Imagine someone has a collection of two different sized coins (for instance nickels and quaters, or 10 and 5 pence pieces) all kept together in the same bag. They spill the contents of the bag onto a table and observe the layout of the coins before them. They then try and analyse the layout of the coins to look for 'groups' of coins - i.e. those touching each other, in clusters, and if certain sized coins were to appear within these groups.
How could they analyse the spread of coins to determine if the smaller of the two coins is more likely to group than the larger, and vice versa. If the smaller coins were found to be more prominent within the 'groups' as opposed to individually within the layout, how could this be analysed?
What statistical methods could be deployed to show that the smaller coins are more likely to be found grouped than individually. Lets say there is no element of chance involved and that smaller coins are more likely to group. (Hope this makes sense)
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Science & Mathematics
➔ Mathematics