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I have not found any solution to impress the god so far. I have suffered a lot. I am 32 years still not get married. I lost my mother. I am not in a good job. Lot of suffering for me now. Daily I am not sleeping well. How to come out these problems. I went to temple daily in the past. But I am not able to impress the god and get his blessings. I am so far done lot of good things. But I am not rewarded by the god so far. I am getting trouble and problems and sufferings only from the god. How to come out of these problems and impress the god and take his blessings. I want to lead happy life in future. so help me

2007-11-17 00:59:26 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

Everything we endure in this life, can help us have a genuine heart and genuine intentions. No one can tell you how to truly impress ALLAH (God), that is up to ALLAH, and you for following your heart on the right path. This life is a test, we should know what is right and wrong, ALLAH does guide us, but it is up to us to see it. The beginning of your true life will start when we die in this one. This is nothing compared to life after this, the eternity after this. When we are judged by ALLAH he will then reward us if he wishes to.

People need to stop blaming ALLAH for all our sufferings. It is thinking of ALLAH that gives us peace of mind, we are found in a place far from everyone else, and only the individual and ALLAH is there. ALLAH guides us the right path, we have the chance to choose our paths, and some may loose their way, but that does not mean all hope is lost. You can always find yourself on the right path once again, and maybe even a better person. Remember ALLAH is Omnipotent! All the good you do ALLAH knows, and all the bad too. Nobody is perfect and will never be. But it is trying to get to perfection that will lead us the right way.

So many people go through hardship, some people worse than others. One thing i have learnt (mashallah) is if i did not endure pain and suffering, than i would not be so appreciative of what ALLAH has already given us, our life, people, love etc .... Learning from these situations is bringing you one step closer to ALLAH.

You shouldn't be thinking so much on why ALLAH has not given you the rewards you think you want. If i look into my life so far, i am so fortunate that ALLAH has given me the opportunity to be a better person, to be a more respected person, to realise the beauty of this world, to see the inner beauty in other true hearted people. To help others understand what they cannot see (mashallah). It is in everyone, look deeper to find it.

'Sometimes ALLAH breaks our spirits to save our soul. Sometimes he breaks our hearts to make us whole. Sometimes ALLAH shows us illness so we can take better care of ourselves. Sometimes ALLAH takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything he gave us. Make plans but understand we live by ALLAH's grace!'

Always use your heart, have good intentions, do not do things just for the sake of it, believe it, feel it, understand it and embrace it. ALLAH the almighty will know what is deep in our hearts.

Inshallah may you and everyone else be blessed on the day of judgement... :)

2007-11-17 03:29:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, your first problem is pride / selfishness. A sinful trait we all have inherited from Adam and Eve. Our walk with God isn't about us, our comfort zones or our impressing God. Honestly, without Jesus Christ as my Saviour there is nothing impressive or good about me. You see, when God looks at you, me, or any other man He could care less about how morally good / kind we are, or how popular a person is. Your success in climbing the corporate ladder means little to God. For He sees deeper than you or I can see. He sees our hearts and whether they are covered by the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus. The one and only thing that pleases the Lord is a life that has surrendered to the Lord and His ways, a repentant heart. You are still young. Don't look at your life and measure it by the world around you. For you are unique, divinely formed with a high purpose that God has just for you. The same is true for every person. There will NEVER be another you. You can do / become something for the Lord that I can't, just as noone can be me. Finally, get your eyes off of you, your sufferings, etc. and get them onto God. He is worthy of any suffering that we have to endure. My mind is reflecting back to Jesus praying in the garden of Gethsemane right before the crucifixion. Jesus was under such intense agony and mental pressure as He knew what He was about to face on Calvary, and Scripture states that as He prayed his sweat was as of great drops of blood falling to the ground ( Luke 22:42-44 ). No, our trials and sufferings don't even come remotely close to what God endured because He so loves us. Know that God sees the mess that people make out of their lives. And while Satan is calling you a loser and a failure, God is saying..."Yes, you may have failed, but I still love you." He does love you, so believe it and act like you believe it.

2007-11-17 03:09:43 · answer #2 · answered by HeVn Bd 4 · 1 0

I think god has left this place a long time ago, so dont try to impress him, he cant help u, only u can help urself. Do your best even if you are not at the top. keep beliveing in whatever u belive in and make sure you have faith in what you're doing. Trust me god isnt going to catch you if u fall, neither will he reward you for your good deeds. If u fall you will get hurt, if you do good its up to the people around you to notice. God maybe here but hes jus watching how we are doing. You can only lead a happy life if you know YOU DID IT AND YOU HELPED YOURSELF. dont ask yourself 'why didnt god reward me?" "WHy did he help make me feel better?" he wants you to help urself, thats how ull be strong. sorry if this offends any really religious person, im not religious at all jus trying to keep an open mind.

