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your mind. That is washing it. Then we are to obey His Word & follow after the leading of the Holy Spirit. So? When we disobey, God allows the devil to scare us. So? Then we need to obey or else the devil scares us. (Submit to God, resist satan & satan flees.)

Doesn't it seem God is brain washing us to obey Him & change our behaviors? That we love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul & strength? That we give our everything to God, all our secrets too?

Then He tells us what is happening in the future (like at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb) & we can't change it but conform to Gods plan?

2007-11-17 04:01:11 · 23 answers · asked by LottaLou 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Happily Happy, Satan asks people to slander others, falsely accuse, steal things, make false agreements, or murder or destroy.

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, truth, etc... And the fruit of satan is destruction. This is the best way to discern. Jesus said we know a tree by its fruit. Does the spirit lead someone to judge & murder or does the Spirit lead someone to love & forgive. The devil leads to be critical & murder. The HolySpirit does give discernment of spiritual & leads to forgiveness & love.

When the Spirit brings scripture to mind, they are healing scriptures that bring Life. Not destructive scriptures. The devil will bring to mind how bad so & so is. Or how to hurt or slander so & so & to harm.

2007-11-18 12:03:47 · update #1

23 answers

God won't bug us if we don't want him to. He is "brainwashing" us because we give him permission to by accepting his son, Jesus Christ. He can brainwash me all he wants. His ways and thoughts are so much better than I could ever hope for on my own. You have a choice:

Brainwashing by satan
Brainwashing by God

It's one or the other. You have to make a choice.

2007-11-17 04:08:00 · answer #1 · answered by Kaliko 6 · 2 1

Actually, it's a bit more complicated than that.
Let's say I want to say something really nasty here.
Or make a very uncomplimentary comparison.
Even though I may really see an opportunity to "get a good one off" my spiritual education helps me to realize I don't have to react in a base manner.I have a choice.
That's all spiritual knowledge does. it gives those of us that us it the knowledge that we do have a choice.
Why would The Creator give us free will and then brainwash us?

2007-11-17 12:23:30 · answer #2 · answered by Robert J W 3 · 1 0

Of course I don't believe that. If hes trying to scare us to obey his plan then I would agree thats great because those who obey God are exalted and thousands know the person he has exalted. (Exalting is to put in a high place) And the people who are exalted that have given everything to him will gain riches an abundance according to their labor and works. The reason why God would send Satan after anyone is if they tested God's power. This one man who was a satanist went to a crowd of christians and told them he can control their minds. This one christian man went up and said no he cant thinking God will protect him. But God didnt because he tested God's power and he gave himself TO Satan. The reason why God let the the devil in the bible take over Job's life was because it was a challenge (Satan thought he could make Job curse god's name and God knew he wouldn't) so he let Satan take over his life and property but was told to spare his life. In the end Job didnt curse God's name and gained twice the amount of grain, oxen, camel, etc.. than he had before (and he had thousands and thousands of each). God also may send people to hell (pastors, evangalists) to tell everyone else what is in it so his other children won't have to face the terrors in hell. And those pure of heart that have corrected everything they can about themselves may be sent to hell to be tempted by Satan so Satan can find himself in them. (to rephrase this, Satan is all that is bad, and if he finds himself in you, then what he has found in you is what you have to then change.) God does these things because he wants his children to have the best. And when you please him, he rewards you with riches and abundance, not only in heaven, but also here on Earth. And whatever you offer in church, your riches in heaven will increase.

2007-11-17 12:25:38 · answer #3 · answered by Saby 2 · 1 0

New in the Force Actuating Your Mind.” The inclination of the mind of imperfect man is naturally toward wrong thinking. The Bible terms it the “fleshly frame of mind.” (Col 2:18) Christians are reminded that formerly they were enemies of God because their minds had been on the works that were wicked.—Col 1:21.

