Liberals Lie Babies Die. They have caused more deaths than Pres. Bush. Except that He did not cause them. Terrorist have, with the help of the democrats.
2007-11-13 05:24:40
answer #1
answered by Dan 5
The goal of every such incursion by US military is to hand over the reigns to the sovereign people of a given country and to remain not as an occupying force but as a presence that can observe and be called to help in the future. If a civil war breaks out, that's the course of their history. A fatalist might call it their destiny.
We helped take out Hitler in Germany. If the German's today were to have a civil war, would that be our responsibility?
I was against the new Iraq war to begin with because I understood the warnings of the administration after the first gulf war. Colin Powell warned that if we broke it - we bought it. Fact is, we shouldn't be there in the first place, but we can't use one error in judgement to justify another.
The anti-war crowd in this country was right about this one, and rather than acknowledge that, the pro-war crowd want to use the fact that we were right to justify staying? I call BS.
Leave Iraq to the Iraqis. Let them figure it out. We owe them an appology and a hasty exit.
Think about it, if your mother-in-law butts into your marriage and makes the situation worse, she doesn't then get to keep butting in out of guilt trying to fix what she broke.
ADDING: I see that you added that the first answer is wrong, but he's not. GWB specifically said during the debates that he was against nation building, and the GOP congress under Clinton frequently complained that what Clinton was doing in Bosnia was nation building, and that it was something they opposed. The difference is that Clinton's version of nation building involved removing a tyrant and then gathering world consensus thru NATO on how that nation should be built and how regional and ethnic sectarianism should be dealt with. After establishing a tripartite government at the Dayton Peace Accords, the US stepped out and the Muslims, Serbs and Croats eventually agreed to work together for their own mutual well-being.
In Iraq, the tripartite idea couldn't ever work, and that was obvious from the beginning to anyone who knew anything about the country's history.
2007-11-13 12:56:25
answer #2
answered by some_mystery_for_u 2
We need to leave Iraq. The civil war we started there needs to be worked out and fought out by the natives of that country not by the interfering, imperialistic USA. We have done unimaginable harm to that country and it's people. We need to cut our losses and bring our troops home alive and unmaimed. Bush, Cheney and their cronies have made enough billions to last their ancestors forever.
2007-11-13 13:02:17
answer #3
answered by lcmcpa 7
No. The left realizes that we cannot win this war. We should not be there. We cannot afford to support this war any longer. It was a huge error in judgment. There has been fighting in the Middle East for thousands of years. It has nothing to do with the United States. We are only there because we need their oil. It benefits military contractors who I'm sure are very good friends with the Bush administration.
2007-11-13 12:26:34
answer #4
answered by Unsub29 7
In politics, left-wing, political left, leftism, or simply the left, are terms that refer (with no particular precision) to the segment of the political spectrum typically associated with the 4 strains of socialism: Social-democrats, Greens, Communists and Anarchists.
Which of these left movements do you mean?
2007-11-14 07:43:03
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The left is content to let the Iraqis descend into civil war and kill themselves off to the point where the Iranians will move in and take it over.
They see ahmahdinejad as a more intelligent and sympathetic figure than their own president.
They will sit and watch absolving themselves by blaming Bush for going there in the first place.
Why do you think they are not demonstrating in front of the White House for not intervening in Africa?
They just don't consider the lives of people abroad valuable until Bush starts killing less of them than they would themselves.
You didn't hear a peep out of them while Clinton was firing so many cruise missiles into Iraq the Navy and Air Force ran out of them. No Americans were being killed so it's OK.
You didn't hear a peep out of them while Clinton bombed the hell out of Bosnia, a place where we have absolutely no interest and a population less than Brooklyn NY.
You didn't hear a peep out of them when Clinton went into Somalia beaus he quickly cut and ran at the first drop of American blood and left the population to suffer under Al Queda and a menagerie of war lords.
Liberals don't value life unless it is theirs.
2007-11-13 12:33:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
There's been a civil war over there for CENTURIES, just simmering under some oppressive leaders, but it's still been going on, and IT'S NOT GOING TO STOP IN THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE.
It's time to get our troops out of the crossfire and out of the mideast completely.
Israel can fend for itself for a change.
Iran HAS ALWAYS BEEN OPEN TO DIALOG AND COMPROMISE, but of course the chimp and his 900 lb. gorilla are hell bent on provoking them instead of talking.
2007-11-13 12:42:44
answer #7
answered by tiny Valkyrie 7
I think most on the left don't know what they want because they mostly follow political talking points. As far as leftist leaders, though, I think they like the chaos that gives way to one of theirs rising to power. Leftist leaders don't like the US in Iraq or anywhere else because they know that we have the power to put down any tyranny they may impose. It is important to remember that at their core, most leftists support what the terrorists are doing.
2007-11-13 12:28:38
answer #8
answered by SithLord 4
Liberals say that we have lost the war (even though we haven't) and that we should give the Iraqis weapons and let themselves kill each other out... Can liberals be any more ignorant?
2007-11-13 12:27:58
answer #9
answered by Emperor Penguin 3
I think I remember Republicans saying they were against nation building.
2007-11-13 12:23:32
answer #10
answered by Anonymous