suffer??? The responsible dog owner.

Did you know that 80% of dog bites are from unaltered males? And if you have a dog that is chained and/or unsocialized they are apt to bite?

Give an explaination with your answer please.

2007-11-17 07:20:34 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

9 answers

While I don't agree with BSL - 2 pit bulls mauled a 21 year old woman to death here in Knoxville this last week. The "owner" argued that his dogs were never vicious and had never attacked anyone or anything in the past. Both of the pits went after the responding officers - 1 was shot and killed, the other shot and wounded. Both of these dogs were intact (male and female) and the female was found to be pregnant.

This is a specific example of bad breed ownership. Of course, the county is now pushing to have all pits in the county spayed and neutered. While I don't think this is the answer to the pit bull attacks, it maybe would require people to think twice before getting a pit to "protect" the home. I, however, own large breed dogs as well (GSDs), both are intact show dogs and highly trained. I do, however, recognize their "limitations". They are high drive dogs (like Pits) and will chase small animals - this is natural prey drive. They do not play with small dogs and I am very careful when taking them anywhere with small dogs (and dumb people who let their small dog walk up to sniff noses with an 85# GSD).

But no one ever said you had to be smart to own a dog, let alone a large breed, high drive dog like Pits or Shepherds. I do agree, however, that Pits have been bred and are still bred to be "fighters". This doesn't make them "bad", but people that own the breed need to be extra cautious and be held responsible for any damage that their dogs do. I don't think it is fair to someone to say "my dog has never done that before" - immediately after it has pulled down a small child or a small pet - and not to be held accountable.

If one of my dogs ever hurt someone (unprovoked), they would be taken to the vet and destroyed. Would I be sad - YES, but it is called being a responsible pet owner. People need to be held accountable.

2007-11-17 08:18:46 · answer #1 · answered by GSDotch 3 · 2 0

I don't own a pit bull. I do feel sorry for the breed. Because of society and wanna be thugs who fight these dogs, these dogs do not stand a chance.
Any dog with teeth has the ability to bite and there is a dog in each breed that has bitten someone, but you don't hear the stories when a Chihuahua, poodle, or yorkie has bitten someone. But let it be a pit bull and that same bite is an attack by a pit on a person.
My personal opinion is that the majority of dog bites are provoked. The majority of pits that I have been around have been very loving dogs.
It is just unfortunate that many pit bulls are taught to be more aggressive then they would be.
I have a mixed breed dog who has lab in him, and I - like you, cannot take him to the dog park because I don't trust him around dogs he doesn't know. His brother is the total oppposite of him and gets along with all dogs and people.
I am pretty much against BSL, it's unfair to the responsible pet owners and hurts the dog. The government needs to put more effort in how to get rid the irresposible owners.

2007-11-17 15:38:04 · answer #2 · answered by xoxoPetsxoxo 2 · 0 0

I've owned a pit and loved him. He was altered, especially great with small children, puppies and dogs. He would be weary of a male stranger, but that's to be expected. All my neighbors would stay away, until his comical approach wasn't to be ignored and the neighborhood fell in love with him. He was awesome!
I think the media has abused this breed. I think it's left up to the responsible dog owners to get their perceived 'aggressive' breed out into the public eye and SHOW the communities these dogs are like any other dog. How they are raised and socialized is what's most important. I for one ALWAYS took my pit and my dobermans in public..parks..events..walks so people could see first hand that not ALL so called 'aggressive' breeds are like what they see in the news. I've known of little dogs seriously hurting small children and their owners...you will never see a story of a 5lb or even a 20 lb dog ripping a child's face open. It's all about the 'wow' factor for the news. And so the bigger the dog..who has been known to be a chosen breed for dog fighting..even decades or centuries ago...is unfortunately just more interesting for the general public. Goes to show just how morbid, judgmental and racisit the human race can be towards a 'lesser' species.

2007-11-17 15:36:37 · answer #3 · answered by luvmydobes 3 · 1 1

BSL! I am totally against it. Every dog of any breed is an individual. How can you group them all together?
Jeffrey Dahmer committed his first murder at age 18. Do we commit every 18 year old white male to death?
David Richard Berkowitz at the age of 24, also known as the .44 Caliber Killer and the Son of Sam. Do we commit anyone 24 years old to death?
You get the picture. I will fight BSL until I die.
I have two Pits that are the most lovable dogs I have ever had.

2007-11-18 06:33:27 · answer #4 · answered by Tin Can Sailor 7 · 0 0

I am completely against BSL. Pitt bulls are normal animals and are not the only ones that bite. Publisity is the thing that causes people to be afraid of pitt bulls. Most other dogs bite more than them. It is because the severity of the attacks that make it seem that they strike more. Bad breeding in the past caused this thing against pitt bulls and the good owners and the dogs have to suffer. I think that this is an outrage. Many pitt bulls have been slaughtered and euthanised because of irresponsible breeders. Thank you for bringing this topic up and informing lots of people about this act. Have fun with your pitt bull, may she/he be happy. :)

2007-11-17 16:05:51 · answer #5 · answered by Animal Magic 2 · 0 0

I'm 100% against BSL. It wouldn't be fair to pit bulls- most dog bites are done by non-pits. Pit bulls just get all the media attention.

2007-11-17 15:28:24 · answer #6 · answered by Boss 6 · 1 0

In my opinion, if all responsible Pitt owners were as up in arms about what is happening with this breed now as they are about BSL, the problem would be halfway solved.

Pitts are being fought in back alleys and abandoned houses in virtually every major city in the country as well as being bred for aggressiveness to be used as protection for drug dealers and thugs.

It is not "somewhere else" It is in our own back yards and it is epidemic in proportion.

This wonderful breed is being destroyed.

2007-11-17 15:36:10 · answer #7 · answered by maxmom 7 · 1 0

You know what.. There are MANY cases and scenarios, where the IRRESPONSIBLE people, make it so that the RESPONSIBLE people suffer..

Here's the thing.. It is obvious that the majority of people out there are against BSL.. It's apparent that the Government is for it.. You can appeal all you want to the people here.. But we obviously have no vote in the decision making process..

2007-11-17 15:36:05 · answer #8 · answered by DP 7 · 1 1

As always, it's an easy way out. IMHO, there should be mandatory owner licensing for ANY dog. Saying that,
moronic chihuahua is a nuisance, moronic pit a dog killer.

2007-11-17 15:38:19 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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