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Who is against the war in Iraq? I say, We have already caught the person we wanted to so why are we still over there! Please tell me why we are still over there? I pray every morning and every night hoping no body else will die in the war in Iraq. Who else prays for the war in Iraq?

2007-11-17 06:57:27 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

10 answers

I'm not anti war, but I wish it would end. Anyone with a heart doesn't like people being killed and hurt everyday, it doesn't matter where you stand politically.

2007-11-17 09:13:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I don't believe anybody hates war more than a soldier.

You say we have taken care of Hussein.

Unfortunately there are a few dozen maniacs who were hiding from Hussein because they feared him, but who would really love to have his job. With Hussein out of the way, and knowing that we're the good guys, they didn't fear us. So they came out and are trying to take over.

Remember when we made it possible for the Iraqi people to have an election? Remember how the terrorists threatened and killed to prevent that election? And remember how the election was held anyway? And remember how the Iraqi people chose a government that excluded the party of Hussein? Remember how the insurgents weren't represented?

The insurgents didn't like that. They feared that outcome. They don't want the Iraqi people to govern themselves. The insurgents want to govern them. The insurgents are little more than a gang of thugs. They don't represent a country. They don't represent a government. They don't even represent Islam. The only way they can control is through violence.

You ask why we're still there. It is because if we leave now, The thugs will take over. And they are worse than Hussein. If that happens, the Iraqi people will no longer have a government in which they have a say. They will live in ignorance and poverty, and in fear of their lives. And they will be right back to where they were before we went there.

We are not fighting a person. We are not fighting a country. We are not fighting a religion. We are fighting to convince terrorists that intelligent, civilized human beings do not like terrorist activities. We are there because that's where they chose to fight, and because the Iraqi people can't yet fight for themselves. Frankly, I'd much rather they be fighting there than here.

To the first poster... poor benighted baby. Tell you what. If public opinion forces us to leave Iraq before the job is done, it is the PUBLILC'S fault for flushing the lives (military and Iraqi) down the toilet. It will be the PUBLIC'S fault for creating "another Vietnam"... just as it was then.

You get your ideas from movies. Everything you know about the world is hearsay, second hand, pre-chewed and regurgitated down your throat so you don't have to process it. I was there. I've fought terror and tyranny in places you've never heard of. While people in Hollywood are making movies about history that are not even near fact, I was out there making history. The protesters of today sit in their comfy living rooms and get 20 minutes of drug advertisements broken by 10 minutes of pabulum called news about what's going on in the world while the guys and gals in the military are making the news. Sure you have a right to your opinion. But don't try to con others that it's fact.

If you want to end the war in Iraq. Then join the military and go over there and fight the insurgents so our troops can get the job done and come home. Don't preach to the military... you're preaching to the choir. Preach to the insurgents... and see how peace-loving and Muslim they really are.

2007-11-17 08:19:56 · answer #2 · answered by gugliamo00 7 · 6 0

Well---let me say---I was a navy brat when Cuba's Missile Crisis was going on. My dad was a military man and one night my mom came into our room and said "say your prayers tonight because we are all going to die." That leaves a chilling effect on a child. All I knew was that daddy was on a US ship that had trapped a Russian sub trying to bring missiles into Cuba.

Then, as a teenager my friends were being called and shipped to Viet Nam. Some came home in coffins. It is difficult to see the price freedom has. Even if we weren't there fighting for our freedom we were doing what we do best. WE were fighting to protect others.

Then came the Gulf Wars----I remember thinking we have to stop those nut jobs if we want any semblence of peace in the world. But even though I knew we had to do it I cried when I saw Bagdad being bombed. It was a necessary evil. We did not finish the job when we went to the Gulf and as a result the towers fell.

I love the fact that so many people are talking about "finishing the job" now. You are correct, if we don't finish the job they will follow us back to our soil. What will fall next? The Sears tower in Chicago? The empire state building? Texas Stadium on a Sunday afternoon? No---we need to finish what has been started.

Much has been made of the "imaginary" WMD's. Does this mean that no one thinks Saddam gased more than 100,000 of his own people with the gases he had? Does this mean that there was no transportation to Syria available for him to ship the gases and WMD's to another country? We certainly cannot be so naive as to believe there were never any WMD's. If they are gone then I thank GOD that they are no longer a threat. But, to say there were no WMD's is foolish and naive.

I don't want any one else to die either. But those young men and women who are fighting are volunteers. They are patriots. They are the brave. Remember---America is the Home of the Free BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE! Remember them when you say your prayer of thanksgiving on Thursday.

