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Here is something that I do not understand. Christianity teaches Christians to spread the gospel and try to make believers out of unbelievers. That explains why Christians would try to convert Atheists to believe. But tell me - why do Atheists try to convert Christians over to not believing? Why are you offended by Christians' choice to believe in their God. What bothers you so much about it?

2007-11-12 06:46:49 · 47 answers · asked by Mel 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I understand that I'm being stereotypical and that not "all" atheists try to convert - I'm just specifically speaking to the ones who do, especially the ones here on Yahoo Answers who continually try to push their point.

2007-11-12 06:51:39 · update #1

Ok, "dirtrockgrind" - "NONbeliever." Please excuse me.

2007-11-12 07:00:48 · update #2

47 answers

Atheists feel that if they can actually convert someone that it would validate their own beliefs.

2007-11-12 06:51:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 11

I don;t try to convert anyone - nor do most Atheists, pagans or agnostics. We will, however, have civil conversations discussing comparative religion with those who wish to be civil. But face it - online, few care to be civil- and you will find the name calling and rudeness starts on the Christian side more times than it does on the other. Thought there are the fanatics in each group, and I make no excuse for them. Fanatics of all types piss me off.

Believe as you wish- I'm not offended. Discuss your beliefs with me- I don't mind.

DON'T get on your high horse and tell me I'm stupid or ignorant (I have studied religions on purpose), or that you pity me and be condescending - cause nothing pisses me off more than that, or tell me I'm going to burn in hell.

THAT is what bothers ALL of us so much about it- the rudeness because we are not of your belief set. You ask us to tolerate your beliefs and accept them. Time for you to do the same.

There are ways of spreading the message without being nasty.

And many Christians say what you do isn't what matters, it's only that you believe in Jesus. Well, believe me - to the rest of the world, it is INDEED what you do that matters - and I can't help but believe that it matters to god as well.

I've had lovely discussions about religion with some very fine Christians who walk the walk, and in the end we've agreed to disagree and still remained friends.

On the other hand, I've had too many discussions (albiet many online) when Christlike behavior is the LAST thing coming out of the so called Christian on the other end.

EDIT - you realize the point only gets pushed because members of your religious tribe insist on asking questions like "Do atheists eat baby turkeys for thanksgiving, or just babies?" Yes, that was on last night. What wonderful people those are. What paragons of your religion! See the point?

2007-11-12 06:56:25 · answer #2 · answered by Cheese Fairy - Mummified 7 · 5 0

I don't try to convert because everyone has the right to believe what they want. But when someone tries to force religion on me I will point out the facts and the fact is that there is no evidence to support anything in the bible or any other holy book. This is a fact! I live in reality and use logic to come to the conclusions I do. One other fact I like to point out is that organized religion is responsible for more deaths then any disease,famine or act of mother nature combined through out history. Why would I wanna believe in something that kills in the name of something that has never be proven to be real?

2007-11-12 07:34:37 · answer #3 · answered by mrjamfy 4 · 2 0

I would almost bet that most of the Atheists on here that are making a lot of noise about being an Atheist probably are nothing more then people seeking attention for being "different", as is often the case with things. As for the whole Christian/Atheist thing I have studied the holy bible, the holy koran, and numerous other books to find my own answers.

As far as tring to convert, I would never do that, it is of my opinion that we are each entitled to believe how ever we chose and I should respect the decision you have made, be you Christian, Islamic, Muslim, Catholic, or any other denomination around. Though in saying this if you come to talk to me about religion I am going to make points that reflect my decision in this aspect, but I would not go out of my way to inflame things.

What bothers me so much about christianity, I could say numerous things, primarily though I think the Inquisition bothers me the most. Truth no matter what is arrived at, the Inquisition was an act of brutal force making people chose between life or the church. Granted I am also bothered by the treatment of christians at the hands of the romans, who constantly invented new ways of tourturing them.

