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48 answers

your children are yours love them, dont mind others in wat they say. your babies are not freaks there human beings with a life t live just like da rest of us. im shocked u even asked the question.

2007-11-14 19:44:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

Do you really understand what being disabled means?
I don't know if you have ever read the bible but in it it says that people with disabilities do not go to heaven because God has a special purpose and place for them and they are Gods special children.
Iám a disabled woman of 37 years old.I have been disabled since the age of 13.My family treated me like a freak because of my disability and I have walked away from them.
Do not allow anyone to abuse your children in any kind of way.I'm not talking just physical.I mean verbal, mental and/or psychological.God gave you this special purpose and obligation to raise these children.God knows that you are a strong person or he would not have given you this responsibility.Your family is not made up of freaks.
Disabled children do have a purpose in life and it is not to be ridiculed by people who do not understand thier disability.
I've been through the worst of the worst so I do know what Iám talking about.Please trust me on this.
If you need additional advice, feel free to contact me at any time.

2007-11-17 19:47:03 · answer #2 · answered by Venus H 2 · 0 0

Why would you even use the world FREAKS if you have three CHILDREN that have a disability you need to get some education on disabilities. People with disabilities are not freaks all are human beings. You must be pulling my led you did not just ask that question. If this is real and you had to ask I wonder about you being a in need of a brain.....Please get help

2007-11-15 12:45:16 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

No that doesn't make you freaks....I have two disabled children,twin boys and sometimes people stare at them and laugh or point but I just look the other way and think nothing of it because I no that GOD gave me these children because I am a special,caring and loving person who has what it takes to take care of my wonderful children and I no I will receive Blessings for being here for my children and I no that I'm doing the absolute right thing every time my boys come to me with a huge smile on their beautiful little faces and say I LOVE YOU MOMMIE, so no way are you or your children freaks. God Bless you and your children and I wish you and yours a safe and happy holiday season.

2007-11-16 08:56:27 · answer #4 · answered by lynette 2 · 0 0

No it makes them a family with 3 disabled children so what?

2007-11-16 05:57:54 · answer #5 · answered by Maid Angela 7 · 0 0

You mean, 'a Family of Freaks.'

Possibly, but if so....! What is the point you are trying to get across here? ....Or are you just seeking an opinion?

The word 'Freak' is a noun and means 'abnormal' or 'deformed' in some way. Your question would naturally enough (to me) require you to define these abnormalities and their degree to satisfy my ability to go any way towards answering such a question.

I had Polio as a child, my ex wife was born with Spinabifida, although she was without the Hydrocephalus generally associated with her condition. So, you could (in your terms) state that 'We, as a married couple, were freaks' too. And, so what of it.....?

In my family unit, we were regarded as 100% disabled. You appear to be stating that your unit is only 60% disabled ~(assuming that your self + wife are not disabled and that you have no other children), thus making you not unique and certainly (in those terms) not 'freaks.'

Maybe it's your language and or attitude that marks you out as such!


2007-11-15 18:43:46 · answer #6 · answered by sashtou 7 · 2 0

You are not freaks, you are a family. Families share certain traits, and disability seems to be one trait that is shared in your family. In some families, most everyone is cranky; in some families there is big feet; in some families, people tend to laugh a lot. Having everyone have similar strengths and weaknesses in a family is normal too.

Being disabled isn't freakish- in fact, it's fairly normal; disabled people have existed since the beginning of humanity- what could be more normal? It's our culture that makes people feel like there is something wrong with having difficulties. Everyone has some kind of difficulty.

2007-11-14 20:57:21 · answer #7 · answered by ThatGirl 4 · 4 0

No. But if the "disabilites" aren't clear cut (e.g. a known genetic problem, or obvious physical disability, I'd get them rechecked.

For example, there is growing evidence that most cases of Attention Deficit disorder are not actual disabiities. Studies tracking children over time, suing MRIs, etc. hae shown tha tmost simply have a short-term delay in development. They need appropriate environments in school, etc.--but after a few years "catch up" and the problem goes away. A minority do have ADD--the problem is permanant. But not most.

So--I tend to advicse parents to exercise caution when children are labeled "disabled." A lot are--but the's a lot of labeling and misdiagnosis going on, too.

2007-11-15 08:56:37 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Absolutely not, and to think it does is...for lack of a better word...disgusting.

My grandmother had two disabled children and one who was not. Her twins, my aunts, were severely developmentally delayed, and even now at age 50 they have the mentality of 2-year olds...but it's always just been normal for us.

And when I was born blind my family thought nothing of it. I was just their daughter. Not their freak. And if the rest of the world thinks I'm a freak because my eyes look different and I need to look at things through a special electronic device or a big monocular...well, I'm who I am, and if I"m a freak to you....well I'm a proud freak.

Love your children for who they are. Mind not the thoughtless comments of others.

2007-11-16 02:22:43 · answer #9 · answered by i_come_from_under_the_hill 6 · 2 1

NO NO NO it don't make you freaks it maybe just a faulty gene in your or your partner but that is not your fault neither does it make you a freak yu are still a whole human inside a body that has let you down God has made all of us his children we are all individuals with different traits and we all have a purpose in life,God also said that as his children he will love us no-matter what and he does and thats makesus all very special what-ever the circumstances,i'm a christian and in God that makes me your brother in Christ so please do not fret over disabilities it's the person inside the body is true a vessal that holds our true selves so let yourself be free in mind and spirit and know that God is with you as are my prayers Godbless you

2007-11-14 19:38:19 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

You and your family are .....a family. Love each other and be happy. The people who answered your question with disrespect are the ones who are disabled. They do not possess an ounce of empathy and should be ashamed of themselves. We are both disabled, we have a grandson who is deaf but it doesn't make us freaks, and neither is your family. You were chosen to be their parent because you have the strength and love that it takes to raise them. God bless and good luck. xxxx

2007-11-14 22:53:54 · answer #11 · answered by ? 6 · 2 0

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