Doesn't matter. If we win, it is because of our good Democratic leadership. If we lose, it is because President Bush didn't listen to us. So, whatever happens we will make sure that America understands we Democrates tried our level best to do what was right for our country.
This, of course, this is a tongue in cheek response. Seriously, there is no victory or defeat in war, just survival. I hope we simply survive.
God Bless the soldiers who have no say in this...
2007-11-14 15:12:13
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There is no "war on terror". It's phony and is thrown at us by the administrations "politics of fear".
There is no "win" in Iraq....never was...nobody can define what win is --- not even the terrorist Bush.
He and Cheney and their good buds lusted for the oilfields in Iraq.,...that's the ONLY reason our young men and women were sent there an put in harms way. He and Cheney must try to keep our fear level up so we don't all hit the streets and demand they be impeached and demand our young people come home.
Wanna know about the politics of fear? It's very, very real.... Read the following and then see who said it....:
Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don't want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." Hermann Goering, Nazi
"Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear — kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor — with the cry of grave national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it." General Douglas MacArthur
Don't believe everything that comes out of the mouths of those warmongers in the White House. Use your brain....
2007-11-14 16:00:39
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
We already won in Iraq - Dubya told us so 4 years ago. Now it is time to turn Iraq over to the Iraqis - can't be done immediately but we need to have a plan to do that - not 50 years of illegal occupation.
Having done that we can get back to fighting the war on terror which Bush has ignored for 5 years.
So I am in favor of winning both - not so sure why Republicans are not.
2007-11-14 15:20:19
answer #3
answered by Sageandscholar 7
First off, how do you win a war against a noun? Have we won a war against a noun yet? (Think wars on: Drugs, Crime, Poverty....etc.) Secondly Iraq and the never ending non-defined war on a tactic--terrorism--have little or nothing to do with each other. ONE is ideally a war against 'muslim fundementalism', when and only when it is not in our interests--as it was in Afganistan in the 80's--to support it.
And the other is a war that was planed before 9-11 for the sake of taking control of Iraq's oil and as a means of implementing the policy recommended in the paper 'Rebuilding Americas Defenses" by the Project for A New American Century.
In fact a good case could be made for the War on Terror merely being the propaganda smoke screen for the implementation of the above mentioned policy.
2007-11-14 15:16:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Your question is a misdirected one.
What does the war in Iraq have to do with the war on terror? Answer that first. When did Iraq attack us?
This situation in Iraq is not something that we can win or lose. We are not even in that kind of scenerio in Iraq. Iraq is experiencing a civil war or is on the brink of civil war. How can we win or lose Iraq's own civil war? That makes no sense. That's like saying the French or Russians could have invaded before America's civil war and won our civil war. When in fact, it was OUR civil war to win or lose depending on which side you were on. We can't win Iraq's civil war. The question is how is this going to be settled politically? Even the Pentagon and the Generals on the field know that there is no military solution to Iraq. They know their job is done. It can only be solved politically. That is something the Iraqi people have to figure out.
As far as the war on terror? I have yet to see Bush wage that war. Where are the masterminds (Osama bin Laden and al Zarihri) of 9/11? Everytime our troops get close to catching them, the W.H calls them back. What is that all about? I'm all for winning and capturing our enemies that attacked us, but that doesn't appear to be happening much. At least under the Clinton administration, the first WTC bombers are in the highest security prisons in Colorado for life where they should be.
EDIT: Matt, you need to look up war. then you need to look up the word Occupation, as in a country occupying another country. And, then you need to ask yourself why we are over there. Hint: It's the oil. Sorry kid, but you or anyone else going over to IRaq are not fighting for my or any other American's freedom. That's the propaganda and lies you are being fed. Answer my question: what did Iraq have to do with 9/11 or terrorism before we invaded. Think reeeeaaaaal Hard o.k. BTW, I'm not voting for Hillary.
2007-11-14 15:13:23
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
We have already lost in Iraq. That is the point that you repubs are not getting. And second, there is no connection between winning or losing and the "war on terror". Terrorists are not just in Iraq, they don't just come from Iraq, and they don't have only Iraq to train in. Your problem is you have bought the bush story - that if we "win" in Iraq we "win" the war on terror. The people behind 9/11 had NO Iraqi connection. What does it take to get all you aware of this fact. There is NO connection between 9/11 and Iraq - zero, zip, nada, none! We have been telling you this for more than 5 years, why do you STILL not get it??????
2007-11-14 15:14:06
answer #6
answered by commonsense 5
before I could answer the question I would need to know what the definition of winning or losing. As you may know calling this a war against Iraq is a misnomer. We are not fighting Iraq. We have removed Saddam from power and are trying to create stability, peace, and democracy through this civil war. What constitutes for you winning in Iraq?
is it no bombs per day.... perhaps 5. what exactly is winning in Iraq. Or in that case losing. Because it sounds that you are implying that America can only lose by leaving which would be a fallacy. America can't win in Iraq. Only Iraq can win its own war.....
I know your decider has painted this black and white picture of winning or losing..... but if you truly analyze the debacle created in Iraq..... it is much more complex isn't it?
2007-11-14 15:23:11
answer #7
answered by nomames 4
1st off Iraq is not a war its an occupation. There is a difference.
The "War" on Terror will never be won.... As long as there is 2-3 people with a plan and the motivation to take on something bigger then themselves and use fear as the weapon there will be Terrorists.
Keep in mind. One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.
Next time you want to ask a question think of something your self instead of asking something you heard on Faux News or Rush!!
2007-11-14 15:18:18
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
We've already lost so it's a non issue.
You can thank the bozos who screwed it up. That wasn't Democrats, that was Bush and his brilliant planners who disbanded the Iraqi army, allowed Iraq's cultural treasures to be looted, under-manned the occupation army and allowed Al Queda to infiltrate where they had never been.
You're attempting to blame the exactly wrong people, which means you'll be hosed again unless you wise up.
You need to hold whoever is in office ACCOUNTABLE, not become a blind follower of party allegiance.
2007-11-14 15:34:31
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
There is no real "war on terror." That is propoganda created by Cheney-Bush. We ARE LOSING the war in Iraq, and probably will. There is no winning. Look at how many people have addition to American many civilians. As a PERSON with a BRAIN, not a democrat, how could you be happy about war? War is hell. It's not like we had to truly defend our country...for that we should be in Afghanistan completely, not half-assed. Iraq was a farce for oil. Nothing more, nothing less. I feel sad for all the people who have died in this senseless war, and their families. I feel sad for all the men and women (our troops) who are fighting for nothing and losing their lives and limbs and minds. I think there needs to be a draft...then the war will end and people will finally come to their senses.
2007-11-14 15:12:12
answer #10
answered by obsidiswan 3