In truth though I am not bothered by Christianity or religion in the slightest, I am bothered by some acts commited in the name of god, and I am bothered by the fact that individuals use religion as something to hide behind. Religion in and of itself is a beautiful thing it teaches tollerance, respect and love for everyone and thing living, something which we should all aspire to no matter our beliefs. Though if you ask me a question about the Bible, the Holy Koran, or any other holy book, or religion in general I will gladly state my opinion of it, just as you would if I asked you about something from your spacific beliefs, our views maybe very different, but we should respect the journey which brought the other to where we are in our belief.

2007-11-12 07:06:14 · answer #4 · answered by j_new42 2 · 3 3

As a Christian I had posted this question though worded it differently. "What's it to you if I believe?" I had different responses as you will too.
My guess would be that if the Christian is wrong then there will be no knowledge that they were wrong.
If the atheist is wrong there will be an eternity of awareness that they were wrong.
I think the consequences lead them to jealously try to take from others their hope of a happy eternal life and settle for "fun while your here" approach to life. Not that a Christian cannot have fun. But they would like people to think that their lives are better then a Christian who may have moral values that limits what sort of fun they may engage in.

2007-11-12 07:06:47 · answer #5 · answered by PrivacyNowPlease! 7 · 1 2

I could care less if you ever 'convert' to atheism. The only issues I may have with christians is when they continue to be proponents of the misguided and false information that is tried to be passed off as facts. The bible is not a history book. Just state that it is what you believe and leave it at that. Do not attempt to know anything about truth.

2007-11-12 06:59:08 · answer #6 · answered by ndmagicman 7 · 6 1

For one we are annoyed by Christians. More than half of all Christians are hypocrites. They condemn far too often and judge far too often , when they are not supposed to according to their own beliefs. To say someone is going to go to hell for eternity is not just ignorant it is a immoral thing to believe and it makes God seem like a dictator. Love me, love my son, or I'll light you on fire. I can't love someone, TRULY love someone that would force me to make that choice. Nor would someone who is ALL LOVING and ALL FORGIVING do that to someone. So in and of itself Christianity is a contradiction. Plus Christians ignore cold hard facts. They condemn Paganism yet deny the fact that a lot of their religion is derived from pagan religions. Anyone who is willingly ignorant needs to be taught a lesson. That is why we try to "convert" Christians into not believing.

2007-11-12 07:13:48 · answer #7 · answered by Human Larvae 2 · 3 1

I don't try to convert Christians. I debate, question, argue and answer them and their claims.

Because their belief (Christians/Muslims) actively demonizes other faiths, homosexuals, bisexuals, atheists, secularists, agnostics, etc. Not to mention the continuance of primitive patriarchy, martyrdom, anti-education and dominionism.

I have no wish to 'convert' anyone, but I'm not going to lie down and take it the slander and the lies.

Christians spread lies about me and propagandize that I am 'morally' equivalent to a murderer, thief or rapist.

In most societies that is called defamation of character or slander. In Christian society it is called 'spreading the good news'.

Meanwhile, in Islamic society, you had beware if you are gay or a woman who wants out of Islam and marry someone of another faith etc.

No coincidence that both of these religions sprang from Middle-Eastern patriarchal and ostensibly primitive, misogynistic cultures.

2007-11-12 07:01:08 · answer #8 · answered by Bajingo 6 · 5 1

No one should try to convert anyone. People should be able to choose or NOT choose what they do or don't believe in without being badgered into it.

Freedom of choice!


2007-11-12 07:39:58 · answer #9 · answered by milkmanswife2 1 · 0 0

I don't try to convert you, I'm telling you that your religion makes no sense to me and to butt out of my, and others, life. I don't care what you believe, you can believe the sky is purple polka dots if you want, but the moment to try to get me to live by your religion, harass me in my home to try to get me to live by your religion, or otherwise try to interfere with my life, is the moment we have a serious problem.

BUTT OUT. And whether YOU do those things or not doesn't mean a damned thing because the number of Christians that DO do those things far far far exceeds those that don't.

2007-11-12 07:00:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I'm not bothered. I am, however, bothered when Christians try to stereotype atheist because of the actions of some atheist hypocrites.

2007-11-12 06:51:50 · answer #11 · answered by Nuns Have No Fun 4 · 7 0

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