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Please be serious with your answers

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and i really need the true information
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2007-11-12 14:01:22 · 31 answers · asked by Kellyy 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

31 answers

The perfect Monotheism.
Those who claim that Islam was spread by force, why Islam is fastest growing religion even now?

2007-11-12 14:08:54 · answer #1 · answered by Happily Happy 7 · 8 7

This myth about the spread of Islam by the sword is funny. It doesn't explain why India, for example, remained with a non-Muslim majority after centuries of the Muslim rule of a big part of it. The same applies to Spain which was under the rule of Islam for 8 centuries, and yet nobody was forced to convert. Jews and Christians lived a peaceful life by the side of the Muslim minority, until the Catholics took over and forced everybody either to convert to Christianity or leave.

In countries like Indonesia, no Muslim army arrived or conquered, yet this country is the largest in Muslim population!

What happened is, many people who came into direct contact with Muslims, who had the time to listen and to be involved in business, or any other human contact, they decided to convert to Islam but this is a process that took centuries. For example Syria and Egypt have a big Christian minority that has always been there, and one would notice that every now and then, a Christian would convert to Islam out of his/her free will. This is the same that has happened for 14th centuries, and that's how we have a Muslim majority in these countries.


2007-11-15 20:37:02 · answer #2 · answered by Abu Ahmad 5 · 0 1

Not unlike Christianity which spread quickly after the faith was adopted by the Roman Emperor Constantine.

After the death of the Prophet Mohammad, Islam was Incorporated with Arabic politics and Arabic armies conquered others making converts of the conquered.
Even when Arabic armies were defeated, their victors accepted the Islamic faith.

2007-11-12 22:39:34 · answer #3 · answered by Fatima 6 · 2 0

Islam is the religion which has a highest growth rate in the world because :
1)Islam has a cmplete,uptodate and logic life guide given by Allah the only one God that is the holy Qur'an which is maintained by God its genuity..This Qur'an is supported by
hadith as the explanation for its practice given by Muhammad pbuh.
2)Islam is spread out without force through out the world. since Muhammad pbuh era up to now Muslims in line
lwith the Qur'an can live together in peace with other religion followers.Muslims practise the instructions and the prohibi tions stated in the Qur'an in their daily lives.Muslims are defensive and we do not offensive.We use the swords if we are attacked by other party whatever their religion is.
3)Islam as stated in the Qur'an more appreciate women than other religion.Heavren is under the foot arms of women.God or bad next generation is determined by the quality of women,because the first education is at home by their mothers.Children should obey first their mothers than theor fathers.
4)Islam and muslims around the world are brother and sisters like a body where part of it is hurted,insulted or attacked the other will have the same feeling.We have a strong unity as suggested by God in the Qur'an we should love and help each other
5)Islam has the best social philosophy by an obligation given by God to help the poor and orphans,love others,no bloodshed,no destruction of environment,no arrogant ,no stealing ,no adultery/fornication,no insulting etc.We should pay islamic taxes and donation/alm for helping others who need help.
6)Islam and its followers regard all races in the same respect.We are not racists.In the eyes of God all humans are the same,the difference lies only on their faiths whether strong or weakThe weak faith can be easily tempted by satans.
7)Islam and its followers are loyal and consistent to the principles of monotheism.We do not make ally to the only one God. bacuse syirik sin unforgivable.
Monotheism is the religion since Adam,Abraham upto the last prophet Muhammad pbuh.
8)In Islam each muslim should be responsible for his/her own sins in the final judgement.Angels record our good and bad doings every second so we should try hard to obey the instructions and prihibitions of God if we want a happy and safety life here on this earth and in the life after death.We should always remember God whereever we go and whereever we are.In islamic teaching all babies born sinless
The parents and the environment make them muslims,jews or christians or other religion followers including atheists.
9)Islam is anti collonialism and also anti slavery.Muslims respect freedom and democracy .God instructs muslims to discuss everything which is significant in togetherness before it is decided in the family and in the society..Muslim should spread out salam(peace ) and strengthen communication or silaturahmi among family,relatives,and friends. and member of society.

2007-11-12 23:20:49 · answer #4 · answered by ? 7 · 3 2

The Muslims had the good fortune of controlling the major trading routes. The amount of wealth involved was pretty astounding.
The Crusades to gain control over the spice and silk trading routes by the Catholics were pretty much disastrous failures.

It was the Portuguese discoveries of how to sail to India by going around Africa that collapsed the Islamic Empire.
The Muslims couldn't afford the running of their Empire after they lost the spice and silk money.

The Spice Ships made Portugal and Spain into the world powers instead.

Notice when you look at world maps most of the Islamic countries and people are on the ancient silk or spice roads.

2007-11-12 22:20:13 · answer #5 · answered by Y!A-FOOL 5 · 2 2

The spread is built into the religion. You see the face of peace and recognize the familiar call to live by law. You do not see the absence of grace, for that is the intent. When you have entered there is an illusion of peace until you try to leave.
Every man has turned himself into his own god. This was the original temptation. It is more desirable to such a creature to work out his own salvation by merit of his own good deeds than it is to suffer the embarrasment of admitting to the failure of his own godhood.
By plan, true Divinity is denied to the glee of the false divine. When it is too late the author of the confusion reveals himself.

