Good, you've been doing some deep thinking!
This question has to be approached from roughly three angles, so it is not too straightforward (as I like my questions!).
I reckon that no-one has perfect freedom, because when you do whatever you want, it usually has the effect of taking away someone else's freedom - eg. If you feel like killing or stealing (ie. the freedom to break the law) you take away someone else's freedom to live and to possess. So, to live in an orderly society with some semblance of moral values, our freedom must be restricted by society and we must live on the freedom that remains to us.
I know of no 'religion' as such which gives people a great deal of freedom, for that is not the nature of religion. The word comes from the Latin = to bind. Region is a man-made instrument for restricting man's freedom to misbehave. As such, it is good, but it also restricts him in many other ways, too - such as his right to question whatever he is taught by religion.
Religion, as such cannot lead anyone into freedom, because it originates from man, and man is a taker, not a giver. He amasses to himself, not gives away. He builds his own little (and not so little) empires at other people's expense. Just look around at where all the silver, gold and precious things are, the costly robes, the private jets, the abundance of this world's things, and the power over men to dictate to them what they should believe and you will see the evil of religion at work. By this men are not made free, they are enslaved, because this is what man knows best how to do with man.
Even if men give up religion and turn to atheism or agnosticism or something else wierd and wonderful, they will not achieve freedom, for the belief systems of this world are founded on humanism and atheism and they are just as aggressive to individual freedom as the religions are.
You don't believe me? Don't you know that you, too, are programmed just as surely as the religious are? Who programmes you? It is the schools, the universities, the media, the politicians, to name but a few. They have an agenda and a credo, too and they aim it at you incessantly. Have you had your daily dose of 'global warming' today? Haven't you noticed that not a day goes by without the mention of this, and yet, only a decade or so ago no-one had even heard about it. It is part of the politically-correct agenda which is constantly fired at people who do not know that they are being programmed. That's one example - but how about the fact that you never get a nature programme - or a geology programme - that doesn't ram in evolution. This is a THEORY, actually, but it's been subtlly presented to everyone as a LAW. Then there's the 'New World Order' - we are 'citizens of the world' now, not Americans, British, etc., anymore!
I could go on, how our children are being taught new concepts on gender, toleration, etc., which would have been foreign to school teaching only a few short years ago. They aren't taught ordinary academic subjects in any deptth anymore, but every faculty is the opportunity to impress on their minds what the new 'politically-correct' mindset is. Consequently, they know very little useful of geography, history, etc., only how to remodel the world.
No-one escapes this programming, it is all-pervasive and, if you think you are free to disagree, just you try it! Society will come down on you like the proverbial 'ton of bricks'!
Well, now all that's been said, there is a light at the end of the tunnel! There is one exception to all this taking-away of freedom which religion and society does to us. In the world there is a living witness to the truth which God himself gave to us, so that in knowing him through his Son Jesus Christ, we might be truly free. This is the only real freedom that exists, and men have even made a religion out of that, in many places. However, the true and ancient faith of the first apostles still does survive and is reviving in the world, in a Christianity seeking to expresses itself true to its first foundation.
There is religion, which is man-made, as I said before, and then there is faith. Faith is not man-made, it is God-given. It is God revealing himself - what he is like and his message to us (in his Word, the Bible and in his Son, Jesus Christ) and only God can set us free from the tyranny of man.
Christianity has the unique distinction of being the only message given to man from the lips of the Son of God himself. This Jesus actually claimed to come from God and to BE God - 'the Word was made flesh' (John 1:14). Mohammed never claimed divinity - Jesus did. Buddha didn't, either. He was a prophet, but he was not divine. No-one else ever claimed what Jesus Christ claimed, and that is why Christianity is truly called a faith and not a religion, because its founder claimed to be more than a prophet - the Son of God.
There is perfect freedom in Christ - freedom under the law - but freedom to fulfil what you were created to be, freedom to get free of the evil clutches of man, to overcome all things, to be eternally optimistic. In other words, freedom under God's terms. You have already read what freedom under man's terms is like. This is the only way out.
2007-11-12 01:43:50
answer #1
answered by homechrch 6
Reality does affect our freedom. A religion that is well tuned into reality, and the universal spirit that holds this reality together, to a degree that it functions adequately, will give you rules that keep you safe, and make you stronger spiritually. We may not yet have this perfect religion, but we need to have out traditional religions, update their spiritual ideas and training techniques, so that they become more intune with reality, and the highly advanced technological age we now live in. If we had better religions, they would help you to have more capabilities spiritually, giving you more freedom, along with the rules to keep you safe, so you don't get hurt, and find yourself not very free at all.
2007-11-12 08:51:50
answer #2
answered by astrogoodwin 7
There are a number of things which are acceptable in the Bible which are illegal in the US, and a number of things that are not illegal in the US which are forbidden in the Bible.
Adultery for example. People commit adultery all the time in the the Old Testament, the woman would be stoned; in the US, there is no law against it.
So religious beliefs and secular laws do not match up. If you are living in the US, you have to live according to the US laws.
Another example is polygamy. Many of the men in the Old Testament were polygamists, including Moses. Polygamy is illegal in the US.
2007-11-12 08:51:47
answer #3
answered by Digital Age 6
Peace be upon you
No , there is freedom.
The God when created us ,he created us free people .
He was able to make all of us follow his religion and this by forcing us but he didn't like that and make us free to choose either follow his religion or not.
We despite following the God and his religion , we sometimes disobey him, this mean we are freed either obey or disobey .
The freedom is connected to the responsability , we are free and we will pay for our choice, none force us to do anything so we must be able to receieve our results.
2007-11-12 08:51:13
answer #4
answered by rona 6