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30 answers

God has come down into the created universe, down to manhood—and come up again, pulling it up with Him.

2007-11-10 00:05:22 · answer #1 · answered by thundercatt9 7 · 0 3

Almighty God who came down in the flesh as Jesus Christ and dwelled among us. There were witnesses who saw His glory, but the Cross of Calvary was His purpose to take away the sins of the world and reconnect those who believe in Him so they can have everlasting life. The first Adam through disobedience brought sin into the world. The second Adam Jesus Christ through obedience and the shedding of his blood took away the sins of the world. Salvation - A free gift from Jesus Christ.

2007-11-10 00:11:45 · answer #2 · answered by Jeancommunicates 7 · 0 0

I need more then a few sentences.


My religion, the Golden Rule

I look at several things, then put that together with common sense.

The bible was not written down for generations. Then factor in translations, versions (King James Version, etc) and the game of telephone, the only logical conclusion, its folklore and smoke and mirrors.

That is why I have one religion, the Golden Rule.

That’s the one rule that is universal throughout all religions.

If that rule was adhered too, war would be rare, human suffering even rarer and mankind would be doing one hell of a lot better.

Instead, we make excuses not to follow the Golden Rule.

It is said; George Bush claimed that God told him to invade Iraq. Bin Laden claims God has instructed him to use terror. The contradictions, in both instances, makes both of them guilty of excusing their behavior that has resulted in thousands dead.

Here’s the kicker; for those believers and non believers, God and humanities basic tenet is the Golden Rule, all the rest of the rules follow that.

I wish people would understand the above. Life would be so much easier if we did. Instead, as Confucius said, “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”




2007-11-10 00:14:45 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

true or false the story goes:

He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary. Was raised by his father a carpenter. At a very young age he studied the scriptures and gain favor of men and God. At the age of 30 he started his ministry. During a short 3 years of this ministry he taught the will of his father, God, and performed many miracles. He was persecuted for blasphemy because people thought that he claimed to be God himself. He was crucified, and buried and three days later he rose from the dead. Before ascending into the highest of all the Heavens he spent 40 days on earth and appeared to many people.

It is believed among Christians that he truly was the son of God, and because of his life, death, and resurrection, that who so ever believes in him and calls on his name will inherit everlasting in Heaven. If you do not then you will be tortured in Hell forever. It is also believed that he will one day soon return to earth on a cloud and every one will see his glories return. The ones that,is alive at that time and have been waiting for him will return to Heaven with him and the rest are doomed for Hell.

2007-11-10 00:16:18 · answer #4 · answered by just because 5 · 1 0

There are not any ordinary solutions to this one. you will in all probability get some trite or petty answer, yet i does not supply you one. there is evil in this international. little question approximately it. This international itself, you may desire to comprehend, is a sort of hell. The Buddhists call it "Samsara", the international of suffering. There are any style of issues you may desire to blame for this suffering, however the main important reason is selecting evil over good, and separation from what's sweet. i'm a Goddess Worshipper, btw, no longer a Christian. no longer all and sundry on Yahoo is a Christian or Atheist.

2016-10-02 00:49:49 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Jesus came to live among us in order to show Man to God, and God to Man

Jesus did not die for our sins, because Jesus did NOT DIE, which was the point of allowing himself to be crucified, to SHOW his apostles what they didn't understand no matter how many times he tried to tell them

the kingdom of heaven is not of this earth, it is a spiritual realm, and our souls abide there forever, even after the death of our bodies

Jesus survived the death of his body, and showed his Apostles, instead of telling them, that the soul is eternal and never dies

it dwells in the house of the Lord forever

2007-11-10 00:13:03 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Jesus lived in the Middle East about 2,000 years ago, and after preaching and teaching for about three years, He was put on trial and executed by His enemies. The Bible (our source of information about Jesus) tells us that three days later He came back to life by the power of God, and was taken up into Heaven. Someday He will return to conquer evil and rule over everything in perfect justice and love.

What sets Jesus apart from every other religious leader or philosopher? Simply this: The Bible says He was God in human flesh—completely man, but also completely God. He came to earth for one reason: to reconcile us to God. Sin had separated us from God, but Jesus (who was without sin) took all our sins upon Himself, and He died in our place.

Why did He do this? The Bible says the reason is because God loves us, and He wants us to be with Him in Heaven forever. It says, "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). I pray that someday soon you too will become Jesus' follower, by giving your life to Him.

2007-11-10 01:19:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Jesus Christ was a wonderful and wise healer.However, the followers of his religion manipulated his story in a failed attempt to pacify the masses.

2007-11-09 23:59:13 · answer #8 · answered by Seán 4 · 6 2

The story of love and assurance that changed my life and gives me peace.

2007-11-10 00:13:37 · answer #9 · answered by Larry E 1 · 0 0


2007-11-09 23:57:33 · answer #10 · answered by RIck Parrish 2 · 7 2

Once upon a time some dude was nailed to a cross. He died. Then he woke up, dug his way out of his grave and was then a zombie, because anything that rises from the dead IS A ZOMBIE!

2007-11-10 00:08:11 · answer #11 · answered by Lina 5 · 1 3

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