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IRAQ WAR > American troops ( approx all are Christians) have killed 40 thousand (40,000) Muslim casualties reported and 200,000 (200 thousand) innocent Muslim civilians injured, on the basis of Weapons of Mass destruction, which has not yet been found in Iraq. http://www.iraqbodycount.net
Afghanistan war >>>>Estimates suggest US bombs have killed at least 15000 innocent Muslim civilians in Afghanistan, on the basis of Osama bin laden, whose involvement is not yet proved behind 9/11 attacks. Condoleeza Rice, in front of media, claimed on 23th september 2001 that America have proofs of involvement of bin laden behind 9/11 attacks. The whole world is STILL waiting for that proofs. >>> Isn't IT TERRORISM? If not, then what's terrorism?

From such high massacre done by Christian community, we can easily conclude that Christians are terrorists. cant we???

2007-11-17 02:41:57 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

EVEN THE SO CALLED ALQAEDA, BIN LADEN, SADDAM HUSSAIN, AND SUICIDE BOMBERS , combinely have not reached that limit of massacre.

Also, we must not forget that the biggest blood sheds and terrorism (i.e. World war 1 & 2 ) that took place throughout the world happened by CHRISTIANS. 65 million people were killed in the world war 1 and 2 , and half of them were innocent civilians who had nothing to do with wars, These wars were not caused by Muslims. The white Christian race would literally wipe out nations out of the face of the earth if their interests are threatened.
1 year ago

Also we must not forget that The Nazis and the Holocaust against the Jews was done by Hitler and the 60,000,000 German ROMAN CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN Nazis who followed him and died for his cause and ideas.

2- The Serbs in Yoguslavia and their massacures for more than 1,000,000 Muslims in Bosnia and lately in Kosovo. The Yoguslavian Serbs are 12,000,000 and they are GREEK ORTHODOX CHRISTIANS.

2007-11-17 02:43:22 · update #1

3- The Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995, killed 168 persons and injured more than 500 caused by the CHRISTIAN CULTS group.


2007-11-17 02:43:44 · update #2

43 answers

We canNOT generalize that Christians are Terrorist. We don't want to be judgemental, do we?

Most of the statictics that you cited were during the times of war or rebellion. Maybe you first need to define what is terrorism or what the act of terrorism really means, definition to this word would be highly subjective depending on one's political, moral, social and religious beliefs and principles.

This topic is highly subjective for different people has different beliefs and therefore there is no right or wrong answer. Personally for me, we should just RESPECT and be sensitive to each others' cultures, religioun, beliefs and principle. We all are human beings and whether we use the name God, Lord, Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh, High-Almighty, Supreme-being, etc., whatever or however we call what we believe we call, it doesn't really matter, they are one and the same respectively to each and every one of us. We all share the same planet, don't we?

2007-11-17 03:26:39 · answer #1 · answered by Mhagin 1 · 0 0

"approx all are Christians" I'm sorry but your statement right there is way wrong! There are pagan, pentacostal, jehovas witness's, agnostics, and even atheist who are fighting that war and to say that approx all are christians is very wrong.

2 you need to learn your facts on the war and notlisten to the news or the liberal media. Yes there was trace amounts of WMD found there. But due to the fact that the previous president didn't move quickly enough they were able to move those and hide them. The count on the deaths over there is probably not an accurate one. Much less who has killed who and how many.

So no Christians arn't terroist, nor is any other religion who doesn't insite war or total take over of the world, with the ideas of eliminating people who wont convert to their faiths.

( yes i am pagan, and i am awar of what the Romans did to the pagans when they went to a christian based faith. But i still do not agree that Christians are terrorist)

2007-11-17 02:51:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There has been as many, if not more, christians who have been tyrrants.
That doesn`t make them terrorists in the modern meaning of the word.
There is no proof that Bin Ladin(ex CIA operative) had anything to do with 9 / 11.The involved were Egyption, Saudi, And Americans, NO Afgans and NO Iraqies..
Saddam Had no terrorists operating in, or out of, his country. He wouldn`t allow that in case they attacked him..
Just Bush properganda.
All the senior administration of America, including active generals are all professed christians, even though they don`t act like it.
If they did they would feed the poor, and not make war...!!

