Australia has individuals who might be considered racist...but I'm guessing nor more or less than the number of such individuals in any other country.
Having said that...we dont especially tolerate idiots of any creed, race or nationality. If you're a fool, be prepared to be called one :p
Cheers :)
2007-11-13 09:01:10
answer #1
answered by Rygar 4
Unfortunately Australia had some pretty racist policies back in the early part of the previous century, and some folks outside of Australia seem to think nothing has changed in that time. To put those times in context, people need to remember that at the time of federation Australia had barely 3 million people, with nearly all of its major neighbours having 10 times that amount. They were terrified of either being invaded or having their culture swamped by competing countries.
Australia, since the end of WW2 has accepted immigrants from all over the world. They have allowed groups from nearly every country, and changed its ideas 180 degrees towards accepting multiculturalism nationally, and changing the laws to meet this challenge.
Australia today has about 20 million people. We are now approaching the resource limits this continent can afford. Modern governments therefore have had to reduce the numbers we allow into the country. I believe the current intake is about 12000 people per year.
The media often condemns the way the Howard government has handled immigration, but I believe they have played a brilliant hand of chess against the people smugglers. By making the world sit up and take notice that Australia is not going to be an easy target, by making world headlines from the conditions of the detention centres and, farming processing out to other pacific nations, immigrants now know they will not get an easy ride into the front door. Queue jumping simply wont be tolerated. The fact that most of the detention centres have now shut their doors is testament to this fact.
Australia does care for true refugees in dire need of a new home, even if only for a temporary time. In recent years we have accepted refugees from Iraq, the Sudan, Kosovo, Hong Kong (before the handover to China), Indonesia and many other countries as we saw the need.
Domestically, racism is really limited to a vocal minority.
The Aussie media loves to beat up stories of racism (which are then transmitted globally) here, most of which when you look into them begin with other groups being racist in themselves and not liking it all when the community at large forms a backlash against it.
Australians are not usually intolerant of other peoples race, but they are of people that do not give others a "fair go" no matter what their creed colour or affiliation. Equality is a two way street where Australians will accept others open heartedly but will not lie down and be walked all over by others using Australia for their own greed or politically correct agendas.
2007-11-13 21:26:08
answer #2
answered by cc_of_0z 7
Of course. Since most Australians are of Anglo-Celtic background they must be racist. No other racial group is capable of racism. Not the Chinese, not the Japanese, not the Indians, not the Mediterraneans, and none of the Africans.
Caution - rant follows.
The reality is that the Anglo-Celtic ethnic group are the least racist of all. Just try being Korean in Japan or anything but Chinese or Korean in China or Korea. Try being Hutu in a Tutsi part of eastern Africa. Try being a Croat in Serbia.
Australia, the USA, Canada, New Zealand and Western Europe are the least racist of countries. Other countries - well.
Anglo Celtics have had anti-racism hammered into them for nearly 50 years and even before that were probably less racist than other groups. We did not go round shoving people into gas chambers even 65 years ago.
When any of the less intelligent or less educated of the Anglo-Celtics in Australia says or does something racist damn fools start running round like headless chooks screaming about racism. Meanwhile other ethnic groups in Australia get away with persistent racism, discriminating against Anglo-Celtics and everybody else and no-one says a damn thing. They are "ethnic" and thereby incapable of racism.
2007-11-13 07:09:47
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
No, there nation actually has some balls. Their prime minister actually told the people there, if you want to live there follow their language, and if they don't like it then move away
We shouldnt (US) be so afraid of what ppl think. Everything is side-stepped
the goverment is at the moment,is ultra-consevitive and is underfire about the way it is handling immigration, as for having ball,no,they dont, they are so scared of immigration they pay small pacific nations to handle there problem. and to this moment are so tough on illigial immigrants they have deport several australian "citizens"
as for the people no where not all racist, but we are conservitives and we dont like change, if u wanna travel or move over here we wont mind as long as a similation. and beside those who are racsits here normally wont shout it from the roof tops and there alot more that arent
2007-11-12 18:15:14
answer #4
answered by bone 2
There are racists in Australia just as there are in any other country but as a whole we are less racist than many countries I can think of. There is some animosity towards Moslems encouraged by our current Prime Minister but that will change in about ten days time when he is thrown out of office. There are settlers in Australia from 150 or so different countries, most have no problems with racism.
2007-11-12 16:13:30
answer #5
answered by tentofield 7
No. I live here, IT IS NOT a racist country. And that's saying something from me who is NOT a white Australian. I am of Asian origin.
Please look up other questions and answers on the same subject. I am sick of answering this very same question a dozen times and feeling like having to justify Australia for every overseas users who just don't do any reasearch themselves.
2007-11-12 19:20:49
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Racism exists,certainly,like it exists in every single country in the world.But that doesn't make Australia a racist country,and the vast majority of Australians really couldn't care what colour a person's skin was.
2007-11-12 18:05:01
answer #7
answered by Serena 5
Some of these people appear never to even have been here. As a whole I think we all try to be nice and politically correct when in public or in the media but I have heard a lot of racism on the streets, in classrooms but not many would dare admit it outside their friendship groups. There is currently a lot of racism against the Sudanese and as usual Asians. And the wog/skip debate rolls on...
2007-11-12 16:02:31
answer #8
answered by Evieve 5
There is racism in every country and you will always find with some people it concerns them and with others they wouldn't care less if you were black, yellow or green. So yes we have our racist group of people here too.
2007-11-12 17:24:01
answer #9
answered by Live_For_Today 6
Nope. I heard they dont like the aboriginees but what would I know.. People say americans are and I think they're full of ****. A ton of people are, doesn't mean the whole country is.
2007-11-12 15:59:13
answer #10
answered by Scrooby 2