Yes it is normal But rejoice for your name is written in the lambs book of life and if they were saved rejoice that you will see them again sooner than you think= Jesus is coming back soon
2007-11-15 09:24:49
answer #1
answered by God Child 4
did you know that the bible says there will be a time where we will be resurected??
because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his [Jesus'] voice and come out." (John 5:21, 28, 29)
Acts 24:15)15 and I have hope toward God, which hope these [men] themselves also entertain, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.
in this scritpure below it speaks of an everlasting life
John 3:16;
16 “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.
some believe that this means that they are going to be 'resurrected' into a spirtual angel and serve with god in heaven...
actually the bible speaks of a resurection onto the earth.. maybe you dont have to be sad anymore about it because you can see them here on earth again.
of course you'll miss them but dont be too sad cuz its just temperary.
(Psalm 37:9-11
9 For evildoers themselves will be cut off,
But those hoping in Jehovah are the ones that will possess the earth.
10 And just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more;
And you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be.
11 But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth,
And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.
can you even begin to imagine the condition the earth will be in?? it will be a perfect paradise earth... the life god originally planed for us.
Revelation 21:3, 4.3 With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. 4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”
2007-11-15 16:08:53
answer #2
answered by Kyrstin 4
Definition: The ceasing of all functions of life. After breathing, heartbeat, and brain activity stop, the life-force gradually ceases to function in body cells. Death is the opposite of life.
27 The Bible teaching on the true condition of the dead relieves one’s mind of much unnecessary fear and worry regarding those who have died. To know that such ones are not suffering helps us to appreciate far more God’s love, and his justice. Yet, one may still wonder, If a man dies and simply goes to the grave, what hope is there for the dead? The Bible reveals that there is a wonderful hope, the hope of living again.
28 During his earthly ministry Jesus Christ showed his power over death, actually bringing dead persons back to human life. (Luke 7:11-16; John 11:39-44) He thus provided a preview of what he will do on a grand scale in God’s new system of things. The heartwarming prospect is that then hell, mankind’s common grave, will be emptied of its unconscious dead. (Revelation 20:13) Some receive a resurrection to heavenly glory as spirit creatures, even as did Jesus Christ. (Romans 6:5) However, the vast majority of mankind will be brought back to enjoy life on a restored earthly paradise.—Acts 24:15; Luke 23:43.
29 In God’s new system the resurrected dead, if they carry out God’s righteous laws, will never need to die again. (Isaiah 25:8) Certainly this grand provision for blessing mankind is reason for us to take in more knowledge of Jehovah and his Son, Jesus Christ. Doing so can lead to our eternal life and blessing.
2007-11-15 15:55:28
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Death can be a shocking reality that is hard to stomach. I think that's why most of us shy away from it. Most folks don't hang out at the morgue!
It is TOTALLY normal to be sad when someone you love dies! Jesus cried at Lazarus's grave and He then resurrected him! I think it's o.k. to follow His example! People all grieve in different ways, but tears and heavy hearts for the departed is not a sign of a lack of faith but a sign of great love and compassion! It's a testimony of that person's life!
So be sad and grieve and then rejoice that the separation is only temporary and reunion is coming (for those in Christ).
Tragically, that is not the case for non-believers. That is very upsetting!
2007-11-15 16:38:49
answer #4
answered by Lover of Blue 7
Honey, death is simply part of life. It shouldn't be feared. You need to learn to accept death as simply a fact. When you finally accept it, it doesn't scare you anymore, though it is still upsetting to lose someone you love.
And I'm Atheist, I don't believe in any god. If death doesn't scare me, why should it scare you when you claim that you believe in a god and angels?
There is no escaping death. Other than birth, its the only thing we can be sure of.
Creating stories to surround it so that you simply feel better isn't going to help you come to terms with it as simple unavoidable fact.
2007-11-15 16:02:07
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
it took me about 12 years to come to grips with my best friend (like an older sister) death. it's now been 18 years and i still think.... what would 'Lou think, say, do. i don't fear not seeing her in this life though because i can't change that - you can't & yes it hurts but you have to move on. if you don't you will stop and the wouldn't want that and you know that. you can be sad but you can't let it take over your life.
2007-11-15 16:01:19
answer #6
answered by Marysia 7
it is sad if you dwell on it.
when i pass away i hope everyone parties. a celebration of life. i hope that they realize that life is short, and that if i were alive, i wouldnt want them spending time depressed that im gone, but rather they live in the moment.
i cant imagine anyone would want people to be depressed when they are gone.
many people cannot let go, or cannot forget. many people dwell in memories of the loved ones. some people can move on quicker than others. death: something everyone experiences.
though it is a sad event, you need to let yourself move on. if your so busy dwelling in the past you will fail to notice the things infront of you in the present, and fail to prepare for events in the future.
2007-11-15 15:52:27
answer #7
answered by Chippy v1.0.0.3b 6
The thing about death is that it's not final if you are a Christian. It's the beginning of an eternity with Christ. Being in Heaven will be so wonderful and indescribable. There will be no more sadness, only praising the King!!!
2007-11-15 15:51:25
answer #8
answered by LJ4Bama 4
They will be back when Christ returns and you will see them again in Heaven and for all eternity. It is only for a short time you are separated.
2007-11-15 15:52:50
answer #9
answered by Connie D 4
Deaths the most natural thing after birth. Every living thing dies at some point.
2007-11-15 15:51:58
answer #10
answered by The Return Of Sexy Thor 5