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Be it an alien space ship coming to take you away, or Armageddon? Is this a common thought?

2007-11-17 02:39:07 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Edit. I need to clairify: In near, I mean right around the courner...In the next couple of years at the longest...close enough to keep you from living your life and planning the future.

2007-11-17 03:11:36 · update #1

15 answers

Fundamentalists constantly harp on the end of the world, trying to calculate when that event will happen. Although we should always be concerned with it, we have to be realistic.

The end of the world might happen tonight for me when I go to vote. If I get into a car wreck and die, that is the end of my world because I'll face God in that instant. If I live to an old age and die, then it'll be the end of the world for me then.

Or, Jesus may come again and it'll be that time. The point is that we must live our lives in God's grace constantly, growing in love of Him and seeking to do His will, so that in the event any of those things happen, we will be ready.

2007-11-17 09:00:47 · answer #1 · answered by Danny H 6 · 1 2

With world conditions being the way they are and how bad things are progressively getting worse, how can anyone think that there's NOT going to be an end to this world? You of all people should have the wisdom to recognise that God has promised an end to this wicked world and to bring about a paradise. Swallow your pride and face reality before it's too late.

Don't you remember the example of Noah? You know what happened to those who didn't heed his warning. They all died in the flood that came by means of God because the world was so wicked. They "took no note"; the same as you. Do you realize that you will end up the same as them?

I hope and pray you will come to realize the seriousness of this situation. And yes, I will continue to "sound out the warning", no matter how people's hateful remarks burn me.

2007-11-17 10:58:40 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

We as Christians Do!
(Revelation 16:15-16) 15 “Look! I am coming as a thief. Happy is the one that stays awake and keeps his outer garments, that he may not walk naked and people look upon his shamefulness.” 16 And they gathered them together to the place that is called in Hebrew Har–Ma·ged′on.

This name, more commonly rendered Armageddon, occurs only once in the Bible. But it has fired mankind’s imagination. World leaders have warned of a possible nuclear Armageddon. Armageddon has been linked also with the ancient city of Megiddo, the site of many decisive battles in Bible times, and some religious leaders have therefore speculated that the final war on earth will take place in that limited area. In this, they are far wide of the truth.

The name Har–Magedon means “Mountain of Megiddo.” But rather than being a literal place, it represents the world situation into which all nations are gathered in opposition to Jehovah God and where he will finally destroy them. This is global in extent. (Jeremiah 25:31-33; Daniel 2:44) It is similar to “the great winepress of the anger of God” and “the low plain of the decision,” or “the low plain of Jehoshaphat,” where the nations are gathered for execution by Jehovah. (Revelation 14:19; Joel 3:12, 14) It is also related to “the soil of Israel” where the satanic armies of Gog of Magog are destroyed and that location “between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration” where the king of the north comes “all the way to his end” at the hands of Michael the great prince.—Ezekiel 38:16-18, 22, 23; Daniel 11:45–12:1.

When the nations have been maneuvered into this situation by the croaking propaganda originating with Satan and his earthly agents, it will be time for the seventh angel to pour out the final bowl of the anger of God.

2007-11-17 10:44:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

It's a shame you used the word 'cults'. Why restrict this Q to the fringes? ALL the major world religions teach some kind of End, in the sense of God's coming judgment and a huge change taking place (not necessarily the destruction of planet Earth). Similarly, there is teaching of a great flood, variations on how life was created by God, punishment of the wicked etc.

Whatever is of God, the evil one takes and distorts. Is there such a thing as godly love? Then Satan tempts us instead with carnal lust. Once we're hooked on eros instead of agape, he brings us down to fetish, gradually getting us further and further away from God's truth on the matter till we've got an utterly depraved version of the real thing. So it is with eschatology - end time teaching that is God's truth is slightly warped by Satan, then more and more so till absurd lies are believed. But bear in mind, if there was NO such thing as 'The End', there would be no such variations as you mention! Existence of these many beliefs indicates the Real Thing has got Satan worried!

2007-11-17 11:00:46 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

JWs are definitely living all the time with " the end is very near" concept.

2007-11-17 16:33:44 · answer #5 · answered by Nina, BaC 7 · 1 0

For literally thousand of years people have been attempting to claim to know the date of the end of the world and always have been wrong.

History repeats itself, in this case.

2007-11-17 10:50:23 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Only the ones who don't want to be held accountable for their actions now so there's hope that there won't be a world later for their kids to try and clean up.

2007-11-17 10:44:10 · answer #7 · answered by thezaylady 7 · 1 1

Is this not what your bible teaches ?
Do you not know your bible ?
Do not most religions think there is an end comming ?
What is the end ?
Do you not hope for a better life ?
If the bible is wrong ,What hope is there for mankind ?
Do you see man making the world a better place ?
Has not life got worst in the last 100 years ?
If there is an end what is the new start ? As every end signals a new start.

2007-11-17 11:04:05 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

Some Russians holed up in a cave right now certainly do. That is until their supplies run out

2007-11-17 10:47:03 · answer #9 · answered by Pattythepunk 3 · 2 1

Depends on the cult, and how you define 'cult'. Christianity believes this, is that a cult? The Church of the SubGenius doesn't, are they a cult?

2007-11-17 10:51:06 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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