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i was breast feeding and giving bottle but i started breast feeding less and less, with in two weeks my milk is almost gone, what can i do to bring it back , as i want to nurse at least 6 weeks?

2007-11-14 16:54:34 · 9 answers · asked by anom 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

9 answers

Start breastfeeding more and more, and giving the bottle less and less. You are still in the "forgiving" time period where your body will bounce back and give you more milk. This will last up until about 6 months, by then it may be difficult to get all your milk back, but some will still be there.

Anyways, just start cutting out a bottle at a time, and replace that with the breast. If you can contact the local La Leche League (the link will help you find someone in your area) http://www.lllusa.org/groups.php

Please don't give up. You can do this. Your baby doesn't need the bottle, he or she only needs you. Your body will make plenty of milk, if it isn't already!

And by the way, it's perfectly normal for your breasts to feel "empty" or "not as full" now. it's not necessary for them to be hard as rocks before you feed your baby.

Just feed him or her on demand (when he/she wants to), day and night, for the first 6 weeks at least. After that 6 weeks you'll have it down pat, and it'll be so easy you won't even think twice about it.

2007-11-14 17:05:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

What u can do is make sure u drink lots of fluid and jus allow ur baby to suck on the breast and eventually breastmilk will come but if the child is not takin it then ur best bet is to continue with bottle feed. When i had my baby and this is recent she is one month i take breast call when i was in the hospital and they told us once the baby continue to suck on the breast u will always produce milk. So if u really want to breast feed their are places u can go and get help like a clinic or even a WIC place they can gave advice on what 2 do. Good luck :)

2007-11-14 17:13:27 · answer #2 · answered by Cassie 1 · 0 0

Listen to Happy Cake!
I nursed all of my kids! On the first one, I had all kinds of problems.
Since it is supply and demand, it is because you haven't been "demanding" more milk.You need to nurse on demand or use a pump to build up your supply. Drinking more water or juice wouldn't hurt.

If you still want to use a bottle, breast feed first, then use a bottle the last few minutes. Or, choose one feeding a day that is for formula, or breastmilk in a bottle, and only bottle feed during that time.
Good luck! You CAN do this!

2007-11-14 17:18:17 · answer #3 · answered by Halo...as in Angels have them 4 · 1 0

When you breastfeed less, your body produces less milk. If you want to keep nursing (good for you!), you'll need to begin nursing more often. Whenever the baby is hungry, let him nurse for as long as he is willing, before offering a bottle. Try to get him to gradually nurse longer each time, and take less of the bottle.

La Leche League, or a lactation consultant can help you with the process.

2007-11-14 17:13:23 · answer #4 · answered by daa 7 · 3 0

increase your water intake. YOu can try all natural herbs of Fenugreek, Blessed thistle and Marshmellow root. They help increase mik supply.

I would for about 3 days exclusivly pump milk every 3 hours. OUR bodys work on supply and demand. THIS way you can feed your child. and if you have an oz or 2 left over you can freeze for later.

2007-11-14 17:00:26 · answer #5 · answered by cowsfreak 2 · 2 0

Eat Oatmeal ,Milk And Have Your Husband Suck Them To Help The Milk Come Out I Kow It Sounds Nasty But It Works.

2007-11-14 17:05:30 · answer #6 · answered by I am finaly PREGNANT after 9yrs 2 · 0 2

you need to see a lactation consultant right away. it's great that your baby had some colostrum and you are trying. so even if it doesn't work out you tried and your baby did get the best part.

2007-11-14 16:59:40 · answer #7 · answered by carol anne 5 · 1 1

Unfortunately you may not be able to but there are alot of other products that will keep baby healthy. Try Goat's milk, or distilled water, karol syrup and can milk. Good luck

2007-11-14 17:01:43 · answer #8 · answered by Becky V 4 · 0 4

don't worry about it, just give him/her formula. my wife had the same problem and after our girl got the taste for it, she gulps it down. she's 6 weeks now and drinking 750mls/day

2007-11-14 17:01:14 · answer #9 · answered by hsvxclr8r 3 · 0 5

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