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No need to make up for those calories from breakfast. Just start with lunch ..go easy on the simple carbohydrates (sugar, white bread)

2007-11-17 03:51:06 · answer #1 · answered by Jewel 2 · 0 0

Don't think of it as the first day of your diet...better results will be awarded if you think of it as the first day of your new healthy living plan. The word 'diet' brings visions of hunger, doing without, and being unsatisfied, and usually only a temporary condition. Optimum health, including a healthy weight for your body type, is a life long process. It doesn't include going without or deprieving yourself of meals or any food group. Think 'every thing in moderation'. No you can't have large sugery or fatty desserts at every meal or even every day, but on special occasions , you certainly can have a smaller version. For exercise, try parking a little farther away and walking the last block or two. Get off the elevator a couple of floors before where you need to go., and ,when watching TV in the evening, do isometric exercises( tighten the muscle, hold for count of 10, relax and repeat), add a few modified squats or lunges while you wait for the microwave to cook. Sounds pretty easy, doesn't it? I lost 40 lbs. by doing this( and I also cut back on fats...I used the diet version of oleo, mayo any thing I could find. If these rather taste-free foods just can't satisfy you, mix them with the non-diet version till you get used to them. I tried to keep my fat intake to around 20%. This is a life style that is easy to maintain,and the inches and pounds seemed to just melt away..painlessly. Give it a try..Oh, never skip a meal..if your body feels deprieved, it will try to hold on to every gram of fat because it fears starvation..at least once a day ,eat until you feel full. I also reversed the order of my meals ..
The biggest meal first,ending with the smallest. This gives you more time to burn up the calories you take in. This really helped my energy level also. I ate something about every 2 hours...no, not a full meal..about 100 calories or so. This keeps your blood sugar level on a more even keel...this helps you avoid the ups and downs that zaps your energy and leaves you sleepy. And, you'll like this part, ..What ever you do, DON'T cut out your favorite food!!! Mine is Cookies and cream ice cream. I have a carton just about every 2 to 3 days( good calcium source) and soooooo very satisfiying!!! Good luck on your new healthy life style! (Oh, I also took the food pyramid on the food lab els to heart,and tried to eat as much as it said I should..almost impossile to do when one starts with the grains, veggies,fruits etc. and ending with the fats and sugary stuff). START WITH A POSSITIVE ATTITUDE, SEE youself already at your goal, doing all you ever wanted to do...do this every day..do not accept failure..you may have a weak day, but just get back on tract and keep going. Remember that the first bite of any food and the last bite taste the same...you don't need the ones in the middle ( that is where our middles came from). Love yourself!!!!

2007-11-17 12:48:58 · answer #2 · answered by territizzyb 3 · 0 0

I lost weight when I started working because I often miss breakfast. My lunch is considered a brunch already. Sometimes, when I get to eat breakfast, I end up eating a late lunch. A late lunch may last me till dinner time. So I get to have only a snack at dinner time.

The secret: don't miss meals and practice SMALL FREQUENT FEEDINGS. It won't get your body into that much trouble.

2007-11-17 11:53:56 · answer #3 · answered by rmparras 3 · 0 0

hun, because its almost noon, dont combine your meals. you can have a brunch, which is just ONE meal. But try to lay off of extremely sweet things. When you eat really sugary foods in the morning, or right after you wake up, it sets off chemnicals in your brain and makes you more tired. Then you semms hyper, but the hyperness doesnt last as long as it normally does. Then you seem even more tired, and many times people think they are hungry when they are actually just tired. If you crave something sweet, try a smoothie, or some fruit lightly sprinkled with cinnamon/sugar. LIGHTLY. try to stick with breads and fruits in the mornings okay?

2007-11-17 11:58:53 · answer #4 · answered by Xandi 2 · 0 0

Does not really matter as long as its healthy and not too many calories, no matter what you call it, its your first meal of the day and it should be healthy.

2007-11-17 11:54:11 · answer #5 · answered by nascar_cr8zy 4 · 0 0

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