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2 answers

No, there was a US commemorative with Nolan Ryan on it. It's the 1992 Olympic Silver dollar. It's been rumored that the pitcher is Nolan Ryan, and in my opinion those rumors were confirmed when PCGS came out with graded ones that had Nolan Ryan's autograph on them. Buy it on Ebay, look under Coin US and type in 1992 Olympic Dollar.

2007-11-14 14:53:10 · answer #1 · answered by bbooptoon1959 3 · 1 0

There is no U.S. commemorative of Nolan Ryan as a coin but there are some medals out there. For the coin you have to go to the country of Liberia, in 1993 they came out with a $10 coin with Nolan Ryan on it waving his cap. You can try eBay or www.dharrisonco.com David Harrison deals in such items and advertises in World Coin News. You can email him at buycrowns@comcast.com if you don't see it on his site and ask him to get you one if he can.

2007-11-14 17:10:15 · answer #2 · answered by Taiping 7 · 1 1

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