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wouldn't you automaticly go to HELL?

2007-11-17 03:25:42 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Why would I go to confession and repent this choice? I chose not to worry about future pregnancies or use a chemical or barrier method.
Besides what am I supposed to do? Get it Reversed just to get communion? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF that!

2007-11-17 09:32:56 · update #1

16 answers

The Catholic church is the worlds' largest non-profit entity. They need members whom are paying in tithing's to drive their business. They are against birth control because they want you to have lots of children that will grow up and pay tithing's. That keeps a lot of people employed. That insures that the management has a good retirement plan.

I am sure if you make a nice donation, or if you agree to leave your estate to the Church, they will forgive you for getting sterilized.

2007-11-19 00:29:59 · answer #1 · answered by Marvin 7 · 1 1

< HELL?>>

If you are a Catholic, know the Church's stance on artificial birth control, but brazenly choose to flaunt the rules and use artificial birth control regardless, you are opening up the possibility of going to hell.


Hopefully, someday you will come to understand why artificial birth is morally wrong. If/when you do, you will hopefully repent of all the times in the past in which you put it to use. Confession is an active part in repentance.


That is the morally wrong choice. Hopefully you will see the error of your ways sooner rather than later.


Yes, exactly! Get the procedure reversed. Be glad this option is available to you, once you change your mind about the issue. If only you understood/appreciated what the Eucharist is and WHY it is. You would not be so ready to give it up in the name of selfishness.

You sound like a young person. Good, because this means you will grow up and mature someday. Thereby leaving plenty of time for you to live a fruitful life.

2007-11-19 12:40:33 · answer #2 · answered by Daver 7 · 0 0

All such sins can be confessed and repented of, and lifestyle choices can help remedy the situation, such as practicing periodic abstinence.


No, you do NOT have to have it reversed. As I said above, when couple realize that they have committed a sin by seeking sterilization and have repented of it, the remedy is often to practice periodic abstinence, as they would if they were using Natural Family Planning. Basically, it's refraining from sex when the wife is ovulating.

The trouble I see with your situation is your attitude of "I chose not to worry about future pregnancies." There is the whole substance of your sin, right there. For Catholics, all human life is precious. Children are a blessing -- if not to you, then they are to God and we must all train our hearts and minds to look upon them as a huge blessing to God. There is nothing He wants more than saints to join Him in heaven, and every child who is born has that potential to become that for Him.

It is one thing to be in a situation such as mine, where it is not possible for us to have more children and we regret that but diligently follow the Church's teaching on how to avoid conceiving another child...it's another to reject the whole notion of conceiving another child to the extent of self-mutilation.

At any rate, no, you're not going to hell at this point. Perhaps you can pray that the Holy Spirit will instruct your heart so that you can get to a point where you understand the need to confess.

2007-11-17 13:03:26 · answer #3 · answered by sparki777 7 · 0 0

I have read the bible from front to back more than once and no where in there does it say you can`t prevent pregnancy and when God was angry when a certain man spilled his seed, it was because he wanted that bloodline to progress. Besides when God said " Go Forth and Multiply" the earth had no humans like Adam and Eve.
God stressed the use of Wisdom and wisdom tells you that in the world as it is today, you should only have as many children as you can afford to care for.
Follow the Commandments God gave, not some BS law that man made.

Two more things to think about:

The Catholic Church claimed there was a place called Purgatory, but a few decades ago they dropped it and that Church claimed it was a Sin to eat meat on Friday, but they changed that too. Plus the Bible warned us about following religions that tell you not to eat meat on certain days, because they follow the laws of man, not God.

As not to confuse anyone by my answer, Once a woman is pregnant and she aborts her child, that is premeditated MURDER.

