We aren't as evil now as when we burned witches at the stake!
2007-11-13 12:35:15
answer #1
answered by love 6
I don't think you could say America is corrupt and evil... Sure the government is corrupt but really any country can have a corrupt government. As far back as America has been America, there have been corrupt governments. After George Washington was president, political parties formed and people used unethical methods of winning elections. This happens in EVERY country, not just America.
If anything, compared to American between the 1860's (Civil War) through the turn of the century (it seemed everyone was corrupt during the Industrial Revolution) and 1970's (World War II, the Cold War, The Vietnam War), the country's been less corrupted. Especially when it came to business or the treatment of immigrants. Ever since the beginning, Americans have killed and stolen from Native Americans. A country that vows freedom to everyone, stripped it from Native Americans and forced them to change or be driven into extinction. In the late 1800s, cities like New York were pratically run by political machines (informal parties) that were basically like the mafia. Around the same time, after freeing the slaves, the country limited the rights of African Americans in anyway possible. The Chinese Exclusion Act passed in 1882 was as an act passed by Congress to keep Chinese people out of the country. During World War II, the U.S. even kept Japanese people in concentration camps! At least today, America recognizes these things and tries to end it. If you ask me, America and many other countries, have been worse. The country itself didn't change, just the values of people around the world.
As for the people in the history book dancing, sure they may have been happy. They realized the true values of life and learned to appreciate things as they are. It just depends on the situation and the person, I'm sure anyone can acheive that kind of feeling regardless of the government. That kind of thing depends on you.
2007-11-13 13:16:49
answer #2
answered by BlueCougar 2
Don't let history books fool you. All societies have their ills; some different, some the same, over time. It's the difference between reading "Of Mice and Men" and reading a short chapter in an American history book on the Great Depression. Music hasn't just been happy, up until now- listen to Billie Holiday's "Strange Fruit". Nor has it been without references to sex and drugs- the Top 40 doesn't cover all of what music is, or has been. America has changed, and the world has changed, but not all for the worse. We're not evil, I don't think, and as for corrupt....well, look up the history of the Robber Barons, or how the transcontinental railroads were built, by whom and under what conditions, look at how the American Indians were treated as whites progressed across the land, or how life was for Southern Blacks in the 1930's in Texas and Louisiana.....I think you'll find that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Really! :)
2007-11-13 12:40:25
answer #3
answered by leopardstripes 3
I do not feel America is corrupt and evil, the country has changed from the days of "Leave it to Beaver" and the "Brady Bunch"! We have become a nation depended on computers, an the easy way to do things, that is not corrupt or evil- its progress. It is only corrupt and evil if we allow these things to happen without regard to the outcome.
We as a nation need to stand up and fight for what is right, not just complain about it and hope that if we ignore the problem it will get better or go away. When I was growing up, family was the most importent thing, to me it still is.
We have the right to express ourselves, live the way we choose, and do the things we want too, as long as it is not illegal. That is what Freedom is all about, and what our fore fathers fought for , as we do to this day.
We live in the best country in the world, there will always "good & evil" it depends on each one of us to decide how to live and the choices we make. Things have indeed changed, some for the better and some not, but that is the price we pay for being Americans, not repressed and wishing for freedom as others do. I blame the news like CNN, FOX and ect.... all they know how to do is show us the bad things that happen, after all bad news sell I guess. When was the last time we saw something up lifting on the news? I can't remember! Example: Our armed forces always seem to be killing the innocent, they never seem to show us the good they do for the kids and the sick, that wouldn't sell newspapers or TV time. Example two: all Law Enforcement People are all corrupt, all they do is shoot and beat ppl up- what about their side of the story? I don't buy it!! but then again I try to see through the crap-ola. I didn't mean to get up on a preachers pulpit, but it upsets me too no end. We care more about certain pop singers problems then we do about real problems, its a shame! America is great, we just need to re-capture that feeling and pass it on to others.
Well, thats just one man's opinion-that with .25 cents might buy you a cup of java!!
2007-11-13 13:12:46
answer #4
answered by J.C. 2
America has changed a great deal from the days I was growing up in the 50's. Drugs have played a huge role in changing the face of America. Most kids today hardly ever sit down to a home cooked meal. It's all empty calory fast food. Parents are too busy with their careers to provide the "nurturing" so badly needed by their children. The music of today glorifies disrespect of the law, sexual experiment, drug use, and civil disobedience. It started back in the late 60's and has just gotten worse. America is not corrupt. It's the people who live their lives as I described above, that are corrupting our country.
