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My mom is in jail, and i talked to her on the phone so I know she sent letters to my dad, but we arn't getting any of them. So we think they must not be sending them.

2007-11-11 12:33:23 · 10 answers · asked by Gurliegurl 1 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

10 answers

Yes, but not the ones that are sent to her lawyer.

2007-11-11 13:14:16 · answer #1 · answered by raichasays 7 · 0 0

The jail system does have the right to read and or confiscate some mail. There are clear rules spelled out in the law about what is and is not allowed to be written in a letter to or from an inmate.

If you are concerned that something is not right, you should first ask the prison officials if mail is being withheld, and if so for what reason. You mother may be stating things about the prison of conditions in the prison that are violating some rule. Find out if that is the case and tell her what she is doing wrong, and the letters should get through.

And to Dave E - They do still have rights. They just might not realize how limited they are in being able to exercise the ones they still have. And how many they have given up by being convicted.

2007-11-11 12:40:49 · answer #2 · answered by Mcgoo 6 · 3 0

ALL prisons and jails in the U.S. carry mail censorship protocols that have been approved by review of Federal officials.

If an inmate's outgoing mail contains material that may call for violating the Law, threatening the innocent public or compromise the safety/security of the prison or jail facility---then it's within legal scope the prison officials can confiscate the offending mail and secure it as potential evidence, should criminal charges be levied on the inmate.

2007-11-12 16:06:01 · answer #3 · answered by Mr. Wizard 7 · 0 0

Jails in and of themselves cannot withhold mail from being sent to the address on the envelope. Having said that, they can withhold mail that MAY contain questionable content. They may or may not conduct an investigation or just turn it over to the prosecutor for further action, if any.

Your next step, if you believe mail has been sent to you from jail, is to contact the Jail's Administration and determine if in fact mail has been sent to you. If the mail is supposed to go to someone else and you are an intermediary you have NO STANDING and it will be up to the person who was supposed to receive the mail to take action. Could your Mom be leading you on to get you and your father off her back?

My experience in law enforcement indicates there is something else going on. Could it have to do with the reason she is in jail? Think about those things.

2007-11-11 12:49:26 · answer #4 · answered by jube 4 · 1 1

The superb court docket has held that prisoners do no longer forfeit all of their constitutional rights because of the fact of conviction and confinement in penal complex. Prisons & incarceration unavoidably limits many privileges and rights. The attempt was once sure if a prisoner's rights have been violated: a million. became the act rationally on the subject count number of the valid penological objective of motivating good habit? If sure, 2. became there yet another potential of attaining the penal complex's objectives without limiting the prisoners' rights? If no, then the coverage or act became is in all probability a valid restrict.

2016-10-02 03:48:18 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

They absolutely can read and confiscate any mail coming into or out of the prison that they believe is inapropriate.

To Mcgoo- Here in florida at least, it is expressly stated in state law that a person convicted of a crime looses their civil rights. After release they have to petition a judge to reinstate their rights, which may or may not be granted.

2007-11-11 12:49:39 · answer #6 · answered by jglawson80 3 · 0 0

yes they do

inmates do not have the same rights as ordinary folk. outgoing mail is censored ... it prevents gang leaders from issuing instructions to have the witnesses against them murdered (among other things).

like all of government, this mail operation is running on short budget and may well have huge backlogs that aren't ever going to be cleared.

feel free to complain to your Legislature -- I'm sure they need another excuse to raise taxes.

2007-11-11 12:40:50 · answer #7 · answered by Spock (rhp) 7 · 0 0

they do have the right, but only if they find unproper language, pictures or gang related material.

2007-11-11 12:39:04 · answer #8 · answered by Edward E 2 · 0 0

the bastards can do anything they want because when you're locked up you belong [literally] to them. i should know because i've been there

2007-11-11 13:11:36 · answer #9 · answered by Brian E 1 · 0 0

Why do people in jail still believe they have rights?

2007-11-11 12:38:15 · answer #10 · answered by China Preggo 1 · 0 5

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