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I am 21 yr old female and I like a 35 year old man and he likes me back, so our feelings for each other are consensual. We have talked about having sex and all that.. which we are going to end up doing because we like each other ALOT! I feel like this is my soulmate even though he is married b/c I have NEVER EVER had that kind of feeling in my life for anyone, period!! I know most ppl would say not to have sex but in my case, its bound to happen, no doubt! I already told him that I didnt want to if he was married and he told me that it was ok as long as his wife didnt find out. Which I guess its ok.. I am going to TRY my hardest not to develop emotional feelings for him and just have fun with it. Me and my ex b/f broke up b/c he was my first and only b/f ever and I wanted to see what else is out there, so that is what I am doing now. I know I sound like a heartless B**TCH, but I feel like I need to experience this even if I get hurt. What should I do? Oh yea he has no kids!

2007-11-17 02:33:28 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Family

9 answers

He's done the same thing with other girls. He's incapable of being faithful to his wife. If you get together with him and he leaves his wife for you, you'll never be able to trust him.

2007-11-17 02:44:08 · answer #1 · answered by Buddie 7 · 2 0

Put yourself in his wife's shoes. How would you feel if your husband cheated on you?

You're only 21 for goodness sake, you've got a whole life ahead of you to find someone who is NOT married. It's going to hurt breaking it off with him, but it would hurt his wife even more. Why do you want to hurt her? Sacrifice your love for her sake. Stop being the other woman and find someone closer to your age.

I don't know you or him, but to be honest, the very first thing I thought was, "Hey, this 35 year old guy is obviously not in a good marriage and is using a young 21 year old because he wants sex."
Like I said, I don't know your situation, but it's what I immediately thought.

Affairs are so not cool.

2007-11-17 02:45:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Do you want to be thought of as an easy lay? Hell girl, have some pride. Don't take someone else's pickings. It is wrong for both of you to cheat. Get your own man, then if he plays up behind your back, see if you don't feel betrayed. You have the morals of an alley cat not a nice attribute in a young woman. Slap yourself on the back of the head, wash your face with cool water ... breathe deep and walk out of that stupid "relationship" and get some pride and dignity about you. And remember to keep your hands off taken goods. That is shameful behavious and of course he says it is alright. He just wants to get his end away... any port in a storm. If a friend told you just what you wrote here... what would you have told your friend? That it is all going to be bad from start to finish. Leave it before you louse up your life.

I mean this with genuine concern for you. I want you to get some sense of pride in yourself. Take care of yourself. You are worth it. This guy is nothing but low life. Move on... FAST!

Kind regards


2007-11-17 02:59:45 · answer #3 · answered by Lisa 6 · 1 0

1. Bad idea and you know it
2. If you "love" him, he will only end up cheating on you
3. He really is just using you
4. Anyone who is married and cheats is REALLY a dog
5. Don't think you are his ONLY whore - he has others...
6. There are a lot of things you need to experience - being the "other woman" is not one of them
7. A REAL MAN who fell in love with you would NOT have sex with you, divorce his wife, THEN start dating and having sex with you.
8. He wants sex - not to "make love"
9. You are horny - find a single guy closer to your age to "party" with - not some old bastard cheater LOSER.
10. Sleeping with him will make you a LOSER to everyone no matter what (and it doesn't matter if he has kids).

2007-11-17 02:56:54 · answer #4 · answered by Dina K 5 · 1 0

If you truly have feelings for this man you have to do what is best for him. What is best for him is to work on his marriage NOT have it ruined. Honestly, if you can't keep your hands off just don't get involved. Stop talking to him. Avoid him. Keep him out of your life. If you really feel like you need to help him [which is what we have to do if we really care for some one] try to get him some counseling with his wife. Try to help him focus on the good qualities she has. Try to help him figure out his marriage. If he doesn't want to he needs to get a divorce. That's the way it goes.

Kids or not--he's married. He's taken. It cannot develop in to anything. PERIOD. End of story. How would you feel if you were married to a man and he cheated on you?

2007-11-17 02:46:40 · answer #5 · answered by .vato. 6 · 2 0

To be honest, I think this guy is bad news. A guy who is so immoral as to think it is okay to cheat on his wife isn't someone you should associate yourself with. Also, if he is cheating on her, it's more than possible that he will cheat on you a few years down the road. Don't be the "other woman." How would you feel if your husband was seeing someone behind your back?

2007-11-17 03:03:38 · answer #6 · answered by Nitro 5 · 0 0

Get as far away from his as posible!! Sorry but he may be using you. He is married and its not going to work out because of that reason. There are so many other people , you will find someone else!!

2007-11-17 02:41:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You do not have to have sex, are you being forced to do so?? Your so young, sorry to tell you this like you don not know this all ready, I would not put myself in a position to be hurt.

2007-11-17 03:00:17 · answer #8 · answered by kim t 7 · 0 0

if you don't mind being used. my question is why wouldn't he want his wife to know? he sounds like a dirty old man. and you need a father figure. my suggestion is stay away from him. lust only destroys.

2007-11-17 02:41:47 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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