Precisely. I think that must be the Athiest sanctity of life component. I mean it is so utterly unlikely - the most amazing coincidence that we even exist, let alone aspire and create the way that we do. But is it any more unlikely than some guy in the sky creating us simply because he wants to run our lives and command obedience? Or more unlikely that there's a whole bunch of these folks on a cloud in charge of different areas of our lives? Or that we are energy beings that come from the center of the galaxy and incarnate on a physical plane, simply because we wish to learn more about relationships?
All of our ideas and expressions of the Divine are based upon some highly improbably, totally impossible to prove event. Bottom line is there is simply no way to know the Unknowable until it is too late to matter - so why don't we all just enjoy our own expressions and let others do the same? Each religion has is own wonder and beauty - even analytical, non-conforming, rebellious Athiesm. They feel they have seen the essence of this existence - drilling down to find the base components to really understand who we are. That's a devotion few other religions are carrying on with these days. A thing of beauty.
2007-11-15 19:32:56
answer #1
answered by carole 7
Hi Delena,
yes, i agree, that the universe and the earth are such wonderful, beautiful and intricate places. But also, they are dangerous, ugly and hostile. The very lucky amongst us have the opportunity to find the beauty in life and fullfill our potential as human beings. But many do not. Many people, through no fault of their own, lead lives of suffering, pain, oppression, slavery and unhappiness.
So, yes, if you believe in an omnipotent creator God, then you can believe that He/She/It created all of this, including the sadness, the lonelines, the pain, the disfigurment, the isolation, the slavery, the illnesses, the wars, the natural disasters, the murders, the animal cruelty, the slaughter of countless millions in the 2nd world war, the Nazi concentration camps, the slaughty of innocent victims of genocide, the slaughter of billions of animals each year to feed us, the distruction of the rain forest etc. etc. etc.
I don't know why i am here, in this universe, but i try to make the most of my time here, and i am very fortunate that i was born in a prosperous country, i have freedom, and i am allowed to have my own beliefs. I go through life trying to see the beauty, but sometimes it is very difficult when there is so much destruction going on around me.
For example, the USA and the UK have killed up to 800 000 Iraqis since the war began, this doesnt even include and the people who were disfigured, displaced, maimed, or those people who lost their loved ones: mothers who lost their daughters, sons who lost their mothers, brothers who lost their sisters, families who lost their fathers and grandparents. How can i sit peacefully at home and think to myself: ah, what a wonderful God of grace made this beautiful world we live in? it is very difficult for me to do that.
Like i said, i still try to see the beauty in the universe, i have to for my own survival, but then, i dont live in a war zone, and my family are still alive, my home hasnt been bombed and i am free.
As for why the earth is so finely balanced.. well, that is why life began here.. because out of all of the billions of planets in the universe, this one happens to be just right to support life. Therefore life was given the chance over trillions of years to develope here. You dont see life on Mars or Venus because they are inhospitable. As for the universe being just right for life, well that is why is exists and remains stable, because it is just finely balanced. All the other universes, (which weren't stable) that came into being, collapsed.
All this doesnt mean that there isnt a God. But i think that there needs to be perspective.
All the best,
2007-11-16 01:41:15
answer #2
answered by Zag 4
I understand where you coming from. As you might know the earth is moving away from the sun, so one day down the line we will not be in that perfect position anymore. So why would God forget about such an important detail? Also at one point we all believed we where the center of the universe, including the church. The conveniently adopted that into their doctrine, when science proved them different, which was one of theirs I believe. We still don't know everything about our universe, but that's what makes science so interesting. You stopped wondering because you believe you found the answer. I'm still looking and having fun while doing it.
2007-11-15 19:35:54
answer #3
answered by 4
The explosion created everything, but it took 300 million years for even atoms to form from the result.
Gas clouds contracted to form galaxies and stars. Large stars converted the simple elements (hydrogen and helium) to heavier ones, and they were release into space and even heavier atoms created when they themselves exploded.
Our solar system condensed from these secondary clouds. As did billions of others. Our planet happened to be in a zone where liquid water can form. This was luck.
Hundreds of millions of years of natural processes later, some kind of life formed. Once that happened, evolution was off and running. It took a long time to get even the simplest things that we would consider as 'life' today. It have stopped with a complex ameoba or worms in the mud. But after a few billion years, there was a breakthrough and life itself exploded into many different physical forms.
There are billions of other worlds. On some, something like this has probably already happened. On most, it never will.
2007-11-15 19:35:49
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I appreciate your honesty and sincerity. I recommend asking this question over in Home > Science & Mathematics > Physics.
This will allow you the best chance of getting quality answers.
The fundamental error is in considering the Big Bang an explosion. The term 'Big Bang' was actually coined by a scientist who did not accept that theory (he was convinced the evidence indicated a steady state universe). Unfortunately, the name had popular appeal and stuck, despite the erroneous implications of the term.
Interestingly enough, it seems that all the laws of physics (and thus of chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy, etc...) are set on the basis of 20 numbers ... and the best research currently going indicates that 11 of those are redundant, meaning the universe could literally boil down to just nine simple constants.
Look up the mandelbrot set. It is generated by following two simple rules (a multiply and an add), but generates infinite detail from those two simple rules.
The universe is similiar, in that from twenty (possibly only nine) simple numbers, and the equations that follow from them, near-infinite detail arises from simple principles.
2007-11-15 19:29:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I believe the beauty and complexity of life can only be explained by a Creator and I believe that Creator to be God.
To suggest that the universe came into being from an explosion and that everything formed so perfectly and that life then spontaneously formed and gradually changed into humans is quite illogical.
2007-11-15 19:36:31
answer #6
answered by Don 5
I'm glad you're using your brain. Many don't because it would mean they would have to give up immorality in which most want to hold on to their wickedness --- because it would mean they would have to believe in our Grand Creator, God himself.
Many just love to stay blind however and these are the ones that make life so difficult for those that truly love God and his godly standards, and those of his word, the Bible. By making life difficult these ones cause wars yet say they are Christian or of some false form of religion, many hate religion or God so they start wars domestically and internationally also, most love what is wicked instead of what is upright and holy, most vote in political partisan of which the Bible warns us to steer clear from, many are politicians seeking authority over other human beings when they know they're not right in their hearts, many love anything that is contrary to Godly standards.
This is why so many cannot believe what is intelligent and from God---because they've got their minds clouded with so much other riff raff that has no bearing for God's true and upright will for mankind. Won't Armageddon be a wonderful time for those who truly love what is "GOOD" and not what is evil or wicked. Just think, no more wicked ones will exist in the earth...
Psalms 37: 8 - 11.
2007-11-15 19:35:49
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The odds are 100% that it happened - this time. If it hadn't happened "just so," you wouldn't be around to wonder why things weren't just a wee bit different.
This doesn't prove God created it any more than it proves after rolling the dice an infinite number of times, God hit the jackpot, or that there even IS a God. You know what you believe, so you live that way and by your actions you are known.
2007-11-15 19:31:20
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I think all of the universe and beyond is probably unique with unique properties.
I think there are infinite unanswered and unanswerable questions.
I think it would be presumptuous for anyone to say they know 100% truth about earth, history or beyond.
2007-11-15 19:34:44
answer #9
answered by srsly 5
Equating the big bang to combustion shows you are not really qualified to form an opinion on the subject. Of course, a magic man living in the sky who blinked it all into existence makes perfect sense to you?
2007-11-15 19:36:50
answer #10
answered by Anonymous