2007-11-17 01:10:29 · answer #3 · answered by greyewolfe 6 · 0 0

It is my own opinion that we must humble ourselves and show gratitude for the life we have right now....
Suffering is a choice. I hear you saying that all of these things going on in your life is so bad....to me, they would be viewed mostly as blessings....

it is better to be unmarried then to be in a bad or abusive marriage.
you may miss your mother, but she is no longer suffering
at least you have a job...there are many with families who do not
not being able to sleep could be a sign of depression, see a dr.

you speak of wanting to impress the God to receive blessings, but i do not believe this is what life is about.

it is when we appreciate all that we have and are willing to give it away and help others while expecting nothing in return, that we are blessed.

Try making a gratitude list twice daily for starters...things that you are grateful for and seek to live in the will of God.

It is all in your perception my friend...you do have a choice.

blessings ...i hope you find what it is you seek

)o( Trinity

2007-11-17 01:27:29 · answer #4 · answered by trinity 5 · 0 0

The most important thing I can tell you is that God not only wants you to become a better person, but He also wants to help you achieve it.

In other words, you don't have to change your life through your own strength (as you've been trying to do). In fact, you can't change it on your own—not completely. But with God's help, you not only can start moving in the right direction, but you can also stay on the right path. The Apostle Paul's experience can become yours: "I can do everything through him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:13).

How do you begin? First, by a simple act of faith commit your life to Jesus Christ and ask Him to come into your life—and He will. When we honestly turn our lives over to Him, He comes to live within us by His Holy Spirit. We are no longer alone! God is with us, and as we follow Him, He begins to transform us from within. The Bible says, "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Romans 12:2).

Ask God also to lead you to a church where you can hear God's Word and be surrounded with people who will encourage and help you spiritually. Satan will do all he can to discourage you and pull you down—but this won't happen if you build your life on Christ. Make Him the center of your life today.

2007-11-17 02:22:03 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

oh honey, i am sure god does love you, you need to find the peace within yourself, stop trying to impress god and work on getting your life back on track, in life things are sent to try us yes you are going through a rough time but it is how you handle these bad patches that make who you are, wollowing in self pity will not impress anyone, you need to pick yourself up, find a job you will be happy in and the rest will find you, god loves everyone he is just waiting for you to find the strenght to rise above the sadness in your life and start living again, come on honey pick your self up, so you are not married, you will not find that special lady by feeling sorry for yourself, she is out there just waiting to see the wonderful person you can be, impress god by living your life, making the best out of a bad situation, keep doing the good things but do them because it gives you a warm feling to help others not to impress anyone, treat people how you would like to be treated and find something positive everyday, and soon you will see that yes you have had a hard time but you can rise above all this, just remember there is always someone out there in a worst situation than you and you still see them with a smile on their face thanking god for their very excistence, come on sweetheart spend today thinking about all the things you wish to change, tomorow put all the bad behind you and re-start your life and do it for you not to impress god and you will be blessed. hope you feel more positive tomorrow, your life is presious and only you can decide how you wish to live it i wish you the best of luck and hope it all works out for you, good luck honey.

2007-11-17 01:23:38 · answer #6 · answered by fruitcake 7 · 0 0

When you say, "The god," just which god are you referring to? There are a great many gods but only by obeying the one and only REAL GOD will you discover how to be happy. However, as strange as it may sound, when you really begin to obey that God the rest of the world will hate you and persecution will be added to your suffering. So, the only way to get relief is to make sure you know the will of the true God and obey that God according to "his" commandments. Then, except for "natural" things such as illness, most of your suffering will be in the form of persecution from those that will hate you for the same reasons that they hate God and want happiness on their own terms which are contrary to the only way that humans can be truly happy. But, you can be happy knowing that your suffering is not because you are not pleasing to "him," but because you are pleasing to "him" rather than pleasing to mean, selfish, and ignorantly rebellious people who often are like wolves in the guise of sheep.

2007-11-17 01:31:35 · answer #7 · answered by BiblicallyOmniscient 2 · 0 0

Consider it a blessing from God that He allowed you to live another day to complain about it. Some times when you give up hope and thank God for your sorrows is when God might change your luck. Good luck and my God start to bless you.

2007-11-17 01:08:15 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Quit relying on God to make you happy. Your happiness or sadness is the result of your thoughts. Stop thinking about all the negatives and start concentrating on the good things in your life.

2007-11-17 01:07:52 · answer #9 · answered by nosillenhoj 4 · 1 1

maybe your trying to hard to "impress" Him I don't believe He's that petty He gives us choices and signs along the way and what we choose is what we get doing good to impress someone never works for long doing good because it feels right is the way to go

2007-11-17 01:06:37 · answer #10 · answered by Searchingfortruth 2 · 0 0

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