Against. Everyone should get a physical before getting welfare to see if they are able to work or not. If they can work, they should get a job.
2007-11-11 10:35:12
answer #1
answered by ♥Pretty♥ ♥Kitty♥ 7
I am more against the rampant thievery from Government officials ..... I used to be totally against welfare ..... however, this divides money up into local economies for the purchase of goods and services which actually creates an economy ... so that I can go out an earn money in my own business ...... so I am no longer so anti welfare ........ and after wokring an extra ten years before having a child until we could "afford it" and then by business industry tanked this year, it was nice that my wife could use some of the services we have paid into for the past 20 some odd years to get us through a few hard months ..... and I had been just shy of 6 figures for the past ten years, I beleive thier should be a 10% income tax ac ross the board and fiscal responsibility in governement and school systems ..... dang ..... and ...what is this . this is a political question ...... yep . you got me .......
2007-11-11 18:44:44
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I am Against anyone making a way of life out of living on the welfare system.
A welfare system that is there when you need it for an emergency ( such as one time about 15 years ago my husband lost his job and we got food stamps for 1 1/2 months) I am For.
I am Against 2nd and 3rd generations living on the welfare system and teaching each other how to scam the government out of more money.
In my family (husband, wife, one child) we don't have much, but everything we have we work for. We don't use credit, we save up for and pay cash for used vehicles, we don't have magazine subscriptions, we use the public library. We buy most of our clothes second hand, but we save up for new, good shoes. We have jobs and support ourselves and we are warm and fed. We do not have a lot of extras. We do not eat out. We do not take vacations, unless it is camping.
The main thing that we can not afford is health care and health insurance. We have not been to a dentist in about 15 years. We have each been to the doctor twice in the past 20 years. It is a big decision to take our child to a doctor and dentist. We have to save for weeks for each visit and pray that we don't have a medical emergency. But our tax money is paying for excellent health care for people living on welfare.
2007-11-11 18:49:16
answer #3
answered by a former YA user 3
I have been working since I was 16 years old. When I had my daughter at 22, I had to go on Welfare for 2 years. I have been working since. I figure, everyone gets in a tough spot and you may need a helping hand. I paid into Welfare before I had my daughter and I have well paid back what I got from the State.
Now, some people on welfare, just keeping having baby upon baby to stay on welfare and they are the ones who abuse the system. I was not one of them. I say get them off Welfare and when they get a job, they will pay back what they got as well.
2007-11-11 18:41:50
answer #4
answered by missie_d_73 3
There are only a few genuine people who need assistance. Most people on welfare are just looking for a free handout. It should be a hand up instead, and only for a limited time. What people don't realize is that someone has to pay and it is us taxpayers who have to dig deep in our pockets. They think it is a faceless system that has an endless supply of wealth. It angers those who are working long hard hours only to have wages taken to support the worthless and undeserving noncontributory leeches. If one does not contribute to the support of the system, they should be disqualified from receiving the benefits from it.
2007-11-11 18:51:11
answer #5
answered by f1mudvayne29 5
I thought the tobacco company taxes were going towards welfare. I also thought the Federal government, state governments, and local governments all had a piece of the pie in welfare and other charitable organizations. I know private individuals donate money.
2007-11-11 18:39:37
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
welfare was a wonderful idea. it was there to help the ones that needed a little boost to get back on their feet. i am totally for that, i dont mind helping because one day that could be me.
but people have abused it to the point that it is a joke. they dont want to work for anything any more. they arent using it to get back on track they are using it to keep from taking responsibility. the ones that have done this over the years have given such a bad rep to the whole system that anyone that genuinely needs the help (temporarily) are persecuted.
thats not what it was supposed to be. i support the idea that welfare was based on, but not the mockary it has become
2007-11-12 01:31:32
answer #7
answered by rachael 5
For. Because everyone needs help at one time or another. We cannot take a chance on a child not getting atleast a bowl of cereal or even just a piece of bread a few times a day to eat. I believe our tax dollars are worth that chance. They pay for kids to get free lunch and breakfast at school and a roof over their head through HUD annd some Food stamps. Don't be so stingy.
2007-11-11 18:43:32
answer #8
answered by Dawn 4
That's a tough question... that system was put into effect for a good cause. So many people are abusing the system and people woh really need it can't get any help. If it weren't for the people that were abusing it, I would support it 100 0/0.
2007-11-11 18:42:17
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
That's a tough question. I'm for it for the people who need it. Not for the one's that don't or that sit at home all day having baby's they can't afford then soaking up all my tax dollars. Then there's the ones that sell their welfare money for drugs and booze. I think everyone on wellfare should have to pass a drug test every month to get their wellfare check. I have to pass one to get my paycheck. I don't see any difference.
2007-11-11 18:38:22
answer #10
answered by khrissy 3