Yes, but it will be along process. Maybe 20-30 years for the US to bounce back from President Bush's failure as a president, leader and human being.
The USA recovered from some of the WORST presidents (MUCH worse than Bush) such as Presidents Harding (He was corrupt and lost the White House china playing poker), LB Johnson (Got the USA in deeper into Viet-Nam, then refused to run for re-election), Richard Nixon (He used the CIA to spy on the Democrats at the Watergate Hotel and got caught, ie "Deep Throat" Mark Feldt).
The next Presidents will have a tough job cleaning-up Bush's mistakes!
2007-11-11 02:53:49
answer #1
answered by InTROLLigent 3
Mother, when exactly did Iraq attack the US? Those who attacked the US were from the countries of Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates. Iraq did not train or support the 9/11 hijackers. Even the FBI and 9/11 commission have come forward to say there was no evidence linking Iraq to Al Qaeda. So how exactly is Bush sending a message that those who attack the US will not get away with it? The Iraqi people and government did NOT attack us so surely Bush's message is that the US will exert force on innocent people if their government does not do as we say.
Ignorance like yours is what causes the rest of the world to dislike America. This man from Ireland has a valid point and America will take awhile to recover from this administration's mess. I think we will begin recovery when a new president is elected unless that new president is a Bush Republican.
2007-11-11 03:37:53
answer #2
answered by lenurse 3
If you asking about the reputation it has with the rest of the world; yes, this writer does believe the United States will be able to recover its reputation with former and even existing international allies.
The on-going harm the United States Army is in - and future long-term effects on its tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of troops combined - is going to haunt the Americans. Already, the death toll of just American solders is more than the people who were killed on September 11.
Further, I don't care what country you're in, if another invades yours, how would you feel? Liberated? Probably not. But maybe that's Bush's plan: To keep the war overseas instead of on American soil.
We'll likely have to wait decades until we truly know the costs of the damage done during Bush's tenure.
2007-11-11 09:20:37
answer #3
answered by Corey Adcock 3
Personally i think Bush has damaged relations with pretty much the whole of the eastern world which will be insanely hard to recover.
but some Americans don't see the world for what it is only for what America makes of it.
your soldiers aren't fighting for peace in Iraq because there isn't need for involvement, Bush just wanted to make one more country a democracy because two forms government cant exist 'communism isn't right because I'm in charge of a democracy' its stupid it doesn't help the world at all it only helps his position feel less threatened. in all respects Communism should work, only man is too greedy for it to work, its not bad its just the fault of man that ruins it. so i wish that Americans that are so far up their countries rear end would wake up and smell the roses, cause that stereotype isn't good for the image your country gives off.
(personally i mean no offense by this paragraph. and that i respect that very few Americans are like that. )
there wouldn't be a war on terror if the countries that are being terrorized didn't get involved in the issues surrounding the reasoning of the act terror. its not their problem and they have no right to intervene and impose their rules on a country no matter the situation.
(this is my opinion and i do not expect it to be right or wrong)
2007-11-11 03:13:59
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
President Bush doesn't always make the decisions that we think he should; but we truly believe he has America's best interest at heart. His reputation is on the line too. We pray that he will leave with things in better shape than they are in now.
If you remember correctly; shortly after his first term started is when we had one thing after another to deal with. America can't allow others to continuously destroy us without defending ourselves. The first attack started with the incident of the USS Cole. And, it has been one thing after another. We didn't do anything to really defend ourselves until the Twin Towers in New York City. That was the end of being nice. We can't allow the enemies to keep on destroying the United States of America without defending ourselves.
There is a lot of things going on that we the people don't know about; because they can't blab everything.
My ancestors are from Scotland and Ireland. We have a lot of Irish in this country. Pray for us if you will and we will certainly pray for you. God Bless.
PS: George Bush may be a lot of things but is is far, far better than Bill Clinton.
2007-11-11 04:51:36
answer #5
answered by Barbra 6
If the American people are willing to make the hard choices yes. We did it after King Bush I left us with a 5 Trillion Dollar debt and 500 Billion dollar deficit. It was difficult but we did it.
IT IS THE ECONOMY STUPID! Wasn't just a cute phrase, it was the truth. And because the people who came into the Administration to formulate policies to rid the country of that deficit and debt were the brightest and best, from all walks of lives and all parties. President Clinton was one of the most intelligent men to ever serve in office in that regard. He had personal failings, but governing this nation into a strong economy was not one of this failings.
Are you williing to stand up and be counted among those who want to turn the country back to the strong, proud nation it was before the right wing cronies on the supreme court handed this country to a dictator government that destroyed everything good about this country? I did before and will again.
Speak Truth to Power.
2007-11-11 03:07:10
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I say,let the Irish live Free and Have Self Rule.
As for the Moron elect,I hope you incompetent voters are happy.
Does the world have a Nation Bankruptcy Court.I pray the people here smarten up forever from this one.That we Never Waver from Freedom,Rights's and a respect for all humans of the world.
2007-11-11 03:13:33
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
As you can tell from some of the responses here, the fanatical right wing core of the Republican base are as crazy as they come. These dimwits however make-up about one third of the electorate. nasty people. Don't fret however, sanity will be restored, and the next president will certainly make it his/her first priority to restore trust in america's former friends....
The republicans use phrases, tactics that are akin to the former regime of the NSDAP in Germany.
Like in all countries, one must distinguish the crazies from sane, the informed from the gullible, the good from the evil...these republicans are either crazy, gullible or evil...
2007-11-11 19:40:40
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Not in the short term.
The damage is profound;both within the USA.and worldwide.
The effort to establish an "Empire."paying homage to the causing untold damage to the UN.and to political relationships with many countries.
Economically their economy appears to be on the wane;this could prove to be long term;especially if oil were to be traded in a currency other than the US.dollar.
Diplomacy needs to be improved in order to speed their recovery.
2007-11-11 03:41:06
answer #9
answered by harryhotun 4
Well unfortunately the dead GI's won't come back to life once GB has gone but if American gets a fair, intelligent, peace loving President next time round then America should heal.
2007-11-11 05:35:25
answer #10
answered by Dr Watson (UK) 5
yep...they really hosed us up
Gonna take years to fix.
And the field of candidates for 2008 Presidential elections don't look too promising.
Cheney crawled out from under his rock to beat the drum for war on IRAN.
Now they are the big threat.
they are going to take over the world.
comparing Ahmadinijad to Hitler :)
(compared to Hitler...Ahmadinijad is a PUSSYCAT)
Who they BULL****ING?
They got a year left and they still looking for trouble.
we're doomed
2007-11-11 13:46:01
answer #11
answered by zuezug 3