((( Yes!! ))) This is the best question i have seen here in my life! You don't know how many i have spoken with who say, " well, we get em saved, and then teach them after...then, if they change their minds, it won't be our fault, because their blood won't be on our hands anymore!" when, in fact, a person has no idea what they are getting into..and then finds out? and says no? and we get upset about this? and their blood isn't on our hands? It is to my understanding, that Phillip spoke to the person in question..and then....Did everybody get that? He had "understanding" before he was baptized!!! he "wanted to become a Christian!!!!" not "forced!" not "pushey!" no argueing!!!" no debate!!! But, rather "Willingly!" now, if this isn't the way it's supposed to be!?!.."Peace!" :)
2007-11-17 03:59:19
answer #1
answered by Mr. "Diamond" 6
Actually, that's a very good question. I know I never really counted the cost...I just saw my need for forgiveness and jumped into Christ's open arms. And to me, that forgiveness is worth any cost to me personally. Losing friends? You survive. Being labeled a bigot, a hater, a judgmental hypocrite? Gets old but it will only drag you down if you let it make you bitter.
I think there are many reasons why people fall away, but this is surely one of them.
And yes, I think we need to be real with people, we need to speak the truth even if it isn't a nice truth. I get so darn tired of being told I can't say this or that because it is "intolerant" or "negative" or "politically incorrect". As much as I don't want to offend people, my duty is to bow down to God and His sovereign truth rather than bow down to other people's emotions and pet sins. Make sense? So because of that, I would rather speak the truth. I am just striving to learn how to do it in a gentle, humble, loving way.
2007-11-16 08:29:54
answer #2
answered by Blue Eyed Christian 7
Sister, whose truth? If you're only open to your own then there's not much left in terms of discourse. The Judeo-Christian God was NOT the first God. So all of the thousands of other Gods and traditions are false? That's just not accurate or fair or realistic. Many blessings (I did know the cost when I practiced Catholicism. I do not hate the tradition I was brought up in, it just ceased to make sense. The fact that during the Crusades human beings were wiping out other human beings over God drove that home pretty hard. There are NO good excuses!)
2007-11-16 08:26:53
answer #3
answered by Yogini 6
Dear Lord,
Let me be like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abenigo. Let me tell the truth in a kind and loving manner in the face of furious opposition and terrifying power. You see, I know Jesus,and therefore, I know peace. Not as the world gives peace, but peace that passes understanding. Lord, just help me be nice to the atheists on Yahoo.
Yes, we are called to tell the truth, but it can be done in a manner that doesn't belittle or attack.
I know how to win the argument and lose a soul. What have I profited? I have no crowns to lay at Jesus feet. We are called to be salt and light. Salt has flavor and light is self explanatory.
In His Service,
John the Baptist
2007-11-17 02:21:51
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It doesn't matter what you say, or how you spread what you believe is the truth to a scientifically minded unbeliever. The errors of the Bible make it scientifically not viable, in no way would that book stand up to the rigors any scientific discipline is held to, and is thus just literature. That's what I think you're missing. Those of us here who are unbelievers--especially in R&S (I've found more intelligent Atheists here than anywhere else I've ever been) hold strictly to science, no amount of illogic or thinking within the context of the Bible is going to change our minds.
2007-11-16 08:31:02
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
In "the truth": Grace is sufficient (no L-w req'd),
there's no right and wrong, but rather all right.
In that God is light having no darkness at all,
there's no lights nor both light and darkness.
You miss-take a truth, for "the truth".
Only know "the truth" makes you "free".
Raise the bar from in Adam to in Christ;
For "as in (the first & last) Adam all die".
E-salvation is "through Jesus --> Christ".
Jesus salvation is temporal, not eternal.
Divide assunder soul & spirit, then try the spirits,
for one of twain spirits is true & one is antichrist.
The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.
2007-11-17 01:35:15
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
i've got no longer had the comparable studies as you have with atheists. so some distance those i've got spoken to don't think there's a God and heaven and hell. in reality they seem to have self assurance that they are all their own little Gods and that they themselves created each and every thing. however the agnostic is the only that I honestly have subject concerns with, because of the fact the agnostic believes no longer something and cares approximately no longer something, neither asks why he/ she is right here, nor asks the place he/ she will have the capacity to bypass to whilst they die! To me an agnostic is the least clever of the lot. how are you able to no longer even care related to the main straight forward questions in existence???
2016-10-17 00:04:33
answer #7
answered by ? 4
My answer is, it depends.
We are told to speak the truth in love. Not just speak the truth. So what does that mean?
Let's just say you are less than attractive. I look at you and point out the truth that you are ugly as a dogs backside. Was that helpful? Was it kind? Was it loving? Now was it true?
So then telling someone the truth may have a less than holy motivation. If so it is sin. For example if I hatefully shout at you that you are going to burn in hell. Does this show love?
Now if you can help someone realize that they get to choose between two options, Heaven and Hell. God by what Jesus did gave us the first option out of his love for us. We can lovingly tell them that we want them and God wants them for his family.
He does not want to condemn them and neither should we.
2007-11-16 08:35:43
answer #8
answered by δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ 5
Well first, you have to learn the truth. When you come off spouting about how much YOU know about God, it only makes you appear arrogent.
Remember the parable about the man who came to dinner and took the place of honor, only to be set at the foot of the table?
How can you, with a humble heart, assume you are there to TEACH others. Maybe you are there to learn from the people you claim to know more than.
think about it.
2007-11-16 08:29:56
answer #9
answered by Fancy That 6
The problem with this argument is that truth is a matter of perspective, as opposed to fact which is a matter of evidence. You want to share the truth, but your truth is not that of someone else. Even people who share the same basic belief structure have completely different truths. So, what truth, exactly, are you sharing? Your truth? My truth? Do you know?
2007-11-16 08:26:52
answer #10
answered by lupinesidhe 7