The mind of the “physical” (literally, “soulical”) man, as distinguished from the “spiritual” man, is inclined in the direction of materialistic things. The force that actuates his mind has been formed in him in part by inheritance and in part by the things he has been taught and has experienced. When a matter is presented to him, this force pushes or inclines his mind in a materialistic or fleshly direction. Christians are commanded, therefore, to “be made new in the force [spirit] actuating your mind.” (Eph 4:23) By a study of God’s Word of truth and by the operation of God’s spirit, this actuating force can be changed so that the person’s dominant mental attitude is inclined in a right direction. Then, when a matter is presented to the person, the mind will be inclined by this force toward a proper spiritual course. (1Co 2:13-15) Such a person comes to have “the mind of Christ,” who was at all times actuated by the proper force, his mental inclination always being spiritual.—1Co 2:16; Ro 15:5.

Mere knowledge or intellectual power is not enough to bring one into God’s favor. These things themselves will not make the mind over in the direction of God’s will. (Ro 12:2) Jehovah says: “I will make the wisdom of the wise men perish, and the intelligence of the intellectual men I will shove aside.” (1Co 1:19) It requires the help of God’s spirit to get true understanding (Pr 4:5-7; 1Co 2:11), wisdom, and good sense.—Eph 1:8, 9.

We have to want this to take place and want to work at it - which at times is very hard.

2007-11-17 12:09:29 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Brainwashing is a vocabulary under the principles of mortal men that lead men to self-destruction and death. On one hand, the heavenly works of GOD are under the principles of the saints that give men salvation and eternal life. LIkewise, THE FATHER GOD gave HIS only SON for love; THE LORD JESUS CHRIST was crucified for our sins for love; THE FATHER GOD created men for love; and wrote the gospel for love and even the eternal gospel for love. Tthe salvation plan for sinnners was prepared for love; it is because THE LORD GOD is an abyss of love; unfathomable love; boundless mercy and compassion. Anything that is not oriented for love is coming not from GOD but from the adversary of GOD and the devil deceives mankind.THANK GOD; FEAR GOD; PRAISE GOD; GLORIFY GOD; HONOR GOD; LOVE GOD AND WORSHIP GOD.

2007-11-17 19:43:00 · answer #5 · answered by Prophet John of the Omega 5 · 1 0

Sorry sister that makes no sense at all, the Holly Ghost cannot be in me if I don't accept it in me, it is I who request its guidiance by prayer.

Satan don't scares you, he try to convince you that there is no Satan and no God so you will do whatever you like and sin and be lost from God's precense.

Besides if God would do the wrong like brainwashing anyone he could not be God at all cause that is evil and only satan does the evil; God bless you sister.

2007-11-17 12:09:46 · answer #6 · answered by Patrick "Paddy" Murphy 4 · 0 2

Look around you,People need their minds renewed.
A little brain washing from the creator is just whats needed.
But your Learning to Obey Because he Cares For You, Is What He Ask

2007-11-17 12:05:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

God never brainwashes people....people brainwash people. Hence, the huge number of crooked religious leaders.

Just believe in God. He believes in you. Don't let a church tell you how to believe in God. He is YOUR God. Just be a good person.

2007-11-17 12:09:25 · answer #8 · answered by gg 7 · 0 1

no, not at all. imagine God sitting on your shoulder and the devil sitting on the other one. God showed me how life could be if i just listened to Him. the devil did the same thing. i could live for the world and end up badly (emotionally and physically) or even dead without the gift of eternal life. i made up my own mind of whom i want to serve. i gave my life to God and not to this world and i did it on my own accord. if I'm not following God then I'm following the world and then the world would truly brainwash me and blind me to the truth.

2007-11-17 12:09:52 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Learn to obey is what he asks. He is guiding us by His spirit to remind us. If we give him our all he'll return the favor. Remember, he is our loving Heavenly Father, we are His children.He only wants what's best for us. Is that so wrong? Besides, think of the awesome rewards!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-11-17 12:12:13 · answer #10 · answered by paula r 7 · 1 1

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