2007-11-17 03:05:24 · answer #3 · answered by Terry M 5 · 0 0

Not all American Troops consider themselves to be Christians! Such a statement is ridiculous! That's like saying that all Muslims are terrorists, which is simply not true. While Osama has not actually been proven to be behind the sept 11 attacks, he did claim to be! And you seem to forget the massive amount of casualties to our own people. WE ARE NOT THE ENEMY!
Terrorism is using terror to change one's political/social/religious beliefs. We are not terrorizing people! They are MURDERING INNOCENTS and then, like the cowards they, kill them selves in the process! Read about the attacks in the High School in Russia. People were tormented. Visually, physically,and sexually! WE DON'T DO THAT!

While it is true that we do sometimes injure or, sadly, kill civilians. We do not go out of our way to do it! Crap happens, and sometimes it is very difficult to cope with! As a Christian I feel heartbroken when I hear of civilians, even terrorists dying. They are brainwashed, and it is a sad thing to have them die. I don't believe that they were ready to die. I however am, and I would gladly give my life for the opportunity to see them in Heaven.

Hitler KNEW how to control the masses, and he KNEW that churches were extremely controllable, get a grip! Hitler was brainwashing them just as much as Osama bin Laden, and Saddam Hussien, and Mahmoud AhmadineFRIGGINjad are, along with the Imams in Muslimland. First of all, saying that the Nazis are all Christians, is one thing. But then comparing all Christendom, or even only the U.S. to Nazi scumbags is quite another! How about instead of subtle name calling, you argue the facts? Terrorists killed our people. We went to war. Sadly, innocent people die in wars. Now we deal with the problem. You can say GET OUT! You can say STAY THERE! I don't care! But comparing me, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, or our honorable, noble, hardworking, masterful, and all around wonderful, men and women of the armed services, who daily give up their lives, for the freedom of a people from another country, against the freedom hating terrorists, to horrible, mass murdering, NAZIS is an affront to everything I stand for!

2007-11-17 03:10:07 · answer #4 · answered by qintopon 2 · 1 0

There are a lot of Christians in the world and they certainly don't try to hide the fact that they think they are the best. Some Christians can be very judgmental people. But it depends. You can't say that Christians as a whole are terrorists, just as you can't call all Muslims terrorists, or anyone else. It is human nature that we pay more attention to the bad stuff, but humans as a whole need to try to be more accepting of each other and their beliefs. It's not fair to the good people out there.

2007-11-17 02:51:00 · answer #5 · answered by Sou:P 2 · 0 0

I beg to differ with you, not all are Christians- actually there are many that are not. I know this to be a fact because of a soldier that goes to our church who was just deployed and he shared with us how few born again believers there are- so PLEASE do not generalize. In war , it is unfortunately inevitable that innocent people will be killed- however do not label Christians as Terrorists- they would not deliberately fly planes into buildings and say "I am doing this so I can be with ALLAH and have more virgins when I die and go "heaven" because they took innocent people with them.
By the way, where is your statistics that there are almost all Christians- just because they are Americans. Would like to hear testimonies about that one.

2007-11-17 02:51:16 · answer #6 · answered by AdoreHim 7 · 1 0

Some are; some aren't. The Spanish Inquisition was plainly terrorist, and those that bomb abortion clinics are practicing terrorism. Somewhere near 99.9% of Christians are not terrorists though. And, a great percentage remember and try to practice The Great Commandment.

2007-11-17 02:48:02 · answer #7 · answered by jack of all trades 7 · 1 0

You can say yes for some, we had a bombing here right here in the USA where a army veteran destroyed a building with many innocent people in it! One twist to the story he didn't like hoe the govt treated the religious sect at Waco.

2007-11-17 02:46:38 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Dude. The ONLY terrorists are MUSLIM. Read it. Learn it. Know it.
If you feel so strongly otherwise, then sign up and get your butt over to Iraq so you can help those poor Muslim terrorists.
As for bombs killing civilians, many civilians lob grenades at AMERICAN troops. The only language the terrorists understand is violence, so they get violence and eventually the tide will turn in the favor of humanity and justice.
Your conclusion, therefore, is entirely erroneous, as our "violence" is done for a viable reason, peace.

2007-11-17 02:48:01 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

anyone can be

and by the way did you know the united states army also has jews and mulsims and atheists in it? why do you assume everyone in the army is a christian?

there is a poster on here who is an american soldier in iraq and a muslim

i have talked to soldiers who were muslim

so dont assume

america is not a christian country

2007-11-17 02:45:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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