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I know, I know ok..it's been talked about to death.
But I'd like to truly understand why it is that there are X amount of people in the world that don't believe this thing about Global Warming and that its happening.
They say it's just a natural occurance that happens with the earth. Ok yeah.......I agree the earth does lots of things naturally and warming is one of them. However
this is the problem I have with people who don't believe in Global Warming. How much crap year after year after year do we continue to put into the atmosphere........tons and tons of it.
So I'd like to know who the jacka*s is that has the research that's telling those who don't believe in Global Warming that everything's gonna be just fine.....we can do whatever we want to the planet it'll be ok
YOU CAN'T KEEP DOING THIS AND BELIEVE THERE ISN'T GOING TO BE ANY REPROCUTIONS FROM IT....or maybe what it really is is you don't really care if its true or not. Because its alot easier not to care isn't it!

2007-11-17 04:01:24 · 10 answers · asked by MLJ 6 in Environment Global Warming

10 answers

Let's just say once and for all that Global Warming/Cooling is natural and Arthropogenic Global Warming is man made, both are happening, one is natural, the other is not ... end of argument.

2007-11-17 10:44:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

am I the only one who actually read the IPCC report and not just the bold text.
It says man is clearly the cause and it's already to late to avoid some of the coming disaster, but steps must be taken now to ensure that it doesn't become permanent.
Here's a scenario if the glaciers do melt which they are and the sea levels rise which they are, where do all the people living in the "coastal areas" go? If your against the war in Iraq, how will you feel about the same but on a world wide scale? I live on high ground and I'm not giving up anything without a fight. I'm sure the guy living in the beach house now is not going to just roll over and die but fight for survival. as resources dry up one country will attack the next for their resources. So while you might say it doesn't affect me, guess again it will. I live near plenty of drinking water and won't be sharing so if you live in Atlanta or anywhere else that hasn't seen rain in a while your screwed.

The main debate about this is how to fix it. The US is not going to pay the bill will China and India continue to pollute and strengthen their economy while ours is destroyed and they were made exempt from conservation because it can't be enforced and would crush their growth.
again its all about money to be made and there is way more money to be made by polluting than doing right for the planet. IE...It costs thousands to dispose of PCP oil in a hazmat containment it costs nothing to dump it in the woods.

2007-11-17 05:49:05 · answer #2 · answered by j2 4 · 3 0

just because I don't believe that global warming is primarily a human-caused event does NOT, I repeat DOES NOT mean that I believe that human activities do not adversely affect the environment. They are not mutually exclusive views.

Secondly, you posit that global warming is bad, and that I do not accept either. In fact, I hold to the opposite view, that global warming has been good to man so far and I do not see any reason to believe that continued or increased warmth will suddenly be harmful. It is not a coincidence that man has become the dominant creature on earth during the most recent interglacial, that is, within the past 10000 years about.

So when you suck limited funds into reacting to a non-threat when there are real threats that would benefit from allocation of those same resources, but are not being addressed because the money is going to the non-threat, that does concern me.

Are you able to understand that line of thinking?

2007-11-17 04:52:15 · answer #3 · answered by busterwasmycat 7 · 0 3

I'm not going to argue with hundreds of top scientists in the world (the IPCC). It's not to their benefit to say global warming is real and man-made. How can you expect to use the world as a garbage can forever?

2007-11-17 05:16:07 · answer #4 · answered by Madison 1 · 2 0

JON: Again this silly ice age idea was a from very small marginal minority of scientists like the skeptics today.

MISSION: Wrong, we have the power to stop global warming but we would need acting now very seriously.

Just an example: if you use biomass in massive industrial facilities, capture and store the CO2, then you have a NET CO2 REMOVAL FROM THE ATMOSPHERE... we just need to work harder and be more creative and not be losers and say that we lost even before the battle.

2007-11-17 04:19:02 · answer #5 · answered by NLBNLB 6 · 3 2

jon - Global cooling was just a few guys with no good data, like the "skeptics" today. Details here:


mission_viejo-california - That's not what the UN says. They say that slowing this down (which we can do, since we're most of the cause) will take a long time, and some effects will be unavoidable. Do nothing and they'll be dsaster.

2007-11-17 04:28:34 · answer #6 · answered by Bob 7 · 3 1

The United Nations' Nobel Prize-winning panel on climate change approved the final installment of its landmark report on global warming on Friday, concluding that even the best efforts at reducing CO2 levels will not be enough and that the world must also focus on adapting to "abrupt and irreversible" climate changes.

Man can’t change what man didn’t cause

2007-11-17 04:17:03 · answer #7 · answered by mission_viejo_california 2 · 2 3

If "global warming" was really man made, why would anyone have to believe it was real? If it were, then it would just be, no one would be required to believe.

We don't "believe" what the speed of light is, we don't "believe" how far the Sun is from the Earth, we know these things as they can be proved by anyone.

Only global warming has to be believed because it cannot be proved.

2007-11-17 04:46:03 · answer #8 · answered by Dr Jello 7 · 1 5

god bless the global warming followers and god also bless the anti-global warming followes. what esle can one say. but how do-ya-do BOB?
if GW is prooved right then some people will be happy and if it is prooved wrong some more peolpe will be happy.
the debate is on keep following you test !

2007-11-17 06:03:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

k if global warming is man made then how come 30 years ago all the scientists were saying that we were going into another ice age.
and dont say its because we are putting out more emissions now cause we put out far less than they did during the industrial revolution

2007-11-17 04:09:50 · answer #10 · answered by jon s 4 · 1 4

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