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2007-11-11 05:00:55 · 4 answers · asked by Channabasappa K 1 in Local Businesses India Kolkatta

4 answers

Just as in Singur, the current crisis in Nandigram erupted with the West Bengal Government's decision to acquire prime agricultural land to set up a chemical hub by the Salim Group under the SEZ scheme. On 14th March, the people's resistance organised under the umbrella organisation of BUPC was brutally gunned down by the police and CPI(M) cadres. Other atrocities like rape and abduction were committed with impunity too on that fateful day.
In the face of one of the strongest criticisms ever, the state government cancelled its decision to acquire land at Nandigram. A police picket posted at Nandigram was instructed not too interfere even when the villagers divided into two clear groups were opposing each other in violent skirmishes.
As it is, the unchecked violence has set Nandigram on the boil once again. Casulaties have multiplied with each passing day and the state has been thrown into turmoil because of such horrific incidents.
Timely non-partisan police intervention would have brought about a semblance of law and order much earlier. But what one saw was a clearly partisan action by the police to bring the situation under CPI(M)'s control on 14th March. Thereafter people stood witness to total police inaction. The police knew where their interests lay and could only follow the ruling party's diktats blindly. At long last a CRPF batallion has been pressed into service to bring normalcy.
West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharya was the architect of the land grab mission. On the face of the people's uprising, the government ordered the infamous 14th March police action. But the CM never visited Nandigram in person to apologise or make a sincere effort to bring about peace. On the contrary, his local henchman Laxman Seth, the MP from Haldia persisted with the ill conceived plan to bring Nandigram under CPI(M) domination. Had Bhattacharya made a sincere effort to restore peace and normalcy, so many lives wouldn't have been lost. He can still make amends and apologise before the people of Nandigram.
The trust of the people in administration has been eroded because of its biased approach. In order to bring back the faith the administration must act impartially. All police personnel and CPI(M) cadres involved in the 14th March killings must be arrested and punished. The judiciary can make suitable directives to the government in this regard.
If everything fails, President's Rule in West Bengal might remain the only viable option to restore peace.

2007-11-11 05:46:52 · answer #1 · answered by Modest 6 · 0 0

It's the UNDEMOCRATIC; ANTI-CONSTITUTIONAL ACT OF A PARTY(CALLED "CPM") which has unlished a reign of terror through their antisocials(called as CPM CADRES).
The peaceful solution acceptable to the victims of the area is the correct way to sort out the matter.
But, in a State where the Ruling CPM Party has been indulging and encouraging such brutal suppression of voice of the people , one cannot expect a civilised norm to solve the issue. The CPM is interested in teaching a lesson to the farmers of Nandigram for daring to oppose their "ill conceived,immoral" Land Grabbing in the ame of creation of SEZ, which hardly benefits the farmers by uprooting them from their fertile agro land.
The CPM is a Party which is a curse to the state of West Bengal.It is rsponsible for various Ecomic Growth Shemes in past by resorting to Bundh, dharna etc. for many years. Today , a Grade 1 State of yester year is just history.
When they speak of Growth and Development, no Investor worth his salt believes this.
The 30 years of misrule and the utterances of these leaders in the preceding years ......yes, I mean every word of it, hardly carries any trust in minds of the prospective Investors.
The Election in the State of WB is a sham.People hardly have the right to criticise action or inaction of this Govt.
This is the Dying hours of this Party.
It resembles exactly what the East European Leaders resorted to just when the when the Communism was collapsing in the former USSR.All the leaders of this Party are thoroughly corrupt and hypocrats.
Their intention is to set an example of such brutality as the have done in N'gram to be in the minds of all ,so that no one ever dare criticising or opposing their misdeeds, which are basically "anti people" and meant for increasing their individual booty at this stage.
I am sure , the solution to N'gram issue should ot be viewed in isolation.
The people of WB have reached a point when they have to resort to viloence to overthrough and exterminate this Demon Party.
It's simply a matter of time when the people will do so.
I have great faith in the wisdom of Bengalis how to do the same.
Today what can be seen for sometime in N'gram is silence of Graveyeard.Tomorrow it will be different.
Lot of blood will be spilled and many will die.but, this s the price the people will have to pay , so that atleast, the next generation can live like civilised humanbeing with prosperity.

2007-11-12 02:30:32 · answer #2 · answered by bikashroy9 7 · 1 0

nandigram may be the signal of end of left rule n bengal

2007-11-13 04:19:51 · answer #3 · answered by cooldev 2 · 0 0

Just burry out all the Politician in Nandigram .
there is best ans other than this

2007-11-11 05:08:19 · answer #4 · answered by vishva_elect2007 2 · 0 0