2007-11-12 22:19:06 · answer #6 · answered by sympleesymple 5 · 5 1

Islāmic life is governed by three authorities—the Qur’ān, the ḤadÄ«th, and the SharÄ«‛ah. Muslims believe that the Qur’ān in Arabic is the purest form of the revelation, since, they say, it was the language used by God in speaking through Gabriel. Surah 43:3 states: “We have made it a Qur-ān in Arabic, that ye may be able to understand (and learn wisdom).” (AYA) Thus, any translation is viewed as only a dilution that involves a loss of purity. In fact, some Islāmic scholars refuse to translate the Qur’ān. Their viewpoint is that “to translate is always to betray,” and therefore, “Muslims have always deprecated and at times prohibited any attempt to render it in another language,” states Dr. J. A. Williams, lecturer on Islāmic history.

Muḥammad founded his new faith against great odds. The people of Mecca, even of his own tribe, rejected him. After 13 years of persecution and hatred, he moved his center of activity north to Yathrib, which then became known as al-Madīnah (Medina), the city of the prophet. This emigration, or the hijrah, in 622 C.E. marked a significant point in Islāmic history, and the date was later adopted as the starting point for the Islāmic calendar.

Eventually, Muḥammad achieved dominance when Mecca surrendered to him in January of 630 C.E. (8 A.H.) and he became its ruler. With the reins of secular and religious control in his hands, he was able to clean out the idolatrous images from the Ka‛bah and establish it as the focal point for pilgrimages to Mecca that continue down to this day

Within a few decades of Muḥammad’s death in 632 C.E., Islām had spread as far as Afghanistan and even to Tunisia in North Africa. By the early eighth century, the faith of the Qur’ān had penetrated into Spain and was at the French border. As Professor Ninian Smart stated in his book Background to the Long Search: “Looked at from a human point of view, the achievement of an Arabian prophet living in the sixth and seventh centuries after Christ is staggering. Humanly, it was from him that a new civilisation flowed. But of course for the Muslim the work was divine and the achievement that of Allah.”

2007-11-12 22:18:18 · answer #7 · answered by papa G 6 · 2 1

Contrary to the now popular belief, Islam was NOT spread by the sword. Islam was only spread through peace and never force. If a Muslim threatens another to convert at kill-point, then I and most Muslims believe he will go to hell. Convert-Or-Die is non-existent in Islam, however many people still try and back this claim with misleading, partial information. Unfortunately, this sounds "good" to people and they believe everything they hear, and then proceed to blindly believe that Islam is an evil religion, thinking they have sufficient information to make this judgement.

What some people mistake to be convert-or-die in Islamic history was actually a more humane, peaceful way of converting than any other religion has ever done. This occured when Muslims were attacked and needed to defend themselves. Instead of instantaneously resorting to fighting back (in defense), they first introduced Islam to those who fought them, and those who converted were not fought nor continued to fight the Muslims. Only then did the Muslim armies proceed to defend themselves from ther emaining enemies, in DEFENSE to the ATTACK, NOT because they did not convert! A measure was first taken to save as many lives as possible by converting people to Islam, thus removing them from battle and possibly saving their lives. Then, and only then, was the defensive attack continued in self-defense for being attacked in the first place, and not attacking due to the opposing side not converting.

During the Crusades, Crusaders pillaged and plundered numerous villages full of innocent civilians. They were so accustomed to these Crusaders that they would be ready for the next assault and prepare hideouts in their meager homes. But when Islam began to spread in those areas and the villagers all hid expecting Crusaders again to kill, steal, and rape, instead they were Muslim soldiers, who kindly placed money under everything they took, such as under orchards and vegetables, and did not destroy the village. To their shock, when the villagers came out of their hideouts with no one injured or killed, they came out to find money and gifts under all of their commodities. This peaceful way convinced them that Islam must be the correct religion if it was spread such a peaceful way they they were not used to. This peace made them look at Islam in a different way and ultimately caused them to convert. There is no compulsion in religion in Islam, no matter what the bias, partial media tells you. And if that is so, then the Muslim causing the compusion is a sinner.

2007-11-12 22:17:38 · answer #8 · answered by Omer 5 · 4 4


Islam is a Monotheism religion. The Newest among Judaism and Christianity. Belief in one and only God Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala. The creator and the governor of the universe. Make mankind's as agent on earth. Islam is the most wonderful religion. The religion of peace, flexible and Harmony. The religion for everybody on earth. Shows the right path to eternity and guide the living way on earth. The Holy Al-Qur'an is the Scripture on History, Law and Educations. All are in Thorah-Moses, David's Scripture-Zabur and Bible-Jesus-Christianity are in the Holy Al--Qur'an for references and knowledge. Al-Qur'an 6666 verses with 30 JUS. The most complete Scripture and not written by men. Al-Mighty God has completed religion of Islam said to our prophet Muhammad s.a.w. which Al--Mighty God ALLAH Subhanahu Wata'ala had never said to any religion before.

2007-11-12 22:28:16 · answer #9 · answered by AHMAD FUAD Harun 7 · 2 5

Every body born Muslims , but his parents make him Jewish or Christan etc,

Islam in each human heart . Every one believe there is only one true God for this universe even Atheistic at least for while .
Islam is clear . There is No God worthy worship expect Allah and Muhammad is his messenger .

Islam is a religion of equality , There is no difference between black or white .
Islam is a religion of freedom , You have your own religion , I have mine.
Islam is a religion of Justice . Muslim must to tell the truth even for whom they heat .

2007-11-12 22:13:25 · answer #10 · answered by seven seas 3 · 6 3

from what I know .. the acts of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessing be upon him )his actions and deeds which made him popular among people e.g he used to trade and a women heard about Him and she was so impressed by his honesty and his dealing that she offered marriage to him ..which he accepted and she also accepted Islam...there are so many examples which you can find ..

2007-11-12 22:16:22 · answer #11 · answered by confused 2 · 5 2

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