2007-11-17 14:59:51 · answer #3 · answered by oph_chad 5 · 0 1

I was against the war when we first went in, but now, we need to finish what we started. We may have caught Saddam, but we've promised these people peace and a better quality of life, and we have yet to do that. That's why we're still over there. We've caused a mess. There _are_ terrorists over there. They _are_ attacking us. If we leave, they _will_ follow us back over here. And they'll use the fact that we didn't finish what we started to gain loyalties to their side. Right now, we do have a lot of the Iraqi people supporting us, despite what the media may say. They are turning their peers over if they suspect that person is a terrorist.
Yes, there are a lot of deaths. But it's like that in every war. There will be death. It's just a part of life. And I'm not trying to sound callus or anything, but it's true. When you think about it, life is a death sentence.
But back on topic...
Yeah, we've got people dying over there. But I mean... I don't want to go over there. I'm not going to lie. But we're doing a lot of good over there, and if/when I get called up to go over there and if I have to die to continue that good, then I will sacrifice my life for it. There are a lot of soldiers out there that are of this mindset. They don't want to die. Who does? But they are willing to sacrifice themselves so that others may live.

There are only two beings that will die for you. Jesus Christ and the American Soldier.

And thank you for your prayers, my battles over there need them.

2007-11-17 08:16:02 · answer #4 · answered by Dayna C 1 · 4 0

Why is it that so many want to still surrender in Iraq.

We are winning the peace in Iraq, we won the war in 03.

I wonder do any of you understand how many troops died in Europe after we had won the war? Do you know that we are still there?

And of course the same goes for Japan.

Do we pray for Iraq? No! Do we pray for those troops who are serving on active duty? Yes.

I even pray for the stupid Libs in congress that they might stop playing politics with those soldiers lives.

2007-11-17 07:16:32 · answer #5 · answered by SFC_Ollie 7 · 5 2

I too agree that we should be done with Iraq. As some people have said, this has a lot of problems that Vietnam had. Too many politicians are trying to do the military's job, and very few of these politicans have actually been anywhere near the combat, so don't know what they're doing. I believe we never should have gotten into Iraq, and I truly hope we don't go after Iran.

I was in the Navy, in the Gulf, and I left behind good sailors and Marines, and I hope all of them come back alive. For a year after I left, I worked in the VA hospital, and saw several members missing various limbs, often more than one, or other disfigurments, so besides alive, I hope they come back whole!

2007-11-17 07:12:53 · answer #6 · answered by oweaponx 4 · 1 5

Im not against this war but i pray every night it will end. I wont go into detail on why because of OPSEC but i know that we are fighting this war for a reason and if that means it has to impact me personally...then at least i know that he did it for me, his country, and his brothers and sisters in war.
those soldiers that are fighting are there fighting for your freedom. they give the option of saying things on here or not. they give you the opportunity to get up in the morning and do what YOU please instead of waking up in the middle of the desert and all you hear is gunshots and mortor rounds.

we are there for a reason. i think a lot of people have lost sight of that reason. we are helping them build their army. would we like to just piss them off and come home so that they can kill hundreds of our people or keep them there and let those that have enough guts to go fight..die for a cause.

im willing to bet on it that the soldiers are proud of what they are doing...and dont want to come home until this job is finished.

2007-11-17 07:04:59 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

I'm all for it, we need to finish what they started.
President Bush has saved millions of Iraqis from being raped, tortured, and killed by Saddam.
Don't think for a second that Americans are doing that over there, because they are not.

2007-11-17 07:11:43 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

It is yet another reminder of how Bush has disregarded the will of the people. During Vietnam, another bloody, pointless war, why didn't the government listen? Unfortunately, it took years for the government to finally remove our troops from Vietnam. It will not, however, take years, after Bush is gone, to do the same for our soldiers in Iraq.

It reminds me of the part in the movie "Nixon" when the president has wondered off from the White House and he is at the Lincoln Memorial trying to put everything about the war into perspective. As the sun rises over The Mall, you see there are many people camping on the steps of the memorial, in sleeping bags, etc., and some of them wake up finding President Nixon standing among them sort of half-witted. As several protesters began to yell at him, one lady steps in, after seeing his personal condition, without the assistance of advisers and photographers, and she points out what a small, pathetic man he is, and not the warmonger they have been led to believe he is. Finally, she realizes he can't stop the war machine in Vietnam, even if he is the president.

Does this explain Bush? I am not sure this machine has gotten so far out of control that it cannot be reeled into obedience again.

2007-11-17 07:02:23 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 11

Why did we want that Saddam to be hanged so desperately? There were supposed to be WMD and we went in.. flattened the country.. and we build their army and come out. Who will build all those flattened houses.. who will give protection to them..

Isn't it the responsibility of every american citizen to share his money(taxes) to build the country when we so willingly shared our money (taxes) to decimate it?

BTW where were the WMDs? May be we should have just tried Google. 10 Cents..

2007-11-17 07:14:31 · answer #10 · answered by Think Sane 2 · 1 8

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