Be a loving and caring person and God will provide for your needs. Read the passage in its entirety and you will come to this interpretation.
2007-11-12 12:36:15
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God - Set aside some regular time to read the Bible - start in the New Testament. Find out what pleases God. Do a study on Righteousness.
If you can increase your righteousness, God will bless you because these things can be added to you. If you seek to walk in righteousness on a daily basis, it will profit you.
You can also study the reverse: ways in which I am tempted to compromise righteousness on a daily, weekly basis.
2007-11-14 02:04:50
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
there are some assumptions that are critical to understanding this passage. In the crowd that day, were people who were seeking the messiah. The assumption is they were seeking right relationship with God.
Now when Jesus came up and started to teach, the goes through the blessed are you who" list and he comes to this passage.
He is telling the people there to seek the kingdom of God first. They were under the roman rule and wanted to throw off that dominion, and Christ is telling them to seek God and his kingdom first. Also, understand that these people were always living on the brink of starvation, hense the following lines, do not worry about what you will eat or what you will wear. He is not indicating not to make provisions if you can, but do not sit there and worry about it.
He says that each day has its own problem and don't be consumed with dealing with the issues of tomorrow while you are living today.
It is a theme of the provision of God delivered on time to his people as they walk in faith, just as he delivered food to them in the desert when they came out of egypt.
In our time, the application is for us to seek the kingdom of God and concern ourselves about today.
Now again, back to assumptions, in order for you to be able to seek his kingdom now, you would have to be a christian, that is one who has confessed their sin and asked Jesus to be their LORD and savior.
Then by the power of the Holy Spirit, you can seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness.
email me if I can help any more
for the record, i'm not catholic, i'm christian. there is a difference
2007-11-12 20:53:14
answer #3
answered by magnetic_azimuth 6
Hi -- I am not a catholic but a believer --- to first seek the kingdom of God means that you should find him in your heart and follow what he shows you and to do as much good as you can do and believe in him with all your heart and this path will lead you to the kingdom which in the end is heaven-- where he will rule with goodness and love -- as far as tomorrow God simply wants you to know that if you have enough faith in him and what he can do then tomorrow will be as it is today under his watch and not to worry he and you can do everything together -- always put everyday in his hands and do not worry
2007-11-12 20:52:46
answer #4
answered by kittyjunction 2
Matthew 6:33 means to have priorities but in first place God and his will and we do that when in every single decision we think in his opinion if what we are doing is aproved by him, we have to worry about the future but not to be the only important thing in life.
2007-11-12 20:19:29
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Here's the commentary from (handy for searching bible quotes) for that passage:
"Do Not Value Possessions
Jesus exhorts us not to value possessions enough to seek them (6:19-24), quite in contrast to today's prosperity preachers and most of Western society. Yet he also exhorts us not to value possessions enough to worry about them (vv. 25-34), a fault shared by most believers who rightly reject the prosperity teaching. Jesus' words strike at the core of human selfishness, challenging both the well-to-do who have possessions to guard and the poor who wish they could acquire them. His words are so uncomfortable that even those of us who say we love him and fight to defend Scripture's authority find ourselves looking for ways around what he says."
2007-11-12 20:35:15
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I wont be so arrogant as to assume that i can interpret God's word, but I've been taught that it means, to do the good things that help you seek eternal life, and the rest of youre life will fall into place. I think it also means that trying to meet the daily and hourly temptation is the best thing we can do to make our way.
I just try to do good things, and be nice, and follow God's commandments and to do things that i think would make him smile
hope that helped
2007-11-12 20:22:19
answer #7
answered by saving_cunegonde 3
well, basically, it's telling you that the way to His kingdom is by doing good, moral deeds to your neighbors. Today, you should be a practicing catholic (actually go to church every sunday and not just Christmas and Easter), if you see someone needs help, help them, don't curse or use vulgar language, dress modestly (not like a slut or prostetute) etc...
2007-11-12 20:23:45
answer #8
answered by Pappenheimer 4
Put God before everything and trust in Him to take care of you.
2007-11-12 20:20:21
answer #9
answered by Bible warrior 5
Don't worry about tomorrow but live in this moment and trust in God's providential care.
2007-11-12 20:19:57
answer #10
answered by James O 7