2007-11-13 12:49:06
answer #5
answered by Charles WE 5
yes, the concept of morality has taken a serious plunge. People think it is ok to have sexual relationships with several partners and spread disease, gays believe they can't help it because it is in their genetic makeup, my question is, if that is true then pedifiles can't help who they are attracted to either, because everyone knows a normal person doesn't have sexual desire for a 6 year old, therefore it has to be something in their genetic makeup. What is morally correct depends upon how many people are willing to condone a specific action. Compassion, sincerity,honesty and loyalty are a thing of the past. These days loyalty is bought, it has nothing to do with integrity or honesty. The saddest part is most don't care, and the ones who do are going unheard, or forced to relent due to tyranny that exists within our own political system. Money, power and perversion is the current ruler of the American population. The truth is we have become insensitive to one anothers needs, and have been brainwashed to kick someone when they are down, yet we are taught to have compassion for people who live in other countries. People are homeless and starving right here, what do people say, tell the bums to get a job, but at the same time will send money to help starving Ethiopians, people go without health care here, but we aren't focusing on that, we are more concerned with the outbreak of AIDS in Africa. I don't get it! At least in the past people stuck together on moralistic issues, and had a god sense of right and wrong, these days the doors are wide open, that is why if you steal someone vehicle and get in a car accident due to faulty brakes you can sue the victim of the theft and win everything they own in a court of law. The perpetrator has become the victim and the victim becomes the perpetrator. ;-(
2007-11-13 12:49:47
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yes, America changed.
But we changed with the times. Things are not nice and pretty anymore. For every obese child, another is starving. For all the wealth we roll in, someone is dying because they cannot afford health care.
Something is wrong with this picture. But the people, the average Joe's (and Jane's!) of America don't know how to fix it. Hence the angry music, and drug problems of today's generation.
So, yes, the music is angry and bitter. But so is society, and hopefully as the world begins to change, so will the attitude of the masses.
2007-11-13 14:35:51
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Which history book was that? Was it published by Walt Disney? America has always been corrupt and evil, that's part of the fun of living here. If you honestly think people were any happier in any of the past centuries, you need to get a clue. Crappy music is a trade-off for having your kids live past 10. Laziness in chlidren is just a side-effect of laziness in parents. People suck, regardless of geography or the era they live in.
2007-11-13 12:40:50
answer #8
answered by t0talb1tch77 2
It is always tempting to look back and feel nostalgic. While there was shame for doing sinful things in the past, there was also blatant racism and bigotry. We have come forward so much in gender and race relations, but we are corrupt and lazy. The truth is, we feed, protect and educate the world. Tonight, hundreds of millions live in freedom with hopes and dreams for a better tomorrow because we are in the world. It is not easy to see the good when news stories only cover bad things. Optimism is, however, what has always seperated us from the rest of the world. That belief that we can do better will always see us through.
2007-11-13 12:38:24
answer #9
answered by kirk m 3
now really, pal, evil (like beauty) is in the eye of the beholder. it seems that you've got yourself into a pot of so-called reality so who am i to ladle you out. if you feel it is so bad as the only two words to you are corrupt and evil, then , if i were you, i'd seriously consider moving out - like way out of the good 'ol USA. if you aren't here yet, stay put. oh, and another thing, show me a country that doesn't fit your description? let's see! you'd rather live in a country that hasn't enough of anything, die an early death due to disease that can't be treated for a host of reasons, or die because the govt likes mini wars (within that is). america might have problems but it is still the most solid of countries today. the same flag, govt, warts, smiles, ups and downs todays as were there yesterday. oh sure we have some lousy political hacks but we also have some really good political hacks, too. for me? gimme my flag, my country, my home ANY DAY OF THE WEEK overall.
2007-11-13 12:48:14
answer #10
answered by blackjack432001 6
wow! You sure have a rosy view of how things were! They were never that good. Life 50 years ago was a lot simpler, and even though drugs and crime were not so overt, they were there, aplenty! But yes, America, and the world has changed that much. But change is inevitable. And I'm afraid change for the worse is also inevitable.
2007-11-13 12:39:28
answer #11
answered by Anonymous