2007-11-17 12:05:19 · answer #4 · answered by Scorpian S 4 · 0 0

I'm a Catholic, and I know that in our diocese, we are not so condemning. The 'rule' is that birth control is 'wrong' as long as you are old enough to reproduce ... but in reality people do use all kinds of birth control, and they are still given the Eucharist (communion) ... and 'excommunication' is the WORST that can be done to a Catholic (it means they are 'sentenced' to not take communion) ... as for going 'automatically' to Hell, I doubt that will happen unless that person is otherwise very evil ... and even then, they too will eventually go to Heaven.

2007-11-17 11:43:13 · answer #5 · answered by Kris L 7 · 0 0

Someone might ask, "if lying or gossiping so as to seriously damage someone's reputation is a sin, and you do this, wouldn't you automatically go to Hell?"?

How about, "if turning your back on a frail and elderly parent just because you don't feel like being bothered is a sin, and you do this, wouldn't you automatically go to Hell?"?

There are many sins, and most sins do lasting and real damage both to ourselves and to others. We may never be able to repair this damage in this life. God is merciful, and if someone is truly repentant and seeks forgiveness, and strives with God's help to turn their lives around, they may be forgiven for any sin in the name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

And one whose sins have been forgiven in the name of Christ may reasonably hope to enjoy with Him the glory of Heaven.

P.S. Another answer mentioned miscarriage, and that answer did not convey correct information about Catholic teaching. Catholic teaching is that to suffer a spontaneous miscarriage is to undergo a medical emergency, such as a stroke, a high fever, or a traumatic injury. None of these can in any sense be considered a sin. A priest who tells a woman that her spontaneous miscarriage constitutes sin has either been grossly misunderstood or has commited a grave error in judgement by saying such a thing.

A woman who deliberately _induces_ miscarriage of her pregnancy, however, such as by intentionally injuring herself, or by soliciting another deliberately to injure herself or her child, cannot be said to suffer a spontaneous miscarriage. She will have procured an abortion, and abortion is a serious sin. If the priest in question has been given to understand that a deliberate abortion resulting in miscarriage has been procured, then he would be correct in characterizing this action as gravely sinful.

Another answerer below wrote: "The Catholic Church claimed there was a place called Purgatory, but a few decades ago they dropped it. " This would be news to most Catholics!

I checked the most recent of the Catechism of the Catholic Church . . .


and scrolled down to Part III, to read the real story on this.


Another answer contained the following:"The concept of Hell was invented in about the 14th century". The Gospel of Luke recounts Jesus Himself mentioning Hell (Luke 16:24). The concept of Hell dates back to the time of Our Lord Himself.


Ed wrote: ". . .what am I supposed to do? Get it Reversed just to get communion? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF that!"

Ed, based on that remark, it sounds to me as if you have decided some time ago that your present convenience is more important to you than your eternal happiness. Who can argue? If that's what you've decided, then that's what you've decided. That's totally up to you.

This is what "free will" is all about.

2007-11-17 11:56:03 · answer #6 · answered by Catherine V. 3 · 0 0

The concept of Hell was invented in about the 14th century. There are no known written references to Hell prior to that period (about 600 years ago). However bible documents dated back 5000 years are known to exist.

Ask yourself where all the people went before 600 years ago. That is were you are going, sterile, or not.

All biblical references to Hell are metaphorical. It is seldom even used as a noun in the bible at all.

2007-11-17 12:30:05 · answer #7 · answered by Professional Geek 4 · 0 0

Im not a catholic but I believe there are natural methods of birth control, how do you think they controled family growth before the medical birth control was invented, I'll give you a hint, look for Onan in the Bible, it is better to do it that way than to try other less Christian methods, (Onan got killed cause he disobeyed God not because of the act itself)

2007-11-17 11:33:30 · answer #8 · answered by Patrick "Paddy" Murphy 4 · 0 1

No, because the Catholic Church is also a church that believes that genuine repentance, when expressed and given forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, always works. God never stops forgiving.

2007-11-17 11:28:48 · answer #9 · answered by evolver 6 · 1 2

I'm not entirely sure that Catholic Church still thinks that birth control is a Hell offense, but I'd have to guess that if it does, the answer to your question would be YES.

2007-11-17 11:28:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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